An inter-species communication project in support of the Cetacea of Japan (VF ci-dessous)
Music for the Dolphins and Whales of Japan by Project Anima
Pour la Version FRANCAISE, c’est ici 
Project Anima アクティビズム キャンペーン
Japanese version is after English.
The ceremony has been postponed by a month to April 3rd!
La cérémonie est reportée d’un mois au 3 Avril!
An inter-species communication project to raise awareness for the cause of cetaceans in Japan
April 3rd in the old lunar calendar is the day of the Hamauri festival, which celebrates the connection to the living sea in Japan. On this day where we are called to remember our interdependency with the Ocean, help us kickstart a new annual tradition of “Matsuri” (Japanese Cultural Festival) to plant the seed for a new relationship between Japan and its Dolphin and Whale populations. The journey of the Matsuri will end in Taiji in late April as we will bring 566 small boats woven out of leaves to float in the waters of the Cove. These boats will symbolize the lives of the 566 cetaceans who lost their lives in the drive hunt this season.
Scroll a little bit down for the Campaign presentation in English ↓
音楽をとおして 彼らの意識との新しい交流
奄美大島に昔から受け継がれている 母なる海と繋がる浜下りの日 4月3日に
彼らのために 祝福のセレモニーをおこないます
未来に向けて 日本のこれからのジェネレーションが
イルカとクジラたちと新しい関係を築いていく はじまりを感じながら
Japanese version is after English.
Hi! My name is Leina.
Some of you might have seen me in “The Journey” (Mère Océan) by directors Anne Paris & Jan Kounen, the documentary film relating the adventure of our atypical pregnancy in the presence of dolphins and whales in the wild. https://youtu.be/p3Ax4tsYjhM
With the new year I launched “Project Anima” (projectanima.org) to spread awareness in Japan about the dolphin trade industry, captivity and commercial whaling in coastal waters.
Although these are realities which have been widely exposed in the rest of the world , they remain largely suppressed in Japan. (The Cove-Documentary: https://youtu.be/iMy0ely7poo)
As a Japanese person who has been raised in France and Hawaii, witnessing this from the “outside”, I have always felt called to “do something” about it but unsure of how. I have been so fortunate as to be able to spend years of my life witnessing and engaging with dolphins and whales in the wild. After receiving so much from them, I simply wish to give back.
Why music?
Music is an universal expression that transcends the need of a shared language and the frontier of race and (potentially) species. It is a powerful vehicle of emotions and intentions. Through the pioneering work of artists and researchers, music has been revealed as a particularly appropriate pathway of communication with the Cetacea.
(See https://www.oceanseedfoundation.org/music-as-a-… Nature of Music: Interspecies Music with Jim Nollman” on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/489775934?ref=em-share)
It was in 1970 that the world awoke to the intelligence and culture of whales with the release of “Songs of the Humpback Whale”. Produced by bio-acoustician Roger Payne, it publicly demonstrated for the first time the elaborate whale vocalizations of humpback whales and became the bestselling environmental album in history, spawning a worldwide ”Save The Whales” movement. This led to the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment ten-year global moratorium on commercial whaling (observed by all but a few nations-including Japan)
Drawing inspiration on the work of Roger Payne and Jim Nollman, pioneering artist in the field of inter-species communication, we would like to launch an awareness raising project in collaboration with Japanese artists. Our hope and intention are to engage with different species of cetaceans in Japan through music, both in the wild and in captivity.
Videos and recordings collected over the years will be edited and shared with the public to communicate on the sentient nature of these animals. We wish to convey the truth of the stories of the dolphins and whales in captivity and invite the Japanese public to deepen their perception.
We will be reaching out to sea parks and swim-with facilities in Japan to engage with the cetaceans held in captivity. We are in the process of determining the best approach to obtain permission – but we will!
Although it is not in our immediate power to release them, we hope that through music we can convey to them our feeling of solidarity and let them know they are being seen in the wholeness of their identity – as free beings belonging to the wide Ocean.
That they are not forgotten.
In that sense, we hope that Music can become a symbolic act to restore some dignity to them.
Japan’s Animist Roots
Finally, the people of Japan have historically cultivated a reverential and sacred relationship with Nature- including the Sea and its inhabitants. This became stifled and distorted throughout the ages notably with the advent of the Industrial Age and the ever accelerating race for profit.
Indigenous cultures of Japan nurture an animist perception of the world where Nature is seen and revered as vibrant with Presence and Soul. In an indirect way, Project Anima’s intention is also to contribute to the rekindling and restoration of this ancestral bond with the spirit of Nature that is embedded in the Origin Story of Japan.
Why do we need your help-now?
We would like to kickstart Project Anima on April 3rd on the day of the Hamauri Festival (which honors our relationship with the Sea) with a “matsuri”, a celebratory event in music with the Whales.
The Japanese have believed that God dwells in everything as said, “eight million gods”.
The original purpose of the “matsuri”, the Japanese cultural festival is to thank god. Originating from the indigenous God (Shamanism), Shinto and Buddhism, Matsuri refers to prayer and shows gratitude to the ritual of Nature, the gift of life and growth as a community.
There is a multitude of festivals held in Japan every year. Amongst them is the Kujira Matsuri held annually in November in the town of Taiji in celebration of their tradition as a whaling town since the 17th century.
We wish to put a twist on it and initiate a Matsuri of a different nature in celebration of the Whales and the Dolphins.
Every year from December to April Humpback Whales migrate from Arctic Waters to the southern islands of Japan to breed and give birth to their calves.
One of them is Kakeroma Island of Amami Oshima, Kyushu’s southernmost island.
Kakeroma Island is a small haven looking out onto the Oshima Channel where Humpback Whales are frequently sighted during the season.
We will invite the Japanese band Yurai, which has a long standing relationship with the Whales, to pay homage to them through music and song. The ceremony will take place on the beach facing the Oshima Channel and on the water. Musician and Singer Songwriter Dyan Coelanth and dancer Umi will join in the celebration (The second video features Umi’s dancing)
Part musical tribute, part experiment, the musicians will perform in the spirit of reconciliation and celebration to plant the seed for a new relationship between Japan and its cetacean communities.
There is no telling on how the whales will respond. Perhaps we will be so blessed as to engage a whale’s curiosity. Or perhaps there will be no evident response.
Perhaps will we find a singer and that the musicians will be able to weave their song to the Whale’s.
It will rest in the hands of Nature’s will and Magic. And we will trust that the intention for communion will be heard.
566 lost lives, 566 small boats
The journey of the Matsuri will end in Taiji in late April. We will bring 566 small boats braided with leaves by people throughout Japan to float in the waters of the Cove. These boats will symbolize the lives of the 566 cetaceans who lost their lives in the drive hunt this season. Through the ritual of song and dance, we will honor their memory and wish their spirits a safe voyage as the boats drift out to the open sea. If weather and conditions permit, Leina will swim out to take the embarcations out to the mouth of the bay to symbolize their spirits’ return to their Ocean home.
The official “music video” of the ceremony will be shared with the public as a first “communique” about Project Anima and assist us in finding sponsors who can support us in the next steps as we reach out to the dolphins & whales held in captivity in sea-parks and aquariums throughout Japan.
It might be just one ceremony but we believe it can go a long way.
Through the power of ritual and music, our intention is to initiate a new annual tradition of “Matsuri” encouraging a new relationship with the Cetacea of the Japanese waters.
What We Need & What You Receive
We need 2,00,000 Yen to realize this Opening Ceremony. (Approximately 15,000 Euros)
This will help cover:
– Travel expenses for the Musicians and Dancer (Return journey by Plane and/or Ferry to Kakeroma Island and back)
-Lodging expenses for the Artists (Three night stay at “5-Mile Bed and Breakfast” on Kakeroma)
-Performance Fee for the Artists
-Boat Charter on April 2nd
-Hydrophone and Speaker
-Travel and lodging expenses for the Project Anima Staff (Cameraman, Editor, Project Coordinators)
-Travel and lodging expenses to Taiji for the singer Ema, Leina and Cameraman
-Fee for the Cameraman and Editor
-Camera Gear Rental
-The awesome perks
Project Anima is also about connecting with Art as a vehicle for change and raising awareness.
We are so lucky to have amazing artists from all over the world supporting Project Anima-Painters, Illustrators, Musicians, Photographers.
Discover below the perks featuring some of their original art!
1. Project Ambassador Your name & Photo in the “Thank you!” Credits of the March 3rd Ceremony Video – 1200 Yen (App.10 Euros)
2. Whale & Dolphin Love Your name & Photo in the Credits + 2 Whale & Dolphin Stickers by Hawaii-based artist Danielle Burnside –2000 Yen (App.15 Euros)
3. A Little Wave of Gratitude Your name & Photo in the Credits+ Handwritten Thank you Post Card from Leina featuring Ocean Photography by Jean-Marie Ghislain+ Aboriginal Whale Sticker by Australian Artist Naomi Gittoes – 3000 Yen (App. 23 Euros)
4. One with the Pod Organic Cotton Tote Bag featuring Original Whale art by French artist Hanna Helsens + Your name & Photo in the Credits 4000 Yen (App. 30 Euros)
5. Mele Kohala- Song of the Whales Your name & Photo in the Video Credits+ Mp3 files of the Music Recordings of the Ceremony – 5000 Yen (App.38 Euros)
6. Whale Dreamtime Original T-shirt Project Anima T-shirt featuring Art by Ink & Earth + Your name & Photo in the Credits+ Handwritten Thank you Post Card from Leina featuring Ocean Photography by Jean-Marie Ghislain
7000 Yen (App. 54 Euros)
7. Box of Goodies including : Your name & Photo in the Credits, 3 Ocean Stickers, Handwritten Thank you Postcard, Digital File of Musical Recordings of Ceremony, Organic Cotton Project Anima T-Shirt
15,000 Yen (App. 120 euros)
8. Ocean Eco-Fashion Humpback Whale Long Arm Swimsuit in Recycled Materials by Naomi Gittoes + Your name & Photo in the Credits+ Handwritten Thank you Post Card from Leina featuring Ocean Photography by Jean-Marie Ghislain
20,000 Yen (App. 150 Euros)
9. A Window into the Sea 60 by 40 cm Ocean Photography Print by Jean-Marie Ghislain + Handwritten Thank you PostCard by Leina+ Your name & Photo in the Credits (Choice of 2 Photos)
30,000 Yen (App. 230 Euros)
10. Dolphin Encounters A week long trip with Leina in Sataya the Red Sea – Freediving and Dolphin Encounters (Including Lodging and Meals) (Flight not included) in June or December 2022 + Your Name & Photo in the Video Credits
300,000 Yen (App. 2300 Euros)
11. Free Dive Yakushima Two-Day One on One Freediving Initiation & Ocean Connection Course in Yakushima with Leina
(Flight and Lodging not Included) + Your Name & Photo in the Video Credits
120,000 Yen (App. 910 Euros)
The Impact
This ceremony is dedicated to the Dolphins and the Whales of Japan and in memory of those animals who have lost their lives in captivity, the drive hunts in Taiji and commercial whaling.
Through our communication efforts, we hope to initiate a people’s movement, a growing community of ambassadors in Japan for the cause of the cetacean populations in the local waters.
Your support and contribution is deeply appreciated.
Other Ways You Can Help
Join the Project Anima community – help get the word out about our initiative and the campaign by sharing with your friends and in your network.
We are also commercializing beautiful free diving fins featuring amazing original art by artist Naomi Gittoes, in collaboration with Australian brand DiveR.
Send us a message on our website for details
10% of the proceeds will go towards funding our campaign.
プロジェクトAnimaというかたちで 芽生えた
はじめまして。Leina です。14歳の時、私は深い鬱になりました。
人生を変えるきっかけになったこの経験は まるで自分が生まれ変わるようでした。
生命の大事さを さらに強く感じるようになり
それは 日本のクジラとイルカのこと。
私は日本で生まれて 1歳からヨーロッパとハワイ
そして 世界の国々で暮らしてきました。
私が日本人であることで ヨーロッパやアメリカの人たちから
わたしが ずっと気になっていたことは
世界的に禁じられているのに 北海道で行われている捕鯨
和歌山の太地町の追い込み漁で捕獲され 水族館に売られるイルカたち。
そして選ばれなかったイルカたちは 殺されていく。。
日本人である 私にできることってなんだろう
その気持ちからプロジェクト アニマ がうまれました
Project Animaフィロソフィー
アニマ anima は ラテン語で 魂という意味を持ちます
アニマル animal アニミズム animism の語源でもあります
アニミズムとは 縄文時代に日本では主流だった
人間も その大いなる自然の一部であるととらえる世界観。
現代の社会は 自然界とまったく切り離した文明を築いてきましたが
Project Animaは
Invitation を発信していきたいと思います
世界では今 水族館でのイルカやクジラの飼育を
イルカとクジラは Non-Human Persons
人間のかたちをしていない人間 と国から認められました。
それとともに 世界の色々な場所で 水族館に飼われていた
もう歳をとって 海に戻ることができないイルカたちは
引退して 海と繋がっている広いスペースの中で
Photo by Yves Lefevre
音楽は Universal Language
ザトウクジラの なつかしい歌声
音楽を通して 様々な野生の動物たちとコミニケーションをしている
Inter-species communication Artistジムノールマンのワークから
そして 追い込み漁で捕獲された
わたしには 彼らを海にかえすことは 今できないけれども
音楽を通して 私たちが海の家族の彼らに愛を送っていることを
それと水族館に今存在している子たちを訪ねていって彼らと生まれる交流を 映像と音楽を通して
母なる海と繋がる浜下りの日 4月3日に
音楽を通して 交流をして
私たちは 4月3日に
日本のイルカとクジラたちのために お祭りを行なえたらと思っています。
クジラの意識と深くつながっている 日本のミュージシャンのグループYURAI
シンガーソングライター・ぢゃん シーラカンス そしてダンサーの砂川宇水さんを
クジラたちから音楽に対して 実際に反応があるのかは分からないですが
クジラたちと意識を合わせて 演奏を行ないたいと思っています。
もしかすると 歌っているクジラと出会って
ライブのクジラの歌と共振しながら 演奏ができるかもしれない。
566の失われた命 566個の小舟
今回 566の命が失われたことがわかりました
そのスピリットが光に戻って 宇宙に戻れるように
こちらは 2019年 屋久島でおこなわれたスペシャルコラボの映像です
4月3日 どんな素晴らしい交流が起きるでしょう!
このセレモニーを実現するために 200万が必要です☆
- ミュージシャンとダンサーの旅費 飛行機/車でフェリーを利用して加計呂麻島への往復
- カメラマン 編集者 プロジェクトコーディネーター Project Animaのスタッフの旅費
- 飛行機/車でフェリーを利用して加計呂麻島への往復
- 全員の宿泊費 食事代 (加計呂麻島の5マイルB&B)で3泊
- ミュージシャン ダンサー カメラマン 編集者へのギャランティー
- 4/2 ボートチャーター
- ハイドロフォンとスピーカー 購入代金
- 和歌山太地町への旅費
Project anima は 美しいアートや音楽を通して
(画家 イラストレーター ミュージシャン 写真家)が集まってくれたことで
この美しい 喜びに満ちた Project Animaのオープニングができることになったことは
Select a perk = perk は特典という意味です
魅力的な特典ばかりなので 複数の購入も大歓迎です!!!
1. ☆Project Ambassador プロジェクトアンバサダー
3月3日に収録して発信するセレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” に この活動を支援してくださる方としてあなたのお名前と写真をのせます- 1200円
2. ☆Whale & Dolphin Love イルカとクジラの愛
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真 – 2000円
3. ☆A Little Wave of Gratitude 感謝のリトルウェーブ
映画 『Journey マザーオーシャン』の中の写真撮影したJean-Marie Ghislain の写真
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真 – 3000円
4. ☆ One with the Pod むれと共に
Project Anima のオリジナル・オーガニックコットンのトートバック
フランスのアーティストHanna Helsensのクジラのイラスト
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真 – 4000円
5. ☆Musical Offering セレモニームービーファイル(MP3)
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真- 5000円
6. ☆ Whale Dreamtime クジラのドリームタイム
Project AnimaオーガニックコットンTシャツ Artist Ink & Earthのイラスト
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真 – 7000円
7. ☆Box of Goodies おたのしみBOX
+Project Anima のオリジナルTシャツ
+Jean-Marie Ghislain のポストカードサイズの写真 with レイナの直筆のサイン
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真- 15000円
8. ☆ Ocean Eco-Fashion オーシャン エコファッション
リサイクル素材のスイムスーツ by Naomi Gittoes
+Jean-Marie Ghislain の写真(ポストカードサイズ・レイナの直筆サイン入り)
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真- 20000円
9. ☆A Window Into the Sea 海への窓
Ocean Photography Print
Jean-Marie Ghislain の写真(60×40cm サイズ・レイナの直筆サイン入り)
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真 – 30000円
10. ☆Freedive Yakushima フリーダイブ 屋久島 レイナとの時間
日程はお話合いで決めたいと思います(宿泊費 エア代 その他は含まれていません)
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真
– 限定3名 120000円
11. ☆Dolphin Encounters イルカとの出会い
美しい海 船の上で1週間過ごします (宿泊キャビン・食事・飛行場までの往復送迎 すべてが含まれます・エア代はふくみません)
+セレモニービデオのエンドロールの “Thank you!” にあなたのお名前と写真
– 限定1名 300000円
オーストラリアのアーティストNaomi GittoesとブランドDiveRとコラボして制作した
1 indigogoのページにアクセスし、購入したい特典をクリック。
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2 特典をクリックしたら「GET THIS PERK」をクリック。
これでお好きな特典を選択したことになります。3 visa master amex などクレジットカードの情報を入れます
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4 おめでとうございます この画面がでたら
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また この動きに寄付をしたいなと思った方は
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ここまでお読みいただき ありがとうございました
Project Anima website
English Version
Pour la Version FRANCAISE