Permanently integrated self-charging battery booster for all types of vehicles.
You JUMP START your vehicle from the DRIVER’S seat
There’s a lot of things people don’t want to happen on the road. Traffic. Stormy weather. Low gas tank. But there’s one thing that really frustrates people. What’s that you ask?
A dead battery.

The last thing anyone wants is for their car not to start when leaving for work or when leaving from a fancy restaurant or special event. If it did though, what would you do? Call towing? Maybe a family member, friend or neighbour? Then you’d have to wait for them to come. But like most people, we’re often in a hurry, and frankly, just don’t have the time to “sit and wait.”
Luckily, we’ve found a way to solve this problem if ever you’d be faced with it – and let’s be honest – it CAN happen.

With the first-ever Smart Boosting Unit, you can simply boost your car from your driver’s seat with a click of a button. Waiting time: 0. Yes, this device can be triggered directly from the unit itself AND from your smartphone! Not only can you access the temperature of the unit and its level of voltage, you’ll also know exactly when your vehicle is ready to start – all within one single app.

Equipped with an Ambient Temperature Detector, our unit will automatically heat the lithium battery for the most efficient BOOST. No other unit in the world has this feature.


It can be installed in cars, boats, emergency vehicles, RV’s, VTTs and more. Have an electric car? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered too. EZBOOSTER can be installed in electric cars, for as long as the vehicle has a 12V battery.

Find out which is best for you by choosing between a removable device that comes with extra clamps, or a more permanent option that cannot be removed from your vehicle.

EZBOOSTER travels with you whenever and wherever, so you never have to worry about your car not starting ever again.
Drive with ease. Drive with EZBOOSTER.