Atomica Studios is making MorphLand, a survival game that utilizes the fourth dimension to create unique gameplay mechanics.
What is this game?
MorphLand™ is a survival game that uses the 4th dimension. Explore the infinite generated world and collect resources.
Welcome to the 4th dimension
Our world has 3 special dimensions. What would it look like to have four? We can’t observe the 4 dimensions fully in our 3D world. We can only have slices of it. Snippets in 3D of these 4D shapes.
In MorphLand™, the world and structures are in 4D, and you need to discover how to move and view it. In MorphLand™ there are two worlds, and you can flip between them. Some entities even hide and are only visible on the 4th dimension, so beware.
Randomly generated terrain
MorphLand’s world is virtually infinite. The world generates new terrain as you walk, randomly generated. Structures, villages, animals, and monsters can spawn. Keep an eye while you explore the world, because some things may be hiding in the 4th dimension.
Multiplayer online
Online functionally is planned for MorphLand™. Play with friends, or set up public servers. Play and explore together.
Once you go to bed, a dream sequence might play. It’s just a dream… or is it?
Your in-game character still has to eat, can take damage, and needs shelter. You need to collect resources like wood, food to make tools, create a shelter, and survive in this world. The player has an inventory, where the items the player collects are stored. These can be dropped, or equipped (in some cases). However, the player will need more than it’s inventory. The player can also store items in containers for later use.
There is an in-game achievement system. These are optional. Most of the achievements guide the player, others are references and Easter Eggs.
You are not completely alone in this world. There are others, 4 dimensional creatures that live in small societies. These are peaceful societies. You can interact with the people, and theys could reveal a part of the storyline.