The exciting final chapter to the NEVER HIKE ALONE: A Friday the 13th fan series is here!
Greetings Horror Fans!
Womp Stomp Films is excited to welcome you to the Never Hike Alone 2: A Friday the 13th Fan film crowdfunding campaign!
NEVER HIKE ALONE 2 is a feature length sequel that serves as the third and final entry to the Never Hike Alone Fan Film saga.
Set three months after the disappearance of MARK HILL (Courtlan Gordon), Crystal Lake’s haunted son and part time ambulance driver, TOMMY JARVIS (Thom Mathews), has all but given up on his search for the long lost JASON VOORHEES (Vincente DiSanti / Bryan Forrest).
However, when Tommy receives an emergency call to pick up injured hiker KYLE MCLEOD (Andrew Leighty), he will once again come face-to-face with the Ghost of Crystal Lake, setting into motion the epic and blood-soaked conclusion to their deadly rivalry.
Caught between the chaos is DR. DIANA HILL (Anna Campbell), who is still searching for answers to her son’s disappearance, and the ever stubborn SHERIFF RICK COLOGNE (Vinny Guastaferro), who believes Tommy is ultimately responsible for it all.
In 2017, our team at Womp Stomp Films successfully crowdfunded and created the Friday the 13th Fan Film, Never Hike Alone. The film debuted on October 13, 2017 as an opening night selection of the Telluride Horror Show and simultaneously began streaming for free on the Womp Stomp Films YouTube Channel where it has amassed roughly 3,500,000 views and counting.
In 2020, we followed up with a winter bound prequel titled Never Hike in the Snow which was originally meant to serve as the first of four entries to the Never Hike Alone Web Series. Despite many delays caused by the pandemic, our team debuted the film on October 13, 2020 as part of a live streaming event and has since gained 1.3 Million views.
When approaching the strategy for Never Hike Alone 2, our feeling is that the fans have waited long enough. Our team does not want to delay telling the conclusion of this story any longer, therefore we’ve combined the last three entries into one feature-length finale.
With the proper funding, we are confident in our skills as filmmakers and have faith that the Friday the 13th and Indie Horror communities will rally to see this adventure through to the end.
Our goal is to raise over $150,000 in order to complete all phases of production for Never Hike Alone 2. Reaching this goal will give our team the necessary backing to start filming in the spring / summer of 2022 and premiere in the Fall of 2022.
65% of the campaign’s funding will be invested in the production of the actual film. This includes everything from pre-production builds to on-set production costs. We anticipate that, like in campaigns past, a “Final Call” in-demand campaign will continue into the late summer and early fall of 2022.
15% of funds will be held for the production of physical perks for the backers of this campaign. We have over 5 years of experience working with our vendors and expect swift deliveries once our orders are placed.
10% of funds will be held for shipping and handling costs for both domestic and international packaging. We expect some items to ship right away, while Never Hike Alone 2 Blu Rays can be expected by January of 2023.
10% of our funds will go toward our Indiegogo hosting, processing fees, and taxes.
All funds delivered to Womp Stomp Films by Indiegogo are designated for the production costs mentioned above. No long-term profit will be made. For information on “excess funds,” please see our “Campaign for a Cause” section.
With an initial campaign goal of $150,000, only 65% of that fundraising is going toward the actual film. That is why it is important to help us in our fight to not only reach our goal, but EXCEED IT!
In order to hit a reasonable budget for this film, we did have to scale back a few of our original ideas. By hitting our stretch goals, we will be able to go back in some of the carnage currently on our cutting room floor.
$200,000 – ADD A KILL! – Help us up our body count and fund an additional death scene! Jason’s journey from the camp to the hospital is not a short walk so who knows who he’ll bump into along the way.
$250,000 – ADD A KILL MONTAGE! – Hitting this stretch goal would bring back a kill montage from the original Jason Takes Crystal Lake script that involved a house party worth of MURDER! Needless to say, this one was a team favorite and would sky rocket our body count!
$300,000 – ADD A PREQUEL PROLOGUE – If we are able to double our initial budget, our team will go back to the drawing board after the completion of Never Hike Alone 2 and follow up with another prequel titled “The Ghost of Crystal Lake.” Without giving too much away, this short film would give fans an inside look behind the birth of Ghost Jason Voorhees.
If we reach a goal of $300,000, we will need to keep a close eye on the campaign and how much further we let it go. In theory, excess funding will go directly towards our charitable causes, but we also don’t want to risk upsetting Friday the 13th rights holders.
Overall, the more funding we can raise over our initial goal, the better. If fans have been impressed with what we have done in the past, this funding will allow us to exceed expectations in every way.
Our campaign features a variety of limited edition Never Hike Alone memorabilia such as Digital Downloads, Pins, Shirts, Posters, Blu Rays, Screen Used Props and more.
Like what you see but want a little more? Don’t forget about ADD ON PERKS that allow you to add more items to your order during check out. Add on items are listed at the bottom of the screen during the check out cart.
CAMPER PACKS are a great way to bundle and save on bulk orders, while the VIP SPECIAL CREDIT BUNDLE will come with all perks and an exclusive 1 of 300 spot on the VIP Special Thank You section of the film’s credits.
For the first time every, backers will be invited to NAME A CHARACTER in the film and then watch them get killed off! We are also bringing back the fan favorite FANS ONLY COMMENTARY which will invite 5 lucky fans to record a commentary track on the Never Hike Alone 2 blu ray!
Higher backer tiers offer you the chance to join our team as a PRODUCERS. This will give you exclusive access to behind the scenes material and insight into the project along with YOUR NAME appearing in the opening credits of the film.
Not only will Producers have direct communication with our filmmakers, they will also be invited to visit the set during production or volunteer their time as a part of our crew.
Want a CUSTOM ORDER? E-mail our team at wompstompfilms@gmail.com and we can build you a SECRET PERK just the way you want it!
Founded in 2016, WOMP STOMP FILMS was created by Vincente DiSanti as an avenue to pursue live-action genre entertainment. This group was drawn together by a common passion for Friday the 13th and turning great stories into visually engaging films.
Since our founding, our group has helped filmmakers raise over $400,000 in crowdfunding for various projects and delivered on our promises for every one of them. This campaign culminates everything we have learned about the process of crowdfunding independent fan films and allows us an opportunity to tell the completion to our story in a financially responsible way.
The Never Hike Alone project has always been one of passion and never about making a profit. After all, profiting off of fan fiction is illegal and something to be taken very seriously, especially when crowdfunding.
To remain non-profit for this campaign, Womp Stomp Films will be donating proceeds to the Penny Pines Reforestation Project, JD Martz Recovery Fund, and the Special Olympic.
The national forests in California cover some 20 million acres, or about 1/5 of the state. That is equal to an area just slightly larger than the state of South Carolina . Stretching from the Mexican border to Oregon , these forests include a variety of terrain and vegetation types. These areas of great beauty and majestic stature are plagued by divesting problems, such as natural and man-caused fire, pests and disease. These cause vast depletion and destruction of the national forests in California .
It takes thousands of firefighters and hundreds of pieces of specialized equipment working long hours to control these blazing infernos. Fires like these leave total destruction in their wake. As destructive as fires are, disease and insect infestation destroy seven times more forest vegetation annually than fires because forests pests are scattered and not easily detected, so are harder to control. In time some land may recover naturally. Penny Pines provides a helping hand. It is a conservation program in which everyone can participate.
If you would like to make a direct donation to Penny Pines, you can do so at their website.
Shortly after the completion of principle photography In August 2017, the course of JD Martz’s life changed forever. As he dove into a wave at Manhattan Beach in California, he injured his C3 and C4 vertebrae, leaving him paralyzed from the shoulders down.
After spending one month fighting for his life in the Intensive Care Unit, JD defied the odds by regaining the ability to breathe without a ventilator and to speak on his own again. Subsequently, the 29-year-old left his successful career behind in California and moved into his parent’s home in Beverly, MA to recover. With a tireless approach and positive attitude, he has taken on an extensive rehab regimen to begin his quest toward recovery.
JD is not only a great friend, but served an important role as Co-Director of Photography on Never Hike Alone specializing in action / go pro photography, camera operation, and being an all around bad ass on set. Without him, there is no way Never Hike Alone could have been completed and our team can think of no better way to repay his efforts than to support him in his journey to a full recovery.
If you would like to make a direct donation to JD, you can do so at his website.
Thank you for taking the time to look over our campaign and know that we are greatly appreciative for any support you can give. After making your contribution, we simply ask that you please share this campaign with friends or family you believe will enjoy this film.
Thank you again for your continued support of independent films.
See you on the trails!
Womp Stomp Films love engaging with our fans. Reach out to us on our website or any of the various social media platforms listed below.
e-mail: wompstompfilms@gmail.com
website / twitter / facebook / instagram / youtube
“Are fan films legal?” is a common question we get. The short answer is yes, fan films are legal and fall within the FAIR USE DOCTRINE of 1976. Since the rise of fan films, several written and unwritten rules have been created:
1. A fan film may not deceive consumers by misrepresenting themselves as an official production of the property the film is portraying.
2. A fan film may not be exclusive to watch, but rather made available to view for free by whatever means necessary. Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook or other free streaming platforms can be used.
3. A fan film cannot profit in any way from its viewership, charge for public screening, or be sold for distribution for any kind.
4. All funding raised by a fan film in crowdfunding must go into the production with filmmakers taking no payment for their services.
5. Some fan film properties require additional rules such as budget caps, run time, and the participation of franchise alumni.
Ultimately, it is up to the franchise rights holders to determine what rules they want to enforce or if they want to allow fan fiction of their properties to exist at all.
On the subject of the rights to Friday the 13th, we would again like to formally acknowledge that Womp Stomp Films is in no way affiliated with Paramount Pictures, New Line Cinema, Warner Brothers, or anyone one else associated with the Friday the 13th Franchise. If anyone from those entities takes issue with what we are trying to accomplish, we will happily comply with whatever is asked of us by those parties.
We also know that many popular franchise rights holders have no issue with fan films and most often support them. That is why there are so many Friday the 13th, Star Wars, Halloween, Star Trek, Nightmare on Elm Street, Batman, and countless other property fan films currently floating around the web. As long as one does not try to profit or compete, studios usually see them as a free marketing tool.
The most notable case of a fan film vs a studio is documented in the court case surrounding Axanar: A Star Trek Fan Film. In that case, the filmmakers were asked to stop production by Paramount Pictures after raising 1.13 million dollars on Kickstarter.
The budget for this campaign is much lower and is only meant to cover the unavoidable expenses of production costs. Every dollar we receive from our campaign is spent directly on the film along with the production, packaging, and shipping of the campaign perks.
If our funding goal seems like a large sum, it is actually considered very small in terms of filmmaking production. The process of crowdfunding and producing an independent film is not a cheap endeavor, especially if you want the job done correctly and safely.
We believe the budgets we’ve calculated will allow us to accomplish what we’ve set out to do, while remaining within respectable cost limitations.
When it comes to excess funds, we will be donating a portion of our profits to charity and make additional contributions as costs balance out on our future productions. We are extremely proud to be able to use our film’s popularity for a good cause and make a difference in the ongoing effort to protect our environment from wildfires through PROJECT COLLEGE CAMP, assist with the JD MARTZ RECOVERY FUND, and donations to the SPECIAL OLYMPICS.
We hope this clears up any questions in regards to this campaign. If you have any other questions, please contact us at wompstompfilms@gmail.com