Join the Privacy by Design Conference 2024 and create the Sustainable Internet Society together!
Notice! Pre-Check Your Privacy! / まずはあなたのプライバシーをチェックしましょう!
Privacy by Design Lab respects the backer’s fundamental rights and safeguard to process your PII in the Indiegogo campaign. We have made our original principle to express the fundamental policy to follow to process PII.
・We prioritize all of the visitors and backers and transparent use of their data with dialogues.
・We prioritize creating a safe environment for all of the visitors and backers to join this project.
・We respect all of the visitor’s and backers’ choices..
・We constantly improve our policy to use personal data in accordance with their feedback through dialogues.
Privacy by Design Lab respects all backer’s Please check our policy and purpose in advance to back this project, how will your information be used and your control in accordance with our respectfulness with your fundamental rights and please check the details policy below.
Privacy by Design Lab conducted transfer impact assessment when we decided to use Indiegogo platform and evaluate the risk to avoid the infringement of backer’s privacy. Our assessment sheet is attached below and please refer to this items.
Transfer Impact Assessment Evaluation Sheet
Please contact us if you have any questions:
Transfer Impact Assessment Evaluation Sheet
Let’s Create a Sustainable Internet Society! / 持続可能なインターネット社会を創ろう!
Greetings privacy advocates and experts!
We’re excited to open our new crowdfunding project for our big event on January 24th 2024!
We annually organize “Privacy by Design Conference” to discuss our partners, attendances and supporters for the future “Internet Society”. In this conference, we highly prioritize the dialogue with diversified participants, speakers and sponsors throughout the day.
We welcome all of our colleagues worldwide to encourage and create the future “Sustainable Internet Society” together!
来る1月24日に開催する「Privacy by Design Conference」ではパートナーや参加者、支援者の皆様と一緒に未来のインターネット社会について対話を行います。このカンファレンスでは多様な参加者や登壇者、スポンサーの皆様と一緒に広く対話の機会を作ることを大切にしています。
Why Privacy by Design Lab Started the Crowdfunding Campaign / Privacy by Design Labがクラウドファンディングを始めた理由
In the digital world, privacy and fundamental rights are becoming more crucial for our life and business. We need to empower the community with like-minded folks and create a better society together!
Our team believes this campaign promises to strengthen our commitment to save our rights and bring safety on the Internet.
About “Privacy by Design Conference” / Privacy by Design Conferenceの紹介
“Privacy by Design Conference” started from January 26th 2023, celebrating the global memorial Data Privacy and Data Protection Day on January 27th every year.
This conference is organized by Privacy by Design Lab, and other supporters and partners all over the world. At our first conference, more than 90 registered and over 100 participants(Include speakers and staff, volunteers) were concerned in a day and discussed multiple topics to create a better Internet environment.
As remarkable speakers, Privacy by Design Conference invited privacy leaders from different sectors and countries. In 2023, “Privacy by Design Conference was published by one of the most famous Japanese newspapers and social media on European Data Protection Supervisors. And, this conference was supported by the Japanese Digital Agency to increase more awareness about privacy and digital topics.
「Privacy by Design Conference」は毎年1月27日のデータプライバシーデー、データプロテクションデーを世界中の人たちと一緒に祝うことを目的として2023年1月26日に第一回が開催されました。
「Privacy by Design Conference」は一般社団法人Privacy by Design Labが主催者となり、世界中のパートナーや支援者の方々と協力して開催しています。
SHOWCASE IN 2023 / 第一回カンファレンスの様子
「Privacy by Design Conference」ではプライバシーの第一線で活躍する様々な分野の方に登壇者としてお越しいただきます。2023年1月に開催した第一回のイベントは日本でも有名な日本経済新聞に取り上げて頂き、欧州データ保護監察機関(EDPS)のソーシャルメディアでもご紹介頂きました。
For “Privacy by Design Conference 2024” / Privacy by Design Conference 2024の内容
Next year topic is “Digital Ethics” for sustainable internet in the AI periods,
In 2024, we will invite more exclusive speakers and start new trials such as hybrid contents, the sessions and gathering. Gathering is our original method referring to “World Cafe Method” that encourages the attendees to interact with the speakers and organizers to engage each other.
HYBRID SESSION with GATHERING / セッションとギャザリング
Privacy by Design Conference Backer Rewards / Privacy by Design Conference支援者へのリターン
To bring this campaign successfully, backers can choose four types of rewards from the list below.
※Please confirm the exchange rate with your currency status before backing this project due to the price lists are dollar.
Backer’s Return / 支援者へのリターン内容
- PLATINUM:$500(プラチナ:500ドル)
・JOIN BACKER COMMUNITY(支援者コミュニティへの参加券提供)
・SESSION REPORT(セッション内容報告書の送付)
※Archive videos are only permission by speakers to watch after event and 3 months available to watch.
- GOLD:$300(ゴールド:300ドル)
・JOIN BACKER COMMUNITY(支援者コミュニティへの参加券提供)
・SESSION REPORT(セッション内容報告書の送付)
※Archive videos are only permission by speakers to watch after event and 3 months available to watch.
- SILVER:$100(シルバー:100ドル)
・JOIN BACKER COMMUNITY(支援者コミュニティへの参加券提供)
・SESSION REPORT(セッション内容報告書の送付)
・TRANSFERABLE COUPON 20% DISCOUNT(譲渡可能なクーポン提供:チケット価格より20%値引き)
- BRONZE:$50(ブロンズ:50ドル)
・JOIN BACKER COMMUNITY(支援者コミュニティへの参加券提供)
Fund Goal / 達成目標
Funds will be allocated to organize conference contents and operational cost:
※Fund allocation is decided the details yer, but provisionally estimate the category of expenses to organize conference on the list. This list does not guarantee all the support to be spent with each cost, but the budget consequences will be reported after the conference.
What is “Privacy by Design Lab” / Privacy by Design Labの紹介
Privacy by Design Lab is a Japan-based non-governmental organization to accelerate collaboration with multi-stakeholders. Our vision is to create a sustainable Internet society by cooperating with international rulemakers and developing privacy culture in the world.
We started our story from 2020 with four voluntary members. Until 2021, we have established several programs to increase privacy awareness and encourage industries to work together for privacy by design practices.
Privacy by Design Labは様々なステークホルダーと協力し、持続可能なインターネット社会を目指す日本の一般社団法人です。
Privacy by Design Labは2020年に4人の有志メンバーで設立されました。2021年まではプライバシーに関する啓蒙活動と民間向けのプライバシーバイデザインプログラムを提供してきました。
OUR STORY FROM 2020 to 2021
From 2022, we have worked with public institutions and government agencies to enhance and increase awareness of privacy in our society.
OUR STORY FROM 2022 to 2023
2023 is the first year for us to start a crowdfunding project and gather support from like-minded people all over the world to empower the community.
Privacy by Design Lab’s secretariat member works on this project and conference programs, operation and engage with our partners and stakeholders. We are privacy by design experts but, we are also building the relationships and partnerships to make successful.
Privacy by Design Labの事務局メンバーはパートナーやステークホルダーと連携し、クラウドファンディングプロジェクト、カンファレンスプログラムの運用を行っています。プライバシーバイデザインの専門家としてだけでなく、パートナーと連携しながら新しい活動を推進していきます。
Risks & Transparency / 支援する際のリスクと情報公開
This funding is an all-in style project and we use all of your backs for the conference operations and rewards. Your rewards are guaranteed within the conference programs. Even if the crowdfunding project has not reached the funding goal, we have determined to organize the conference on January 24th, 2024.
このプロジェクトはAll In型で実施され、ご支援頂いた金額についてはカンファレンスの運営やリワード実施に利用させて頂きます。支援金はカンファレンス内のプロジェクトに還元され、仮にクラウドファンディングの支援目標に到達しなかったとしてもカンファレンスは実施させて頂きます。
Inquiry / 問い合わせ方法
Please contact us if you have any questions:
Privacy Policy / 個人情報の扱いについて
Please check our policy and purpose in advance to back this project, how will your information be used and your control in accordance with our respectfulness with your fundamental rights.
Privacy by Design Lab conducted transfer impact assessment when we decided to use Indiegogo platform and evaluate the risk to avoid the infringement of backer’s privacy. Our assessment sheet is attached below and please refer to this items.
Transfer Impact Assessment Evaluation Sheet