Raising production funds for the feature film “Mistakhan”, a social thriller.
I am Van Allen Cooper, writer and director for “Mistakhan”, a timely social thriller.
My two previous short films, “Jonnie Sunset”, and “…best served cold” achieved 164 combined international film festival awards. From Best Screenplay, Best Actor, Best Song, Best Producer, etc, our team has worked with enthusiasm and passion. The same enthusiasm and passion is evident in our first feature length film “Mistakhan”.
“Mistakhan” is a gripping tale that follows Khan, a family man and trauma surgeon, as he courageously attempts to stop Constance from detonating a suicide vest at the crowded annual island art festival. Despite his intentions, the onlookers mistakenly see Khan as the actual terrorist. The story delves into the complexities of people’s motivations, perceptions, and prejudices. The intense drama of the situation creates a compelling narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Log line
Agent Cross, from Homeland Security, is convinced Khan is the bomber and plans to neutralize him if when he rises from the ground. A young field news reporter carefully examines their recorded scene images and believes in Khan’s innocence. Now it is up to the reporter to convince the town Mayor. Together, they move to prevent a miscarriage of justice.
“Do you see what you believe or believe what you see”?
The Impact
Now is a time of great division, taking sides, and making assumptions. We believe the message of “Mistakhan”, seek the truth before judgment, is of the utmost importance. Please help us to bring “Mistakhan” to the public!
We have an angel who will be matching support up to $400,000!
What We Need & What You Get
We need to raise $400,000 to bring “Mistakhan” to screens large and small. We have the script, we have the cast, we have the locations, and we have the crew. We need to pay them…jeez, we need to house and feed them as well!
We have 18 speaking roll main actors, and a crew of 8. That is where the funds go.
…did we mention PERKS?
Signed posters!
A great feeling that you have promoted this important film!
Custom T-Shirts!
VIP Tickets to the premiere!
Dinner with the Director & Producer!
Other Ways You Can Help:
Please spread the word! Family, friends, neighbors, even strangers!
See the cast and website here: https://clementine-gold-rr46.squarespace.com/config/