$11 raised out of $90,000

Social Network for the creation of artistic projects


Interstager is a  “social-media-theater” where the community can design an art project step by step. Everybody can be part of this process by posting, voting or commenting.

We at Interstager know that what happens backstage is the highest form of creative pleasure therefore we want everybody to experience it. 

Users can choose which stage they would like to visit. Interstager is pleased to host all type of productions: movies, plays, musicals, graphic novels, dance shows, games, contemporary arts and other forms of artistic creation including whatever new technologies allows us to do. To make it all possible, every kind of artist is welcome to share his/her unique talent joining a great production. All artists will have their chance. 

HOW? Each stage has a different work in progress and this itself is a great show where a competition is held among artists: they will post their work on the stages, then the audience will vote them.  At the end only the winning works  will be part of the final production. When the competition will result in the completion of the opera on web-stage, acknowledgment will be given to all competitors while all the authors of the winning material will be credited as such.

How will the opera be known outside Interstager? In each phase of production, the “opera” will be advertised on different media. This will give visibility to all participants and to the opera itself. Once it is completed in all its parts, it will have its own fan base which will facilitate its way to the mainstream channels of art.

Why do we care about INTERSTAGER? Being an artist is not easy. How many times have you wished to audit for something but could not? You could not leave your home, you did not have the right team, the right curriculum or you did not know the right people. After a while you simply got used to art being made by someone else. 

We have been studying and performing arts for a long time. We know that there are many artists out there but not everybody is given the same chances. We believe that human beings are meant to be creative: this project allows everybody the opportunity to be on stage and express their creative side.  Regardless of the choices you had to make in your everyday life or the career path that you have taken, if you are an artist this is your stage and it is waiting for you.


TYPE OF Users: 

Basic Users are the audience: they watch and vote. Their vote is equal to 1 point.  If you enter the competition with your art, you automatically become an Art User. 

Art Users are the artists:  they can post their work and vote the work of others. Art User’s vote is equal to 2 points.  If you start as a Basic User or as an Art User but you are an expert in your field, you can submit a request to be also acknowledged as a Professional User. 

Professional Users can post their work, vote and briefly comment the work of others. Their vote is equal to 5 points.  

You can choose your level of involvement – there is no fee to pay

What goes on stage? A section of the website will be dedicated to project proposals. Users will access to a proposal page where they will be able to post a draft for a project to be produced. Other users will vote the most interesting ideas then the Artistic Direction of the website will put the most voted project proposal on the available stages, considering the needs of the platform itself and ensuring adequate space to a variety of artworks. However, if the Artistic Direction believes that a proposal is exceptionally good, it may put it directly on stage!

The Art Project: Every art project has its own “Identity Card” with essential information (title, topic, type of artwork, target, length and structure) and the list of all the calls for artist needed. These calls will be open according to a timed and planned order, clearly shown in the Identity Card of the project. It will look more or less like the following image:                                           

Timing is essential: Whatever happens on stage follows the structure of the opera, step by step. In the following example we can have a look at the details for a Grafic Novel. 

Call for artists are open one by one according to the schedule of the opera. They are programmed so one can only be open once the previous one is closed. 

Art-Users must follow the schedule in order to post their creations in the right category. Once the call is closed, it will no longer be possible to post something in that category for that opera.  

Your Power on the work in progress

What the Art-Users post, can only be voted before the call for that category is closed.  

The three most voted art-pieces are the winners for that category.

The artists of the next category will base their work on those winning art-pieces. They can choose one of them and work on it.  

The work in progress will only happen on the liked art-pieces.

To get to the end of the project, all the calls for artists listed in the ID must be fulfilled and closed.

Now the work in progress resulted in a complete artistic project to whom all participated.

 How will Interstager spend the fundings?

As it is shown in the chart below, the major share of the money collected will be use for the full development of the website. A smaller share will be invested for the graphic, server expenses and others.
