$2 raised out of $50,000

A Political right comic book and movie



IMDB https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12404188/releaseinfo

SYNOPSIS: a suicidal man goes on a political Rampage

When world planned events take everything from  one man, Blake fallen victim to the world elite’s plans, he  gets the help of his Wife Native American grandfather the courage and strength he needs to get his revenge.

Be Apart of taken back Hollywood

we are making America Great again and now it’s time to Make Hollywood great again writer/producer/actor Aaron Baldy  a life long entrepreneur .  Now its time to tell a Political right movie theme script and show the Liberal Hollywood that making films that the right want to see can be a very successful business model. We have the script now we just need your Help. Along with the film a comic book will be developed for our backers to add that extra benefit. its time to  ” MAKE HOLLYWOOD GREAT AGAIN”


Budgets will determine quality of the film, things to consider are Location, talent, lighting, sound, VFX and many more as our budget grows will we be adding information on Directors, Talent, Distribution, location

We want to film this Feature film in Mid November 2020 or early January 2021 things to consider if selection perks that addental cost might incur as far as travel, lodging, food,

Share! Share! Share!

If you cant donate please share our story and links it helps in ways that cant be expressed.

IMBD https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12404188/releaseinfo

FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/kilnadil

TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@kilnadil

Our team 

With more cast and crew to be announced 
