An IOS/Android Application for a social and supportive platform for those struggling with OCD.
myOCD is a community social media & support platform for those going through the numerous struggles of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The website was developed by people who have experienced the disorder first-hand to provide help and advice for those going through it with the aim to provide positive, long-term change. We provide a space for those who suffer from OCD to share their experiences and easily reach out to others should they wish to speak to somebody. We also allow members to organise online video sessions to speak to qualified professionals should they wish.
myOCD plans to build an IOS & Android application for all members to be able to use to allow for easy access to help should they feel they need support. The application will allow members to access details blogs and advice pages about the disorder as well as being able to share their experiences/ how they deal with it. The application will also allow members to easily organise video sessions with other OCD sufferers and healthcare professionals – to easily have access to help in their pocket for the most difficult times.
Our main website can be found at www.myOCD.co.uk