Epiphany of Dreams
The book, LAND OF THE MELTING POT KIDS, Epiphany of Dreams, embraces tolerance in diversity, through a series of exciting adventure stories. Each story is designed to motivate and encourage children to realize their greatest talents, while showing respect and acceptance of each other’s differences.
This book is the first in a series of adventure stories, to encourage children to reach for their dreams, in a changing world where everyone must coexist together. I hope to introduce the book to children in inner cities, including inner-city schools, because children in these districts are hungry for inspiration in any form. This book would be a great start in achieving my goal.
America has long been referred to as a rich, melting pot of unique people of all races, cultures, orientations, and abilities. In these volatile and polarized times, I felt the need, first, as a person and mother, and second, as a certified teacher, who cares deeply about our children, to address situations that children face in schools and in society, both now and in the future. In each series, Gen-Z children learn lessons of good character.
In the story, Sandy is confined to a wheelchair, and cannot physically engage in activities like her other schoolmates. However, her strength is in motivating them to be the best they can be. She convinces her group of friends to close their eyes and take a tumble into her imaginary melting pot. When Sandy snaps her fingers, the children go through a series of real-life experiences to realize their greatest strengths.
In the end, the children learn to work cooperatively, and accept each other’s differences. They each realize that it’s okay to have big dreams. Through their adventures together, the ‘melting pot kids’ discover that everyone is unique in their individual talents and abilities, and that these qualities play important roles in society.
Elizabeth Mary Yearwood, Author