$500 raised out of $50,000
Start date
Jul 08, 2024
Close date
Aug 08, 2024

A feature film written and directed by Tim Helsley.


Short Summary

Dear friends, it’s been a decade since we last crowdfunded and asked for money for a short film. Over that time, myself, my very talented friends; have all spent the last decade honing in our skills to ensure that the next project we do is the most excellent. I am so excited to share the work we have started on our first feature film- Never Stay Quiet. 

This project is a culmination of years of hard work, and a lifelong passion of mine in particular. It’s a deeply personal experience and story that I cannot wait to share with the world. 

It is only with the generosity, love, and support of each of you- that will allow me to be more successful than I’ve ever imagined. A decade ago, creating my first film was a huge step, and you were instrumental in that. Without you, it would have never happened. This time is no different, although it’s a much larger ambitious project, still very achievable with your help. 

What We Need & What You Get

Let’s break it down so you can see exactly where your money would go:

  • First and foremost, we’re seeking $10,000 to pay our incredibly talented cast and crew. We’re so excited to have signed contracts with some truly fantastic artists, including Bryson Mansell, Jamie Sears, Benjamin Bowman, Will Lampe, Sarah Swift, George Metropolis, Gant Montgomery, and more! Coming from all over the states- these actors need all support they can get. We all work in this industry out of passion, because it’s in our heart; but we do still have bills to pay at home! 
  • Second, we are seeking $5,000 to assist with hotel, travel, and accommodations for each of our actors traveling in from out of state. We also need $6,000 for craft services and catering during production. 
  • Third, we are in need of $18,500 for film permits, props, wardrobe, makeup, and set design. We have several contacts in the area that are providing us with great resources, including using a school, courthouse, bar, and more. There are several expenses that are large ticket items, such as obtaining two police cruisers, location permits, and specific equipment needed.
  • Fourth and final, approximately $10,500 for post production support, including a music score, festival entry fees, and film distribution deals to several small streaming platforms.

We have several tiered reward levels as a thank you for your support. 

Our top tier reward includes ticket entry(2) to the film premier in Charlotte, travel to the set and spend a day with the cast and crew, be an extra in the film, receive executive producer credit In the film and IMDB, receive signed copy of the screenplay from the director, receive a free Blu-ray of the film, and receive a signed poster.

The Impact

This project is so important to us as the artists, as well as the community we are trying to reach. As an LGBTQ+ film, we are proud to have representation in our film, from our two lead actors, a supporting actor, and our director- who are all members of the LGTBQ+ community. 

Our story centers around the struggles that two gay teen boys endure when living in a small town. After several intense encounters with a local sheriff’s deputy, things take a turn for the worse, and tragedy strikes this small-town community. We follow the aftermath of the tragedy and the journey from crime to punishment. It’s a story of vengeance, a riveting court case that will reveal the truth, and how justice comes in many forms. It’s a love story, and like most, it’s filled with joy and sadness, peace and heartbreak.

It’s a story that can impact not only the LGBTQ+ community, but the people around us, who love us, support us, and encourage us. It’s not just a gay story- it’s a story of understanding, empathy, strength, courage, and justice.

Risks & Challenges

People value your transparency. Be open and stand out by providing insight into the risks and obstacles you may face on the way to achieving your goal.

  • The experience from creating my first film in 2014 provided me with extremely valuable information that I couldn’t get any other way- first hand experience.
  • Over the last decade since, I have been creating documentaries, mini-docs, music videos, shorts, and other videos that have helped me hone my skills. 
  • Any project like this has potential risks, however- with support from our sponsors like you, we can mitigate the most likely risks that would prevent us from being successful.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can’t contribute financially, that’s okay. There are many other ways you can help us be successful. 

  • If you have access to certain props we need, such as a crown vic or two, that would be great! 
  • If you have connections to anyone who works for state parks, courthouses, police, schools, bar; location permits are a big cost- so connections that you have may help curb some of those costs.
  • SHARING and asking for others to help is the single biggest and easiest way you can help if you cannot afford to financial contribute. 

And that’s about all there is to it. 🙂 
