$10,984 raised out of $50,000

Horror forged in resin


Old Gamers Workshop horror 2020 pick and mix  is our complete miniature lines cast in resin (and some of the old ones in metal).

This Kickstarter will include small miniature batches intended for our different ranges.

This December we will have all our available miniatures for your pleasure and a couple of new ones.

It was intended to be multiple releases 2020 but as the world situation is rather dire we will only do this one and see if it pleases a larger audience on kickstarter. Since all physical gaming conventions were cancelled this year and the future about 2021 is rather unclear we are offering all our current sculpted  models and one gargantuan horrific one in one miniature kickstarter attempt. If this kickstarter gets funded we will do more kickstarters 2021.

Your main options for this kickstarter will be:

R’lyeh beyond the gate

A massive diorama with our favorite elder God

WIP but it sure looks good

We are planning a 40-50 cm base and 50-60 cm high. We are planning ta have this hand sculpted but 3D sculpting might work for the details we want. This will be cast in resin. It wasn’t our inital intention but this will be a spectacular bookend.

NoMADs: Three times the trouble

Our next instalment of the NoMADs line. 2 reptiles and 1 pig, what can go wrong?

This is still a work in progress but they look nice
A better look at the camera shy big reptile

These guys will be in resin

Red Dusk 20XX: The wanderer and the dog

Heavily inspired by a comic

A 3D render
A testprint of the model, only one wanderer will be included in the reward.

These will be cast in rein as well


We have a whole bunch this time around and I will list them in order

The tentacle base

Perfect for any horror game. Each base will cost 25 SEK and will be cast in resin.

The Troublemakers

These are a 30 mm scale and will cost you 125 SEK and will also be cast in resin.

Kellys the Miniatures

These are miniatures based in characters in the classic movie Kellys Heroes.

The finished models painted.

We will charge you 225 SEK for these and they are cast in a white metal alloy.

The Lancia

A painted test version of the car.
The car put together.
And the car in pieces.

This will also be in resin and will cost you 250 SEK


Our first 5 miniatures in the NoMADs line

The Zone stalkers

These lovely miniatures will cost 400 SEK and these are cast in a white metal alloy.

The second group of zonestalkers

When we did our first 5 NoMADs we just couldn’t help ourselves and asked the caster for 5 more.

The second group with mould lines and all.

We do of course feel these are worth just as much as our first 5 so 400 SEK for these and they are also cast in a white metal alloy.

We also have an opportunity for you to order all ten of these for 750 SEK

Three NoMADs

These are at our caster right now and are being done so we can complete our previous kickstarter for these but we will give you a chance to get these a little later for 450 SEK and these will be in resin.

Creatures and the crawling chaos

These are from our attempt to create some chaos in space.

The three living marines will get some support from 2 female marines that are being sculpted as we speak.

Tentacle base not included.
Tentacle base not included.
Tentacle base not included
One tentacle base is actually included
A ships captain.

All of this will only cost 800 SEK and will be cast in resin.


Since it is impossible for us to calculate shipping with add-ons and not yet casted miniatures we will charge shipping when the miniatures are done and we use paypal to do so.
