Portable clip on bluetooth gamepad for mobile gaming. Bring it with you everywhere you go.
Gaming on mobile phone is getting very interesting. Between high quality ports from PC/console, and AAA games made exclusively for mobile, there’s never a better time to enjoy gaming on your phone.
Hello, my name is Duncan Mao. I always enjoyed gaming since my very first Intel 286. These days, I wanted to enjoy gaming on my phone while I am out and about. Many of the top quality mobile games just beg to be played with gamepads. But I couldn’t find a good, portable gamepad that I can just stick in my pocket when I am away from home. So I decided to make one for myself.

After 2 years of development, over a dozen of prototypes and redesigns, I finally have a mobile gamepad that I feel comfortable playing with. I’ve enjoyed playing games on my phone with this device since early 2020. Today, I would like to share this new gamepad with you. The travel gamepad that you can bring with you everywhere you go.

This is the Jacknife Gamer – travel gamepad. The first foldable, clip on, Bluetooth gamepad made exclusively for mobile. This gamepad uses a simple arm clip to firmly wrap itself around a phone. So you can attach it to your phone whenever and wherever you want to game.
The Jacknife Gamer features a full set of face buttons in the front. They are designed to be within comfortably reach of each thumb when holding the phone in landscape position.
To fit everything in such a compact package, the right and left bumper buttons are moved to the lower back. These buttons can be accessed by the ring fingers that naturally rest above of them when holding the phone. Special tactile switches with very low activation force is used to make these buttons.

You can reach the touchscreen just as easily as you can reach the gamepad buttons. Giving you the combined gaming control of both buttons and touchscreen.
The most portable clip-on gamepad. Bring it with you anywhere you go, and enjoy gaming on your phone anytime you want.

If you are a gamer with a busy life and have to carve out time for your favourite hobby, or a gamer who want to have a travel gamepad that can go everywhere with you, Jacknife Gamer – travel gamepad is the is the one and only gamepad designed specifically for your needs. Please support this campaign and unlock all the possibilities of mobile gaming.


The Jacknife Gamer first started development early 2018 and I personally financed its R&D. All the R&D is completed. Our collaboration team have finished the most expensive and time consuming task of designing and building the injection molds. We have also contracted the suppliers for all of the components that goes into the device. The production schedule is ready and all the manufacturing parties are on standby for the production to start.

COLOURS. Many more colours. The default white and orange colour scheme was because at the very earliest stages of development, I printed my concept prototype with Prusa i3. I would like to have many more colour schemes available once we satisfy all the “early bird special” goals.
Please send me your colour scheme suggestions at: colours@jacknifegamer.com
About Jacknife Gamer Inc.
My expertise is in computer drafting (CAD) and personally designed the JKG. Going from drafting to production of the Jacknife Gamer is a learning process that I thoroughly enjoyed. To supplement my lack of knowledge in other fields like PCB and firmware design, I formed a team of professionals from around the world. Engineers from Germany, Russia, China, and Pakistan all had a hand in designing the PCB and firmware. Their collaborations built upon each other to ensured the best quality, yet simplest design. This led to the formation of the Jacknife Gamer Inc. as a company of international professionals collaboration. Professional engineers, web designers, script writers, patent lawyers, web researchers, video editors, and digital assistants from all over the world helped design the hardware, create the website, wrote the patents (2019, 2020), and made the videos for the Jacknife Gamer – Travel Gamer.

Website: www.jacknifegamer.com Email: info@jacknifegamer.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JacknifeGamer/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jacknifegamer
Youtube: JKG – Travel Gamepad channel
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/JacknifeGamer