Save Lives & Expand Options; Safer and More Effective Option than Vaccines.
Novacc is designed to be THE solution for respiratory viruses. While engineered primarily as a 100% effective solution to the SARS-CoV-2 virus; the resulting product and its proprietary technology are designed and engineered to be effective against ALL respiratory viruses (SARS, H1N1, MERS, flu, Covid, future viruses).
As vaccines have emerged to address the Covid pandemic, many are unable to accept vaccination. While exemptions have been declared for many (children, pregnant women, women attempting to become pregnant, religious beliefs, allergies to ingredients and those with specific health issues); there should be an option available for this population to combat viral infection. What emerged through research, development, design and engineering is not only an option to combat Covid – but truly the best option.
With 30 years of manufacturing experience and having built relationships in numerous countries across the globe, this allowed the Novacc creator to have direct communication about Covid impacts, as well as measures utilized in other countries to combat Covid. The primary reason for global input was to ensure Novacc would have a global impact.This type of communication was also perceived necessary as the United States has performed more poorly than almost every country on the globe, including third world countries. Per Worldometers data, out of 218 countries and provinces – 206 have a lower Covid infection rate than the United States.
Additionally, 206 countries have a lower Covid mortality rate than the United States.
The data clearly shows that the United States’ current measures are less effective than those in other countries. Current ineffective solutions are still being enforced and restrictions are increasing; without benefit. The time to act is NOW!
Only Novacc offers a solution that kills the SARS-CoV-2 virus that is removable, prevents infection, prevents transmission, applies to other respiratory viruses, avoids injection into the human body, while also avoiding adverse side effects up to and including death.
To further complicate the vaccine issue, additional vaccines are being developed for the different variants to Covid. The more logical solution is ONE option that is effective against all variants.
The Journey
It all began with an idea to create an alternative to vaccines. The final result is not simply an alternative, but a superior choice to combat and eliminate Covid. Rather than attempts to “block” the virus from attacking the human body, Novacc takes an offensive approach to “killing the virus”. This thought process led to the concept of Novacc. If there existed a way to kill all viral particles from entering the lungs, while at the same time killing all viral particles from being exhaled – the result would not only be the true prevention of infection, but also that of transmission.
The idea was vetted to doctors, nurses, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Georgia Tech, GCMI (Global Center for Medical Innovation) and the Georgia Governor’s office. Alternative ideas, negative aspects and improbabilities were encouraged and explored. The feedback was incredible! With no negative feedback, many not only offered support but have now partnered with Novacc to develop, build and test the prototype.
Arguably one of the best healthcare law firms in the nation was retained, including an exceptional patent attorney within this firm. A conflict search was conducted (with no conflicts present), documentation, CAD drawings and technical specifications were submitted and Provision Patent # 63/257,098 was awarded October 18, 2021.
This created more momentum to expedite the prototype development, testing and final product. Two of the parties interested in supporting this project are Georgia Tech and GCMI (Global Center for Medical Innovation). The partnership of these entities provides valuable medical, technological, regulatory, engineering and commercialization experts to expedite development, production and distribution of Novacc.
So how does Novacc work?
The “simple” explanation is that inhaled air enters into an environment in which viral particles cannot survive. As air enters the body, this means no live virus is inhaled into the lungs. In reverse, exhaled air goes through the same process to kill all live viral and even bacterial particles. In essence mankind will serve as an air filter for the planet, to cleanse live virus from the atmosphere.
- First Responders, Doctors, Nurses
- Military
- Nursing homes, Assisted Living Centers
- Church, Concerts, Sporting Events
- Airline, Ship & Rail Travel
If Novacc is available to the population of the region at the point of outbreak, this would allow for quick containment and eradication of the virus. Medical personnel at the front lines would have an option to eliminate both infection and transmission. In reality, everyone would have an affordable option to provide security during a respiratory virus epidemic (i.e. – SARS, H1N1, MERS, flu, Covid, etc…) until health officials are comfortable the threat no longer exists.
The goal of Novacc is to provide this solution at a cost not to exceed $100 per unit. Accessibility should be as easy and affordable as owning a cell phone. For a cost that provides an effective solution for Covid, but also provides a proactive solution for the next respiratory virus – the goal is affordability for everyone.
Why is Novacc the better solution?
In August 2021, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky cited a Mayo Clinic study that found effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine fell from 76% in January to 42% in July 2021; while the effectiveness of the Moderna vaccine declined from 86% to 76% over the same span. Walensky also stated in June that preliminary data reviewed by her agency suggests 99.5% of the people who died from Covid-19 over the past six months were unvaccinated (Forbes, July 1, 2021).
Let’s review what would appear to be a much more promising statement. This statement was intended to encourage vaccination and to provide a level of acceptance and security for vaccination. However, does it really? Coming from the manufacturing world (and most things in the medical world), 99.5% success rate is typically unacceptable. Let’s put this into context. Given that approximately 100,000 airplanes take off around the globe EVERY DAY, would this provide a level of comfort boarding a plane knowing that every day 500 airplanes would drop from the sky? Would you be comfortable knowing the brakes on your auto fail 4 times every couple of months? How would you feel knowing your airbags only have a 99.5% reliability rating?
Let’s discuss this example in more detail. Most everyone is familiar with the Takata airbag recall. This recall was initiated due to 27 deaths (18 in the United States) 1. 24 deaths out of 55 million airbags represents a 0.0000491% chance of failure or a 99.9999509% success rate; FAR greater than the success rate of current Covid vaccines. Yet there are attempts to mandate vaccines which have a far greater failure rate. This is simply not acceptable. The question arises, how can a 99.99995% success rate be deemed a failure when discussing airbags, but the lower success rate of 99.95% for vaccines are promoted as “safe and effective”? We can greatly improve upon this success rate, while also eliminating adverse side effects – by simply eliminating vaccinations from the equation for respiratory viruses.
What are our next steps and what can you do to help?
There is a team already in place representing subject matter experts in all areas critical to the development of this device. With the concept having been vetted, drawings produced, provisional patent protection approved and prototype being produced – there are pending approvals and costs. Necessary will be NIOSH/FDA approval, along with the non-provisional patent application (to be submitted after prototype within the one year provisional patent period -October 2022). Additional costs are incorporation, website, marketing, distribution, overhead and the creation of the production-ready prototype. To date, Novacc has been self-funded through personal finances, as delays could not be afforded for fund-raising. This has resulted in movement from the initial idea to the current stage in less than six (6) months.
While the team is working on the development and build-out of the prototype, now is the time to focus on fund-raising for the pending costs mentioned above. Billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have already been given to pharmaceutical companies, so the hesitancy toward spending personal dollars is understood. The bottom line is, billions of dollars aren’t needed. Confidence level is high that we as citizens can solve this crisis with a much lesser budget. So what amount would you be willing to invest, to eliminate Covid, potentially avoid another pandemic altogether, keep the freedom to make your own choices about where you can go and continue to work and attend school uninterrupted?
The mission of Indiegogo is to empower people to unite around ideas that matter to them and together make those ideas come to life. We can end this pandemic and impact the entire globe– let’s choose to do it! Thank you for your consideration and bringing Novacc to life as quickly as possible.