A web series showing that God’s light is stronger than anything in the world.
What is Night/Light?
Night/Light will be a website that is populated with stories from around the world that will highlight the goodness, love, and power of God. In a world that seems to be getting darker by the day, Night/Light will be an oasis for people to turn to when they want to escape the darkness, stress, and struggles of our culture. In the Bible, God is only directly described as two things: love and light. Night/Light will therefore attempt to shine a light on the love of God, and in doing so, will be a source of inspiration, hope, and peace in a chaotic and fallen culture.
How Will It Work?
Based on the initial raise, Darren will film a series of stories that he has already identified, and will continue to film more as future finances allow. In the meantime, he will also be curating hundreds of stories from both the internet, existing ministries doing extraordinary things, and everyday people from around the world. The goal is to have a database of God stories that will have something for everyone. From miraculous encounters, divine timing, sports, music, business, science, and more, you won’t have to go far to understand that Jesus was serious when he said that he “has overcome the world.” God is real, and He is good. Night/Light will prove it.
What We Need & What You Get
Our initial raise is for $100,000. This allows us to create a robust website that is custom created for the expansive vision of Night/Light, and also allows Darren to film between 5-10 unique, mind blowing stories of God’s miraculous nature. It also allows us to bring hundreds of curated content to the website that will be accessible to everyone.
If we don’t raise the full goal, we will still proceed forward, but simply with limited resources and less unique content.
Who’s Behind This?
Darren Wilson is a filmmaker, author, and speaker best known for his “God-umentaries” where he travels the world filming God moving in real time. These include Finger of God, Father of Lights, the Holy Ghost trilogy, and The God Man. His streaming service, WP TV, has hundreds of hours of content that Darren has filmed over the years, and some of that will be incorporated into Night/Light as well.
Darren has been one of the most successful Christian filmmakers to use crowdfunding, and he has a firm track record of completing crowdfunded projects. His crowdfunding for the Holy Ghost movie was, at the time, the most successful raise for Christian media in history.
Risks & Challenges
While there is always a risk with these kinds of things, the nature of Night/Light allows for it to be supremely flexible, meaning you can be assured that your contribution won’t go to waste, even if we don’t raise our full goal. Then again, reaching (or exceeding) our goal will make the finished product the most amazing it can be.
What Will Night/Light Cost?
Night/Light will be totally free. This is the reason for this initial raise in funding. It costs money to build a robust, custom website, as well as to go film various stories as Darren will be doing. Once it is launched, there will be an opportunity for people to continue to sow into the project if they so choose. But it’s important to Darren that this be free and open to anyone who needs a lift from God.
Can I Contribute A Story?
Eventually, yes! Once the website launches, there will be a way for anyone around the world to contribute their story or suggest a video be added. Of course, everything will be curated, as we want to make sure that every video/story on Night/Light meets the standards of our mission.
When Will Night/Light Launch?
It all depends on certain factors around filming schedules and website creation, but we are looking at a launch sometime mid-2025.
What Kinds Of Stories Will Darren Film Himself?
At the moment we don’t want to go into too much detail, as Darren still needs to finalize what he’ll film, and we also don’t know what kind of budget he’ll have until the fundraising is finished. But we can tell you that the ones he does choose to film are going to blow your mind. While some of the stories added to Night/Light will be of the “feel good” variety, Darren wants this to be a place that has real depth and will make the existence and love and power of God undeniable.
How Many Stories Will You Have At Launch?
That’s hard to say. Darren hopes to have 5-10 originals by launch, but we don’t yet know how many curated videos will be included. Rest assured, it will be a lot, and we’ll constantly be adding to it as the site grows.
How Will This Compare To WP TV?
WP TV is a streaming service from Darren’s company, WP Films, and contains everything he’s ever created in the last 20 years. Movies, shows, specials, shorts, it’s all there. But WP TV is a paid streaming service for WP’s exclusive content. Night/Light will be free, and will contain a combination of Darren’s material and videos from others around the world.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are unable to contribute financially (remember, the rewards tiers are simply one option–you can give as much or as little as you like), there are still ways you can help. At the very least, help us get the word out about this by sharing on your social media channels. Feel free to use the Indiegogo share tools to make everything that much easier!