Dream Spirits Oneiros reveals the Secret of Dream! A Charmie & Herman’s deck!
Morpheus was one of the Oneiros, the dream spirit and God. In Greek myth and history, Morpheus is always the one to deliver messages to mortals, and only he could shape in human-form in dreams. Those dreams could liberate your Desires, Hopes & Powers. However, these dreams can also provoke your fear which you have to confront. That is the reason why I designed these Morpheus decks, you may take a deeper look at the symbols appear in your dreams. If the reality is nothing but dreams, I hope Morpheus and these decks may give you a VIVID & FULFILLING DREAM!
— Palace of Lucid Dream —
- 55 playing cards in premium 330gsm black-core card stock illustrates the Sacred Palace of Morpheus
- Deep galaxy purple foiling tuck with special medieval window-cut tuck box
- 34 Dream Spirit Oneiros’ messages in cards
- Full foiled polar light color playing cards
- Starry galaxy blue gilding deck
— Seal of Golden Sand —
- 55 playing cards in premium 330gsm black-core card stock features Morpheus Magic Sand
- Sandy-texture tuck with full metallic golden tuck
- Rare and royal golden wax seal on tuck
- Eroded golden border on every card
- Gold stained-glass pattern gilding deck
As a deck collector, tuck box really plays a critical role to my collection. Sometimes I even buy a deck just for its nice tuck or collector box~ Gradually, regular tuck box design cannot satisfy me anymore hahahaha, therefore, I would like to present you these 2 dream tucks I have imagined.
— Palace of Lucid Dream —
- Laser-cut Window Tuck! The whole tuck was designed like Palace of Morpheus. The medieval style window cut surrounded by full foiled dream-owl and ornament gate graphics. The card inside is just like Morpheus sitting in his Palace and waiting for you! This tuck is definitely an art among your collections!
- Full Foiled Purple Galaxy Tuck! This unique purple foil illustrates a dark but full of magic galaxy! No doubt this is gonna be the most special tuck you will have collected!
3D Laser cut tuck box features the King in Throne!
Full foiled and embossed two-face tuck
You will find a surprising foiling design inside the tuck ~ Collector Class!
— Seal of Golden Sand —
- Sandy Golden Tuck! The sandman comes! This tuck box features the Sandman role of Morpheus. Whole tuck is designed like a golden sand box! You can even feel the sandy texture on the box by hand ~ Be honest I really love this hand feel!
- Golden Seal of the Horn and Ivory Gate! THE SEAL OF SAND! A real 3D golden seal on the tuck box, like a sealed secret, opening the gate of horn and meet the King of Dreams in person!
Sandy-golden tuck with a REAL 3D SEAL! Time to unseal and meet the King!
Highly detailed engraving art on both tuck faces.
The Seal of Sand!
Full of scripting foiled art inside the tuck! May be you can find a little clue about King here …
— Palace of Lucid Dream —
Honestly, I am so proud of this card back design! Looking at it just like you are watching Morpheus’ dream owl through a window! A full foiled Gothic window of Dream Palace!
— Seal of Golden Sand —
Extraordinary foiled engraving style graphics portray the murals on Morpheus gate! The card edges are specially crafted as eroded shiny gold, like a real treasure glowing under the sand!
Tone-on-tone full golden foiled card you have never seen!
Hey buddies, I am not kidding. This part is the real deal of this deck! Speaking of dreams, how can we miss the Messages and Symbols in Dreams? Everything matters in dreams, a key; a fairy; a deer; those may be very meaningful for us, to show us some SECRET ABOUT SELF that we don’t know! Let’s listen carefully what the King of Dreams Morpheus, and his brothers Phantasos and Phobetor tell us in dreams ~
NUMBER cards – The Messages from Phantasos
Phantasos, brother of Morpheus. He presents messages in dreams through THINGS or INANIMATE objects! There are total 18 meaningful objects usually appeared in dreams illustrated in the number cards ~
— Palace of Lucid Dream —
— Seal of Golden Sand —
Each object carry hidden messages about SELF! Check out the secret from the Scroll of Oneiros!
ACE cards – The Messages from Phobetor
Ace cards are special too! It portrays the messages from Phobetor! He is also the brother of Morpheus, who presents messages in dreams through ANIMAL or BEAST images. 4 famous Greek Creatures are presented in ace cards like Fenrir the wolf, Aetos the eagle, Artemis the buck and Nemean the lion!
— Palace of Lucid Dream —
Full foiled Ace Cards features Fenrir, Aetos, Artemis and Nemean!
— Seal of Golden Sand —
Each creature means something in your dreams too, don’t miss it!
FACE cards – The Messages from Morpheus
Finally ~ Main course is here! Morpheus face cards! The King of Dreams is the one and only deliveries messages from God or Universe in DEITIES or HUMAN form. 12 face cards represent 12 Greek Gods with distinguish PERSONA, such as the King Zeus, the Oldman Nereus, the Warrior Ares etc. Each persona is a kind of suppression deep down in your mind. Dreaming of an old man is probably a warning from Morpheus to you about “Wisdom Crisis”!
— Palace of Lucid Dream —
Hologram foiled Gods art with golden medieval ornament palace design! Absolutely stunning!
Each face card features a famous Greek God with hidden messages about yourSELF!
— Seal of Golden Sand —
Full golden foiled Gods art and design! Looks gorgeous!
So fascinating huh? ? For details and analysis of each Oneiros’ messages, check out the Oracle Scroll in collector box “Gates of Horn & Ivory”! You will be thrilled!
Besides Phantasos symbols, most number cards are designed in Dreamcatcher style! After I read more about dream myths and related articles. I found different knitting patterns, number and color of feather may provide different blessings. So amazing! So I designed the rest of the number cards in dreamcatcher style! Hopefully can bring you many and many blessings too~
Different knitting patterns, different kinds of blessing ~
— Palace of Lucid Dream —
This was really crazy when I do this design! Cardistry and Magician friends will love this so much! All Cards are designed in POLAR LIGHT colour tone! Let’s do your own GALAXY FAN!
Fanning like a Galaxy Magic ~
Hologram foiled number cards with Polar Light colour tone in back!
Moreover ~ the gilding of this Dream Palace version is sick! This Starry Galaxy Blue Gilding deck will definitely blow your mind!
— Seal of Golden Sand —
The Eroded Golden Edges of each cards bring the most precious reflection to the deck!
Each card surrounded by a golden frame!
Full foiled gold on every card!
And the golden stained-glass pattern gilding illustrates the sacred palace of Morpheus!
Morpheus deck definitely have a card of the King of Dreams! This should be the coolest joker design you have ever seen! Metallic foiled illustration features the throne and Morpheus ~
Charmie or any Cats Fan ~ You must love this wish card! A full dark foiled extra card illustrates the dream creature – a half cat half owl spirit Charmie! And bear with me I designed this wish card for her and hope she will forever wakes me up at midnight like an owl~
My little dream creature – Charmie cat! Hope you forever healthy
So exciting! Finally we come to the Gates of Horn & Ivory! In Greek myth, good dream comes from the gate of horn while the bad dream comes from the gate of ivory. Now you are just one step away from the King of Dreams … Let’s take this rare and amazing collector box and be the special guest of Morpheus~
Gates of Horn & Ivory Collector Box
- 1 x Palace of Lucid Dream deck + 1 x Seal of Golden Sand deck
- 1 x Gates of Horn & Ivory Gift Box
- 1 x The Key of Night Owl Metal Key
- 1 x The Scroll of Sandman Guide of dream symbols
— Gates of Horn & Ivory Gift Box —
This gift box is totally another level even compare to my previous designs! The unbox experience will make you feel like OPENING THE GATE OF HORN IN PERSON! Highly detailed medieval engraving art features the worship to Morpheus & Moon. Full foiled and embossed finishing. Knock the metal handle, slide the golden gate boxes, and the King of Dreams is expecting you! So cool huh?
Door-sliding mechanism makes you feel like opening the Gate of Horn in person!
The whole gift box is full of foiled engraving art features the moon & dream worshipers!
Slide to find the KING OF DREAMS!
— The Scroll of Oneiros —
You must love this one! The special dreams code on this special manual! All dream symbols on the cards can be decoded with this sealed dark scroll! Let’s check out what Morpheus tells you in dream~
Looking for insight from dream? This scroll is the key!
— The Key of Night Owl —
What is this? A mystery key found in this limited collector box! Made by rare dark black metal with the symbolic owl crystal mark in middle. Perhaps this is the key to unlock the King of Dreams Morpheus …
This is INSANE! A full metal key with a crystal owl mark bundled with the collector box!
— ODYSSEY WINDOW Metal Plate with Light Stand —
10cm tall Vintage-Gold full metal plate with starry purple crystal glasses to help you navigate the land of dream in Odyssey! Plus the usb-lighting wooden stand with engraved logo~ This art just like a real relic took from Palace of Dream!
— THE SON OF NYX Lighting Globe with Light Stand —
Reveal Morpheus in mid-night! This crystal globe shows the King of Dreams reflection and it will be your best guardian of dream! The set included 6cm glass globe and a light stand with USB cable ~
— THE DREAM OWL Enamel Metal Pin —
Pin this and be the messenger of Oneiros! 4cm dark nickel metal features the iconic mark of Morpheus’s dream owl ~
3 unique dices in different themes, D6 dice engraved with Roman Numbers; D8 dice engraved with eight Planet Signs while D12 dice engraved with twelve Zodiac Signs for magic & occultism use. All 3 dices are designed in starry and deep galaxy purple, just like you are holding a whole fantasy galaxy on hand! Each set also comes with a Galaxy Hologram Dice Pouch, Fancy & Unique~
- IMPORTANT! It may involve tax or additional duties as imported goods. Same to what we have done in previous projects, we will declare the package value only USD5 – USD25. Hopefully this can help saving some tax charges for you. However, charge it or not, the tax stuff is totally up to your countries’ custom, if they choose to ignore our declared value to charge, we are sorry for that but feel free to let me know I am happy to see how I can help.
- Printed by WJ printing.
- Target to start shipment around April 2025
- Thank you so much for Pixabay for the amazing footages and BGM ~