$106,765 raised out of $75,000
Start date
Sep 26, 2021
Close date
Oct 27, 2021

WW’s biggest, most real, honest, and personal album yet – unlike anything he’s ever done.


Creating “In Case I Make It,” …in case I die.

Hello. My name’s Will Wood, and over the past couple years of undeniable badness, instability, pestilence, nightmarishly brutally honest introspection, that weird parasocial crowded isolation, the assumptions I was mortally doomed, and attempts to get well, I’ve quietly written a huge collection of my most personal songs yet. As I tried to heal from whatever it was one would call whatever I was, I kept writing these very new and very different songs, thinking to myself “I need to get this out in case I die.”
But eventually, after enough time and work, I chose to hope despite all of what seemed like many very good reasons not to.

I’m reinventing myself as an artist, because to be honest I’ve reinvented myself as a person, and I want to finally be able to express the parts of me that my fans rarely ever see, or wouldn’t even guess are there.

So the album I half-lucidly planned to call “In Case I Die” became “In Case I Make It.”

I’m nervous about this album. I don’t get stage fright. I guess because I rarely felt vulnerable. But I’m taking some serious risks here. I think good art happens when you give an audience what they want, and great art happens when you give them something they didn’t know they could ask for.

I’m going for the second one, and I wanna make sure you end up being glad I did.


• Create my biggest record yet.
I have a huge list of songs I’ve written for this album, and I want to produce and release as many of them as I can.

• Hire the most talented and qualified artists and professionals.
Fully orchestrated with entire brass band and string section, (and more!) composed by yours truly and arranged by myself and the Tapeworms.

• Write & direct videos that are my most elaborate, high quality, and honestly expressive yet.
A higher budget allows for greater creative freedom and more powerful visual storytelling.

• Create a variety of other multimedia works and events to accompany the album.
It takes a lot of different types of media to create, deliver, and promote a new vision. I hope to create better promotional materials, have higher quality in all of my regular work, and even take on new experimental projects like designing interactive album art and hosting specialized concert events for the album.

This large-scale project will follow up The Normal Album with a sprawling album full of brand new sounds, grossly personal and emotional lyrics with hopefully the right amount of humor and cynicism, elaborate orchestration, and songs many have been asking to hear studio versions of for years.


If I’m to succeed in making this the biggest, yet most intimate, work of my career, I need to finally secure a real pro budget for the first time, and really do it right. So, I’ll be working my fingers to the bone to make sure you get as much as possible for your contributions.

The more we raise (especially if we break the goal point) the more we can do!
What that means is: better production quality, more songs on the final cut, more videos to follow it all, and more!

The more you give to the campaign, the more I can give to you and everyone else who’s following.


Indiegogo is a powerful community platform that helps artists connect with fans, so they can work together as a unit to make otherwise impossible things happen.

In exchange for your contribution, I’m offering a TON of huge, exclusive perks.
These include: limited edition merch, pre-orders of limited edition signed albums, the chance to be on the album, exclusive events/experiences/private shows, even a cut of my personal profits, AND MORE.

I’ll be personally overseeing the creation and distribution of these perks, and working extra hard to make sure that you’re thrilled with these exclusive, rare items, and once in a lifetime experiences.
That way, even if you hear this album and it, for whatever reason, makes you want to drive nails through your ear drums, you’ll at least know you’ve got something special and unique, and some memories nobody else gets to have.

➼ Check the list of perks on the right to see what wild stuff I’ll do in exchange for your support!!!

“In Case I Make It,”

• I’ll be releasing my most self-aware, brutally honest, and personal work yet.

• I’ll be composing my most elaborately orchestrated and highest-quality album yet.

• I’ll be making a sprawling LP (maybe even a double if we raise enough!) worth of new music, with songs only Patreon members have heard before, and some nobody ever has.

• I’ll be directing, writing, and producing my highest-quality and creative music videos yet.

I’ll be launching a re-defining new era of everything WW.

I can’t possibly do this stuff without you.
I’ve been blessed to have unbelievably supportive fans, who have made many projects that otherwise would’ve been impossible happen.
As a team, we’ve made some big stuff, and I need your help making my biggest project yet – so I can express my realest self in case I don’t make it. I’m not terminal or anything. I just know I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.

But also in case I make it.
Because if I’m going to live this weird life I’ve stumbled into, I want to do it in a way that reflects who I am as an artist in ways I never had the guts or presence of mind to do before.

Thank you as always for your incredible support.

Much love,


Additional Info About Perks:

CD Pre-orders: These will be sent to you as soon as manufacturing is complete, meaning you’ll have one of the first run of CD’s ever made of this album.
*You can add an autograph to your order at checkout!

Vinyl Pre-orders: You’ll get one of the first runs of vinyls of this album, featuring some very unique and experimental album packaging the likes of which I’ve never even heard of.
*You can add an autograph to your order at checkout!

Collector’s Edition Vinyl Pre-orders: These are campaign-exclusive! Featuring a special colored disc, special packaging, and a certificate of authenticity signed and numbered by Will Wood – only 100 of these will EVER exist! You might end up with Number 1!

T-Shirts & Hoodies: These are campaign-exclusive. Meaning this design featuring the skeleton in mousetrap logo will never be made available on any other merch – this is the only time and only place to get this limited run of tees and hoodies!

The Gang Vocal Party: Join me and the band in studio to record special group vocals as a team. You can hear gang vocal parties on every WW record, screaming, chanting, singing, or just making noise. Listen closely – that could be you on there! We look forward to meeting you! There will be two dates available, and they will be announced soon! We recommend reserving your spot immediately as these go FAST!

Handmade WW Art: Get an original, one-of-a-kind, signed piece of handmade art created by Will Wood in his home studio just for you!
Claim this perk and you’ll receive an 8″x10″ piece of classic WW psychedelic visuals in the mail a few weeks later!
WW commissions start at $500, so this is a steal!

Be in a Music Video: Join me and the band on set while we shoot one of the music videos this campaign will be funding, and be an extra (or more!) in the video! We’ll contact you with video shoot dates and details once they’re booked, and you’ll use your confirmation email as your pass!

Private Show:  I love doing these! I’ll come to wherever you want (in NJ, South NY, Northeast PA, Northern MD, DE, VT, CT – contact us if you’re further than that and we can work something out!) and play for you and some friends! Just feed me while I’m there, eh? [Not public! Do not sell tickets to your private show! I mean, unless you wanna talk about a door deal.] Email willwood.indiegogo@gmail.com for details!

Become an Investor: For my last campaign, I sold a chunk of my personal profits, and it’s been a huge success for our big investors! Email willwood.indiegogo@gmail.com for details!

Thank you so much for your support, I can’t do it without you. If you have any other questions or requests, check out the FAQ or shoot a message to willwood.indiegogo@gmail.com!

Info About Add-On Perks:

*These are bonus perks you can only access at check-out after claiming a main perk.

Campaign Exclusive Sticker: I’ll send you an Indiegogo campaign exclusive sticker featuring the skeleton in mouse trap logo. Only ever available here and now!

Autograph: **FOR CD’S VINYLS & POSTERS ONLY!** (We can’t sign apparel or experiences!)
Choose this add-on to have your poster, CD and/or vinyl autographed!

Your Name In The Credits: We’ll put your name in the credits for the album and its associated videos!

Greeting Video From WW: Get a thank you or other form of greeting video from Will Wood! If you want a specific message, send your order number and request to willwood.indiegogo.com!


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