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Mini Personal Watercraft


What is a Mini Ski?

Mini Skis are a small ride-on personal watercraft.  We are all about getting kids out on the water and having a fun time. Electric motors mean these are extremely safe for kids to ride,  but they are still in control and can experience the thrill of riding a PWC for themselves.  They are light-weight and super buoyant.

Advantages of Mini Ski over other Personal Watercraft

  • It’s safer due to it’s low power
  • Very low initial cost outlay.
  • No on-running costs.
  • Very easy to maintain
  • Very lightweight; under 45 kg.
  • No requirements for trailer which eliminates trailer costs.
  • No registration requirements in most Australian states.
  • No licensing requirements in most Australian states.
  • Designed to be transported on the roof rack of a car or the back of an SUV
  • Fits in garden shed and on balconies of holiday units.
  • Recyclable and very environmentally friendly
  • Very ideal on farm for use in dams.
  • Upgradeable to suit personal needs

How is the Mini Ski safer?

It’s safer for the environment due to the use of recyclable materials. It’s safer for the operator and surrounding public due to it’s limited speed which gives more time to react and reduces force of impact. It’s also made out of LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene), which is lightweight, recyclable and durable.

Operating the Mini Ski

Operating the Mini Ski is very straightforward. First, the Mini Ski needs to be switched on with the key-switch using the key. There is a throttle on the right handle of the handlebars which you twist to power the motor which drives the propeller giving the Mini Ski forward thrust. To steer the Mini Ski you simply turn the handlebars in whichever direction you wish to go and to stop you simply release the throttle, which will stop powering the motor. You may also turn the handlebars at a 90-degree angle if you wish to brake faster. For further detailed instructions on operating the Mini Ski please refer to our Operator’s Manual.

Mini Ski Models – L1

The Mini Ski L1 is specifically design for the enjoyment and recreation of a small child. With its limited power and speed, it is safe and easy to use. It provides hours of fun for the child (away from the computer) in any body of water, shallow or deep.

It is 1.7 metres long and 1 metre wide.

It is made from noncorrosive recyclable materials and can be used in salt or fresh water.

The L1 is available in pink, blue, red, green, and yellow, with black trimmings.

It is powered by a 1000W 36V DC brush-less variable speed electric motor which drives a a single propeller, protected by a safety guard. It’s operated by a spring loaded throttle, located on the right-hand side of the handlebars. For steering it has a forward rudder operated by the handlebars which can also act as a brake when turned at a 90-degree angle.

It is very quiet and environmentally friendly.

It is the baby of the units and designed for training for the larger units and can be upgraded with a larger output motor.

Mini Ski Models – G1

The Mini Ski G1 is specifically designed for the enjoyment and recreation of a large child. With its limited power and speed, it is safe and easy to use. It provides hours of fun for the child (away from the computer) in any body of water, shallow or deep.

It’s overall length is 1.7 metres and it is 1 metre wide.

It is made from noncorrosive recyclable materials and can be used in salt or fresh water.

The G1 is available in pink, blue, red, green, and yellow, with black trimmings.

It is powered by a 2000W 48V DC brush-less variable speed electric motor which drives a a single propeller, protected by a safety guard. It’s operated by a spring loaded throttle, located on the right hand side of the handlebars. For steering it has a forward rudder operated by the handlebars which can also act as a brake when turned at a 90-degree angle.

It is very quiet and environmentally friendly.

It is the medium sized of the units and is designed for enjoyment and training for the larger unit or a jet ski, and can be upgraded with a larger output motor.

Mini Ski Colour Variations

History of the Mini Ski

The Mini Ski may almost be complete, now that it’s in the final stages of development, however it has been in development for several years now. We’d like to share some of the history of the Mini Ski with you, so you can get a sense of just how much work has gone into this and how it’s gotten to the stage it’s at today.
