Total Eye Management Anywhere You Are
How are your eyes? Are you well aware of your eye’s current state and if you are, are you taking any actions? To answer these questions, we would generally visit an eye doctor to check our eyes and receive advice from the experts to take actions accordingly. Yet, why do we keep postponing this process? It is because of the restrictions that bound us such as money, distance, time, and other factors.
NeNoon is an eye care kit created by PixelRo that lets the users check their eyes’ current state and condition conveniently from wherever they are and produce a detailed report of it. After acknowledging the current state of the eyes, the app that comes along with the kit provides the users with eye exercise games and also connects them to professionals and experts to receive help and advice.
Nenoon comes with a phone stand, eye protector, eye hand holder, and mouse along with the app as a full package. These are used to assist the user in eye examinations and also allow the users to manage their eyes anywhere and anytime since they are compact and light.
Overview of the Entire Kit
Simultaneous Use of the Entire Kit
The mouse is necessary in tests that require you to set a certain distance between yourself and the phone. Since you won’t be able to reach the phone with your hand during those tests, the mouse comes to assist you during the test.
The eye hand holder is used to cover one side of your eyes during the test and the protector is used to relax after whenever you feel that your eyes are tired.
Mouse Connection Method
Bluetooth Connection for IOS Devices
NFC Tag Feature
On the phone stand, there is a NFC tag you can scan with your phone. Scanning the tag allows you to download the NeNoon app on your phone and connect with it. The stand also comes in useful during the eye examination process allowing more steady and accurate test results.
Since all the features are included in the kit, you can practically access all of the features anywhere you are as long as you have your kit and the phone with you. NeNoon removes the need to visit an expert and spend absurd money to check your eyesight.
There are a total of four tests for the eyes in the software and they each measure the user’s eye age, eye sight, macular degeneration, and halo and glare levels. In this phase, the user will follow the direction provided on the screen to complete the test and receive detailed results of their eye’s current state.
The first step of the examination starts with testing the user’s eye age. After following the simple instructions in the test, the app will give the users an approximate age of their eyes.
The second step of the examination is the eye sight test. Most of us are familiar with how this test goes and the app does exactly that. Some of you might question the accuracy of the result considering the test being taken on the app. However, NeNoon Eye Care Kit allows for accurate test. using the phone stand, mouse, and the eye hand holder to set the correct distance and environment.The app also uses distance tracking feature, which will be explained below, to obtain more accurate results of the user’s eye sight.
The third step is the macular degeneration test. Since this test might be unfamiliar with many users, we will briefly explain. Macular degeneration is an eye condition where the central vision is blurred due to the damage to the macula from aging. This test will show the users how far macular degeneration has progressed.
The last step is a halo and glare vision test. It measures your eye’s state to recognize the halo and glare and provide results according to your performance.
Embedded in the app are some intellectual technologies to grant the users optimal experience during the examination. The technology included eye ball tracking and distance tracking features.
Distance Tracking Feature
The distance tracking feature recognizes the user’s face and measures the distance between the phone and the person. The app guides you the distance you need between you and the phone for a more accurate test. Since some tests require you to be far away from the phone, the mouse included in the kit comes useful in this situation.
Eye Ball Tracking Feature
Eye ball tracking feature allows the device to recognize where the user is looking at by following their eyeball. It accurately pinpoints the user’s line of vision to achieve more accurate results for the test.
Now that the users are finished with their examinations and results, the app recommends what actions they should take. The easiest action they can take first is performing the eye exercises recommended in the app.
The app also provides the users with useful information about eyes such as eye health management habits from magazines and other educational facts about eyes.
In this final phase, the app will connect the users to the local experts to gain advice and recommendations from. The app will also use the location service to find the right eyeglasses and lens stores around the users and help them pick the right eye wear and other necessities for their eyes.
The app will also recommend you eye wear stores around you. It will advice the users with the best options and locations available. Also, within the app, you will be able to shop online for eye wears with great deals included.
In October 2017, PixelRo Co., Ltd. was reborn as a startup company as a spin-off
from Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. We develop air care solutions for display
eyesight protection and readability improvement solutions and air purifying
sterilization products for healing.
Display vision correction is a functional display solution that makes the eyes healthy
with a readability and presbyopia correction solution linked to the APP. It is a clearer
and more comfortable emotional display even if you look at one minute. provide.
The air purifier sterilizer solution is a digital healing care solution that can respond
to air quality in the pandemic era, such as Covid -virus removal, odor removal,
formaldehyde removal, and ammonia removal, based on our unique plasma ion-
generating module