Let us fuse the magic of Love, Music, Dance, Medicines & Crystals…
We’re dreaming a new Dream NOW.
Welcome, dear friend,
to a new dream being born. Maybe you can be part of it.
IMAGINE … a place on Earth in harmony, beauty and deep resonance with Creation.
High up in the mountains with bright sun and starry skies,
tall trees, beautiful abundant gardens, running water…
Where people live in harmony with each other, with the environment & all beings.
Where children run around happy and free, climb trees and play with each other…
In the night, when everything is dark, pristine silence and peace surrounds the whole
Welcome to ✧ O.A.S.I.S. Temple ✧ a paradise on Earth…
A beautiful large house has been transformed into a crystalline Temple. There is plenty of
space to dance, receive healing or to rest, to gather, celebrate … or retreat in silence. While
enjoying the stunning views of wild mountains in front of you, Birds are flying above. The
burning Fire is warming your back. You can hear the fresh water creek just outside the door…
We all prepared ourselves, we dressed beautifully, now we are sitting in the
circle, an altar full of crystals and flowers in the center, candles are lit and you can smell the
sweet scents. Heavenly music is being played …
The Ceremony is about to begin …
What kind of ceremony? You will see when you come.. !
We invite you to open up your imagination and come with us to visit this dream.
You can help us to plant the seeds, let them grow and harvest together their fruits.
Fully alive, fully present and totally out of control: what would Love do ?
Over the past 15+ years, we feel that we’ve gathered enough experience, wisdom, and a toolkit to start a new project, a small community with a dedicated purpose:
✧ O.A.S.I.S. Temple ✧
a Community project which fuses the magic of Love, Music & Movement, plant Medicines, ancient Crystals & Sacred Geometry
A place where we continue to share and deepen the healing work we already offer:
✧ Ecstatic Dance Journeys under the Stars, deep transformation with Movement Medicine
✧ Breathwork , Yoga , Tai Chi + Shaolin Kung Fu in pure Nature with a stunning view
✧ Ceremonies in the wild valley, where hundreds of birds invite you to fly with them
✧ Singing Circles + Cacao Ceremonies in the cozy indoor Temple
✧ deep connection in Brotherhood + Sisterhood circles
✧ Praying with Medicine Wheel + Hopi Fires
✧ Earth Meditations + Crystal Healing
✧ Firewalking + Darkroom Initiations
✧ Temple nights full of Magic + Love…
It’s a big dream in a cozy space …
By supporting this magical project, not only will you enable the building of a Temple that serves the Great Awakening, but you will be also one of the Founders, and always be welcome as a visitor or participant… or maybe stay for longer – who knows ?
The Circles, Events and Retreats that will take place here will be life-changing for the participants, and also benefit the greater Community of the Sierra Nevada – Alpujarra – with it’s colorful tribe from all over the World. And we’re sure to have a lasting impact on the evolution of planetary human consciousness. From here we want to radiate light into the world – through the invisible realms as well as through modern mediums like videos, live calls, podcasts and webinars.
What We Need & What You Get
- We aim to raise about 300.000 overall… a substantial and grounded investment, to create a real, tangible experience for everyone. We went all-in with our own savings of about 38.000 as a deposit for the contract – which we cannot get back in case of failure.
We still need around 250.000 for the purchase of the 3.2 acres of beautiful land on the edge of the Sierra Nevada National Park, including costs, fees and taxes, and including a beautiful Villa with a spacious gathering space, and some rooms to rent.
Then we’re counting with 12.000 to renovate the House and spaces, 10.000 for a Solar System,15.000 to buy 3 Yurts for accomodation and future members, 25.000 for landscaping: to dig more water channels and restore an ancient Alberca, for fixing the ancient terraces and … to plant MORE TREES !!
After all, the Alpujarra mountains need more forests, and the climate has become dryer in the last decades, so we want to bring water back to the area. Which is also why we organize Raindances, which was followed by weeks of rain last year ! - Have a look at what’s in store for you if you support us with the amount you’re willing and able to donate. We have a variety of attractive ‘perks’ for our donors, from selected Crystals to amazing 3D Jewelry, to webinar passes, to retreat tickets or even regular all-inclusive holidays for you and your family. We love to give back ! d=(^.^)=b
Find out more about our past + future events on our Website: www.WildLove.Earth/events
- All raised funds will go into O.A.S.I.S. project, either way. We plan to create a Non-Profit-Foundation or Trust when this Fundraiser is successful. If we don’t reach our goal, we would run another campaign or try to borrow the rest, which will make our start more rocky and more focused on returns for the retreats and events we’ll offer. But we would love to share as much as possible freely with the world, and enable about everyone to participate, not just a few who can afford it.
Your Impact: how you will contribute to a better world:
- One of our main goals is planting MORE TREES !! … we want to create a dense, jungle-like permaculture garden with plenty of humidity. And we are already connected with other Reforestation projects in this area, which shall one day connect as one big forest
- A tropical Pyramid Greenhouse with a natural pool where an ancient Alberqua has been, is already under construction right in front of the wide panorama windows. Our goal is to become 90% self-sustainable as a community, and to provide and exchange foods within the area.
- To distribute plenty of water for the trees + tropical plants, we need to do some landscaping: to dig more water channels and restore an ancient Alberca, and fix the ancient Terraces
- A growing part of the land is becoming a Medicine garden with some of the most powerful plant medicines – like Adaptogens, sacred Cacti, Tobacco, Roses and many aromatic plants.
Sariela‘s great passion is growing and working with Flowers and the plant world, and
exploring the wild Herbs and flowers of these mountains to create powerful herbal
medicines. Wild plant Alchemy with full respect and reciprocity to nature, symbiotically, gradually turning the wild land into a PARADISE GARDEN according to PERMACULTURE principles and SYNTROPIC gardening. - O.A.S.I.S. already hosts the Alpujalexandria Library with 900+ selected books – to preserve the knowledge & wisdom of the World – which we share with people in the area. Many more are on the order list.
- O.A.S.I.S. will offer a timeless Library of Crystals, as a museum and shop, with a Crystal Cave to relax, heal and receive the wisdom & frequencies from those ancient beings. Since 2007 we gathered some of the most unique, powerful, and rare crystals from our Planet Heart.
- We’ll build Stone Circles and Medicine wheels: anchoring the energies of the Stars and
navigating consciousness with maps that are thousands of years old … moving rocks is one
of Viodor’s great passions. We work with one of the best guides and mediums to localize leylines, grids, vortices, and create energetic lenses using magnetic and paramagnetic stones…
Some points of our track record:
- Between 2012 and 2020, we were both part of a community project called Amoraleza, which we helped to build, maintain and expand through all these years, while our children were growing up in its wild nature. But in 2021, it was time for us to move beyond limitations there & create a real common-unity project. We expanded and learned a lot while living in the magnificent Retreat center Hidden Paradise, and began unfolding our dream: ✧ O.A.S.I.S. Temple ✧
We’ve been living here for almost 2 years now, fell in love with the place and got deeply connected with the wild, energetic Nature. - We’re part of New Earth Project and co-created the New Earth Festivals in Bali 2017 & 2019, and our ‘own’ Earth Day Festival in the Sierra Nevada in 2016.
- In 2020, Viodor founded the ARC
~ Alpujarra Rising Community ~ where he brought hundreds of people together to create vital, sustainable, independent Off-grid-INFRASTRUCTURE, which is key to our Abundance, local Sovereignty & Freedom !
The infrastructure is local and not public, but you’ll encounter it when you come to visit the area - Also in 2020, Viodor created the ARCO, a local trade network, that enriches our local community and grows the Abundance, support and connection through a trust-based, money-free system of exchange for all kind of goods, products, skills and services.
- Find out more about our past + future events on our Website: www.WildLove.Earth/events
About us … a Planetary Wizard and a Crystal Wizard
(in the Mayan Calendar 
We are Sariela & Viodor, life partners living together since 11 years, with home-schooled twin girls … our best teachers.
Sariela works deeply with the mysteries of the Divine Feminine, and after years of dancing and training, became Movement Medicine Apprentice Teacher. She is enchanted by and enchants us with everything around Flowers, Plants, essential Oils and Crystals.
Viodor (KA) is initiated in: Reiki, Deeksha, Egyptian Light Healing, Krija Yoga & Tantra ofthe Sarasvati-Babaji lineage, Cobra Breath, TheTemplate Codes 1-16. He studied Unified Physics at the Space-Energy-Research Institute and the Resonance Academy, and designs precise 3D Sacred Geometry Jewelry which is sold worldwide at www.MetatronsStargate.Earth
We are Lovers, Visionaries, New Earth Ambassadors, Emissaries of TheTemplate, Crystal
guides & Guardians; We went through and assisted in ISTA Trainings Level I + II,
and we learn every day from Nature, Teachers, Children, Books & Life.
Since more than 15 years, we’ve co-created countless Ceremonies & worked with various
Medicines, Crystals & Sound, Fire & Feathers, Movement & Ecstatic dance.
About our Community background and experience:
Since more than 15 years, we’ve been living in Community, and seen them rise or fail, what works and what doesn’t, what was missing or what was too much.
We experienced the difficulty of grounding a dream, the importance of setting clear rules & boundaries, and enforcing them to protect the dream. We’ve seen where lack of vision leads, or when there’s hardly anybody left that remembers it. We’ve experienced the many challenges of human interaction – of different characters, stories and motivations – meeting in a cauldron of changes + reflections.
We’ve learned about the importance of equality in the circle and open space to speak & express; about the vital needs of everyone – to be heard, understood, and met in the Heart. How different ambitions can meet and fuse in one project in beautiful, empowering synergy.
We’ve been in countless ceremonies and worked with various medicines, learned about the powerful alliances of light in the astral world, and the unresolved shadows that we need to face and heal. A community can give you the perfect reflection, and a well-set ceremony is a perfect container for transformation.
We witnessed the astonishing beauty, vulnerable fragility & delicacy of sacred space, learned about the importance of details, timing, synergy, practice and presence : in the pure heart.
Fully alive, fully present and totally out of control: what would Love do ?
A new dream is being born. Maybe you can be part of it.
We hope to see you in the fundraiser
Other Ways You Can Support us:
And hey, if you’ve got nothing to chip in at this moment, you can still support this beautiful project d=(^.^)=by sharing this campaign with your friends… through email, social media, or the timeless word-of-mouth.
You can also use the easy IndieGoGo share tools ,’)
Thank you, dear friend.
Contact: Time2Fly@Stargate.Earth