Reusable Stickynote Organising system. Patent Magnetic pop up. Compatible with your current tool.
Introducing Bravestorming’s 4th campaign:
Mover Erase Uni-Size 2-in-1:
The Perfect Fusion of Whiteboard and Sticky Notes!
MEU is composed of a magnetic carrier and a slice of silicon whiteboard sticker. The tactile design allows nice fingertip grip for easy handling.
The Utility Patented Magnet Sticky Note
Patented design allows easy pick-up
MEU could be utilized with our add-on products MoveNote and Trifold. Go to Add-ons section in the menu to learn more. (Don’t worry, please pledge for the reward first, the add-on products MoveNote and Trifold will be opened for adding to your original pledge during the backer survey period after the campaign.)
6 Forms of MoveNote + Trifold
One MEU carrier can be utilised for both silicon whiteboard sticker (provided) and common sticky notes.
The size of MEU is compatible to common sticky-notes. So if you prefer paper texture, go visit the nearest stationary store to get paper refills anytime!
The silicon whiteboard sticker is detachable from the MEU carrier seamlessly for independent use.
Endlessly restickable on various surfaces
Making of waterproof material, the same block of MEU can be cleaned and reused over and over again.
To ensure MEU’s efficiency, we recommend the Staedtler Lumocolor Correctable Pens which their marks can only be erased by its’ specific dry eraser.
Users are able to capture notes on MEU with applications for review and share. Click the link to download the recommended app: https://www.post-it.com/3M/en_US/post-it/ideas/app/
The Philosophy behind MEU :
A thinking system that can boost productivity and creativity
MEU are designed in a way that users can break complex ideas/thoughts into parts:
- Note-taking & learning: Transform big, complicated ideas into multiple parts for knowledge synchronization
- Target oriented planning: Break down the ultimate goal into tiny step for easier achievements, set mile-stones
- Schedule planning: Separate different task independently for better organization, focus on one task at a time
Focus on one thing at a time to avoid brain clutters due to multi-tasking. A cluttered brain makes us stressful and disrupted, instead, a relaxed brain release us from the distracting pressure and makes us productive.
MEU + Mind-map = Know how to declutter and where to place them = Free up brain space
Mind-map templates can be downloaded from Bravestorming.com
Stay at sight, stay in mind. MEU is a great replacement of traditional sticky notes, no more curled up paper reminders falling off from the edge of your screen!
Zoom out and discuss the big picture with your team; zoom in to one single idea to brainstorm yourself. MEU is designed to facilitate both personal and team project development, via combining and splitting MEU blocks, user will be able to arrange notes in a general and specific manner.
Physical blocks give actual sensation of movements, that create a principle step of action.
Patented design allows easy pick-up
Move ideas around in a group
Compare and choose a better idea
When it comes to abstract contents, MEU gives users a feeling of real grip of the imaginary complex for better understanding and configuration.
User can stack up the MEU in the blink of an eye thanks to its magnetic feature. Pile them up to free up space, keep your workspace clean and organized.
Backers will receive MEU pack(s) with three different sticker colors : Blue, lime green and light yellow if bakcers choose the color coding version reward.
Pick up important tasks from the to-do list with the help of MoveNote (available add-on option)
With a variety of color choices of MEU, users can categorize their ideas, tasks, notes etc, into different groups based on measures such as: priorities, urgency, importance and level of time-consumption.
Skim and differentiate blocks of MEU by colors
Add on options: MEU Organisers
Optimize MEU’s functions with MoveNotes and Trifold
Keep MEU in MoveNote or Trifold note to keep your progress in plain view; no more flipping over pages, no more searching around!
General view from the 2-paged Movenote
Customize your own mind-map layout
User can find a diversity of layout templates here, available templates designed by team and our project backers. Insert your favourite template into MoveNote, stick with the plan.
A weekly-planner template for organizing your week
MoveNote is specifically designed for work purpose, the size is therefore made to fit A3 or A4 format documents that are often found in office.
User can also place other digital devices (e.g. ipad, tablets) onto MoveNote, arrange work necessities single-handedly just like that!
Trifold can be used with or without MoveNote. It is a pliable display board that can be folded into a triangular stand.
Seamlessly keep Trifold in MoveNote
So, What’s New? Why Crowdfunding?
Appreciate the co-create process of the previous 3 crowdfunding campaigns.
“Have a digital sync, meaning that while placing a physical title on the board a corresponding digital one appears on the screen”
“being able to have a digital version of it would be so cool. like taking a picture of it would update the placement of all the bricks on a website somewhere.”
“Please consider doing another campaign to upgrade the previous Movers in the first campaign…….”
You wanted an erasable version in the same sizes of 1st gen Movers and HERE THEY ARE, with a new organizer too!
Credit to Supawut5
We have interviewed and exchanged ideas with different people. And they support us with suggested templates! Does this template look useful to you?
Shipping Cost of Reward 1x
Add-on pricelist
Shipping cost for Add-on products will be revealed during backer-survey period
The Bravestorming Community
Many backers expressed that they had similar ideas when Mover debuted.
After they received movers, they are happily using them.
And this campaign is also the response to many backers after the last campaign.
So, When will yours arrive?
We have finalized our design and are ready to manufacture.
During the prototyping period, we have built a strong connection with our suppliers and excluded the bad ones.
We have done a lot of testing on prototype and tooling process to ensure the manufacturing and production process will be feasible and smooth.
If we can pull this off, with our 1st to 3rd campaigns’ successful experience, we have utter confidence to deliver what you ordered with high quality. We are estimating 4-5 months until final delivery, which should be June to July 2024.
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