Meet the Bottle Farm Mini. A modular kit that turns your old jars, cans and cups into a herb garden.
Meet the Bottle Farm Mini – a modular kit that turns your old jars, cans and containers into a herb garden. Grow fresh herbs without buying plastic plant pots, and watch your kitchen burst to life.
Clever hydroponic technology – The Mini uses a clever technology called hydroponics – add our Plant Fuel™ to tap water and give your plants all the nutrients they need to grow. It helps them grow faster than in soil and uses up to 90% less water. It also makes the Mini self-watering because the plants drink exactly the amount of water they need. You just have to keep it topped up!
Transform your waste – We’ve designed the Base of the Mini to work with almost any container up to 12 cm wide. Now you can repurpose your old jars, cans, and containers to grow something new.
Curate your own miniature herb garden – You can grow almost anything in your Minis – from herbs to fresh greens to tomatoes and chillies. For our Indiegogo backers we’re offering basil, tomato, chilli, lettuce, rocket, chive, coriander, parsley and mint seeds.
Simple set-up
Setting up your Mini is quick and easy. Just grab any used container and insert the Base, Grow Basket and Grow Pod. Then add water, wait for the Grow Pod to expand, sow your seeds and add Plant Fuel. Each kit comes with instructions on how to set up and grow.
What’s in the kit?
Each Bottle Farm Mini kit contains:
1x Base made from reclaimed wood
1x Grow Basket made from recycled plastic
3x Grow Pods made from recycled coconut husk
1x Plant Fuel™ – a special nutrient powder which gives your plants all the food they need to grow
+ Seeds – different reward tiers come with different seeds
The Base fits onto any container up to 12 cm in diameter. It’s made from a beautiful reclaimed piece of wood.
The Grow Baskets are made from 100% recycled plastic – they’re designed to support your plants as they grow.
The Grow Pods are made from recycled ground up coconut husks and provide a perfect environment for your seeds to take root.
Plant Fuel™ is a carefully created mixture of all the nutrients your plants need for quick, healthy growth. Your plants will grow up to 50% faster than normal soil growing! No garden? No Problem.
See what people say about Bottle Farm
Growing with your Mini
You can grow almost anything in your Mini. Depending on which reward tier you choose, your Minis will come with basil, tomato, chilli, lettuce, rocket, chive, coriander, parsley and mint seeds. If you want to grow something else, the Mini will work with most store-bought seeds.
Each kit contains detailed instructions on how to look after your Bottle Farm Mini from seed to harvest.
Meet Our Team
We are a team of school friends, scientists and designers from south London. After we graduated from University, we wanted to create something that would get more people growing fresh food, and have a positive environmental impact.
Being based in London, we wanted to come up with solutions that let people grow indoors and with minimal space. One of the key ideas behind our products is upcycling waste to create something new.
We launched our first product – Bottle Farm – on Kickstarter in June 2020. It was a really successful campaign and we’re still so grateful to our backers for their support. We’ve learned a huge amount since then, and all that knowledge has gone into creating the Mini, an even simpler way to grow at home.
Our design process
Our team has years of experience developing hydroponics systems – all the way from small indoor farms designed for beginners up to industrial-scale home hydroponics systems for restaurants. We’ve learned a huge amount from our first product and the 3000 happy customers who use it. We’ve spent the past year putting all that knowledge into designing the Mini. We used a beautifully simple design process. Iteration.
We take each part needed to create a Mini, work out what it needs to do, then design Version 1 and make the first prototype. Then we test it until it breaks.
From this we learn what works and what doesn’t. Then we re-design and repeat. That’s how we’ve packed so many features and so much functionality into this little box.
With your support, we are ready to bring Bottle Farm Mini to life.