$100 raised out of $110,000
Start date
Feb 14, 2024
Close date
Apr 15, 2024

Supporting mothers and babies born by Cesarian section in Ghana.


Short Summary

Hello, I’m William Plange, an author and advocate for mental health. I’ve had the privilege of helping individuals globally find their purpose and overcome depression through coaching and speaking engagements. However, my most significant role is being a father to Keilani Plange, the inspiration behind this project.

The Keilani’s Project aims to support mothers in Ghana who undergo cesarean sections but face insurmountable medical bills. This cause hits close to home for me because during the birth of my daughter Keilani, I witnessed the struggles of other women unable to afford their cesarean section bills. It broke my heart to see them endure such stress during what should be a joyous time.

By contributing to this campaign, you’re not just providing financial assistance. You’re offering a lifeline to these mothers, ensuring they can focus on their recovery and bonding with their newborns without the burden of looming medical debt. Your support will help alleviate the emotional and financial strain these families face, allowing them to embrace the beauty of motherhood with peace of mind.

Join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of these mothers and their babies. Together, we can ensure that every woman in Ghana has access to safe childbirth without the added worry of financial hardship. Your contribution, no matter how small, will ripple out into the lives of countless families, creating a lasting impact for generations to come. Thank you for considering supporting our cause.


What We Need & What You Get

We’re aiming to support 200 mothers in Ghana this year, each undergoing a cesarean section, at $550 USD per mother. Your donation ensures mothers receive vital support without financial strain.

Contributors will be personally acknowledged to each mother, featured in a special video, and listed on our website.

If we don’t hit our target, every dollar still goes toward supporting as many mothers as possible. Join us in making a difference and spreading hope to families in need.

Thank you for your support!”

The Impact

Your contribution isn’t just a donation—it’s a lifeline for mothers in Ghana, and hope in their darkest moments. Imagine the relief on a mother’s face when she realizes she can focus on healing and bonding with her newborn, thanks to your generosity.

While this may be our first campaign of its kind, Our commitment to making a difference is unwavering. I’ve seen the transformative power of support firsthand, having previously donated books to students and offering talks on finding purpose. Now, I’m channeling that same passion into helping mothers in need.

Your support will have a ripple effect, not only in the lives of these mothers but in the world. By easing their financial burden, you’re enabling them to embrace motherhood with joy and strength, setting a foundation for a brighter future.

Together, let’s make a real difference—one mother, one family at a time. Your trust and generosity are invaluable. Thank you for joining us on this journey of compassion and empowerment.”

Risks & Challenges

Transparency is key, and we want you to know that while we’re committed to our goal, challenges may arise along the way.

However, my background in advocacy and previous experiences in community outreach equip me with the resilience and determination to overcome obstacles.

Our plan involves leveraging our network, and adapting strategies as needed to ensure success. With your unwavering support, we’re confident in our ability to navigate any challenges that come our way.

Together, we can overcome hurdles and make a meaningful impact. Thank you for believing in our mission.”

Other Ways You Can Help

If contributing financially isn’t possible for you, there are still plenty of ways to support our cause:

Spread the word! Share our campaign with your friends, family, and social networks. Utilize Indiegogo’s share tools to amplify our message and reach more people. Every bit of support helps us get closer to our goal. Thank you for being a part of our journey!


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