MICHIGAN&TRUMBULL is moving and we need your help!
Short Summary
Michigan&Trumbull Pizza was born in a Pittsburgh apartment in 2017. The project came about as a result of our move to Pittsburgh. We could not find pizza that reminded us of home, so we started making the square, deep dish pizza for ourselves. After months of positive feedback from friends and family we decided to apply for a spot at a Pittsburgh restaurant accelerator food hall. We ended up operating there for over two years, before returning to Detroit and opening our own brick & mortar at the intersection Michigan&Trumbull (crazy, right?) in January 2020.
Since opening in Detroit the feedback from diners, and local/national press has been fantastic. However, in an effort to avoid raising prices and continuing our commitment to providing a living wage and charitable donations via our ‘Good Corner’ program we have decided to relocate. This decision was not an easy one, but we found a new home in the Dreamtroit development in the Elijah McCoy neighborhood.
The Dreamtroit development is similarly committed to keeping Detroit spaces inclusive, equitable and accessible to all Detroiters in spite of the city’s rapid growth. “58 of the development’s 81 residential units will rent at what ‘s been deemed as affordable housing – 17 of them will be reserved for households at or below 50 percent area median income and 41 percent will be priced at 80 percent AMI.”
The new space at Dreamtroit will require a buildout and because construction costs are currently so high, we will need a little help to make this happen.
What We Need & What You Get
We have secured some of the money required to complete our new buildout and thankfully will be able to take all of our equipment from our current location, but we are still coming up a bit short.
It’s hard to ask for help, and we are so grateful for all the business and support that we’ve received from all of you over the years, so in an effort to show our appreciation for your contributions we have worked with a couple of amazing Detroit artists to design two unique shirts just in time for the upcoming Tigers’ home opener.
The Impact
Despite being busier than ever, we are still committed to continuing to run a business that is affordable, accessible and ethically responsible and that comes with some challenges. We have incurred debt as a result of COVID and rising overhead expenses, so we would love to avoid taking on more debt which is why we are trying a more unconventional approach this time around. It is our promise to use this new opportunity to contribute to our surrounding community and provide for our guests even more, extending our hours and expanding our ‘Good Corner’ program.
Risks & Challenges
We are no stranger to challenges, in fact our story is one rife with obstacles we’ve always somehow managed to overcome. But there is no greater feeling than when you all remind us why we’re doing this and that’s what we’re chasing every single day.
Other Ways You Can Help
We acknowledge and understand that not everyone is in a position to help financially, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help! Please help spread the word by sharing this campaign and we will be forever grateful.
If you made it all the way to the bottom, thank you so much, we love every single one of you,
Kristen & Nate