Regaining control over our period data.
Your personal data should be yours and yours only; especially if it as personal as your period data.
I wouldn’t want my boss to know when I menstruate, just as I wouldn’t want to know when my neighbor has her period. Each individual should own that information and control who they share it with and when.
The current problem we are facing is that this information – when synced with the cloud, whether it’s encrypted or not – is no longer within our control and therefore it’s no longer private. This information can be, and is being used against us. If your period is late, some authorities may – and do – ask themselves whether you had an illegal abortion.
We urgently need to regain control over our period data.
Here is our plan on how we can achieve this goal of a period tracker which keeps your data private forever.
My Period Data Is Mine! – Project goals
1. Data remains on your phone
We need your help to build a period tracker which keeps your data on your phone and on your phone only – no transfers into the cloud; no handing over your data for “legal” reasons; no pseudo–anonymous handling of your data for unknown analysis; and no ads or other third parties tracking your app usage.
2. Local encryption
The data on your phone must be encrypted so that even if someone has your phone in their hands, they won’t be able to access your data – unless you give them your My Period Data Is Mine! pass code. Law enforcement won’t be able to use backdoors to “legally” access your data unless you give them permission. Your donations will pay for security and encryption experts, who don’t come cheap.
3. User design and translations
To make this app available to the widest audience possible, your donations will also pay for professional user design and translations. We want everyone to feel that the app is easy to use, and they will remember to use it every day.
We welcome input and feedback from potential users to ensure we build what you want and need!
4. Free for everyone
The My Period Data Is Mine! period tracker will be free to download and use for everyone, forever. Everyone should be able to access the My Period Data Is Mine! period tracker irrespective of financial resources.
My Period Data Is Mine! – Project plan
Our My Period Data Is Mine! period tracker app is Free and Open Source, so please volunteer on GitHub as much time as you can to help with programming, user design or whatever your area of expertise – together, we can make the best and most secure period tracker for us all.
If you don’t have time, please donate to our My Period Data Is Mine! period tracker, because the app will be free to download and use for everyone, forever.
Once your donations reach the funding goal, we will start immediately with setting up the professional team and get to work.
Our plan groups activities into 4 categories. Each activity should take us approximately 2 months to complete. In total, development should take 6 months and you will be able to use the period tracker before the start of summer 2023.
Your donations will help make this app reality and as a result keep people like you, me and our children safe. Your help will make this world a safer place for everyone.
Basic version: 2 months: This version will keep the data on your phone and on your phone only. It will be fully functional with daily entry, a monthly report view and pass code login.
Encrypted version: 4 months: In addition to the basic version, the data will be fully encrypted; ensuring that even a security expert with physical access to your phone cannot access your data without your pass code.
Advanced version: 6 months: In addition to everything in the basic and encrypted versions, it will be extended to a full health organizer (contacts, alerts, information updates).
We will be seeking user input to ensure the app delivers what you actually need.
OMG version: developed in parallel: This version will include professional translations and look & feel to make it easy to use and encourage daily use.
Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to receive our regular news on progress and the publishing date!
Alternatively, get in touch with us on info@myperioddataismine.com if you want to volunteer or provide input and feedback.