$7,800 raised out of $220,000
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Jul 02, 2023
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Sep 01, 2023

Fuel You Better: Support Omega 369 Oil -The Healthier Voyage Begins!



Who are we?  

Merlyn Health, an energetic British healthcare brand with 17 patents Worldwide, is the multi-award-winning Omega 3,6,9 formula inventor and specialist, currently trading Supplements in  U.K. and Hong Kong and will soon be manufacturing bottled Omega 369 Oil in Hong Kong, hopefully, the U.K. bottled oil facility would not take long. Its 2023 TCS London Marathon Running Show exhibition received very well feedback from the U.K. Marathoners and Sports Passionist, who do know how to “Fuel Better†now.  


“FUEL YOU BETTER” is Merlyn Health’s slogan.


What do we wish?

Merlyn Health hereby wishes to raise funds of HKD220,000 or Est. GBP 22,000 for the U.K. facility implementation stage 1 (warehouse), total at HKD 1M or Est. GBP 100K, the current U.S. FDA and HKQAA registered and the licensed facility is in Hong Kong.


The Signature Product Introduction :

Omega 369 Oil (Made in Hong Kong)

The Omega 369 Oil, made with various Nut and seeds ingredients, is suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans, smells good and tastes great, perfect for dressing and low to medium heat cooking in order to preserve its best nutrition, but not suitable for deep fry and high heat cooking and Peanut allergy people.  

The Omega 369 Oil (Adults, Elderly, Healing, Keto and Athletes), our unique formulation combines the power and balance of Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 fatty acids at perfect balance for optimal health benefits, specially formulated for Specific Target Consumers. They are known as essential fatty acids because the body cannot produce them on its own and must obtain them from dietary sources. Here’s a breakdown of Open Ai chat GPT as follows:

Omega-3 fatty acids: such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are crucial for brain function, cardiovascular health, and reducing inflammation in the body and associated with various benefits, including supporting heart health, improving cognitive function, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and supporting eye health.

Omega-6 fatty acids:  such as linoleic acid (LA) and arachidonic acid (AA), are also essential for the body, but they need to be balanced with omega-3s. While omega-6s play a role in brain function and supporting healthy skin and hair, an excess intake of omega-6s compared to omega-3s can promote inflammation. Therefore, it’s important to maintain a balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the diet.

Omega-9 fatty acids: provide various health benefits. such as oleic acid, They have been linked to improved heart health, supporting healthy cholesterol levels, and reducing inflammation.

Remarks:- Merlyn Health does not claim to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent an illness or condition from our products.


What makes our products so unique and better than others?

Our patented formulation is the first known non-additive, organic, planted-based Oil that complies with two Worldwide Suggested Fatty Acids Ratios.


Omega 3 vs 6  1: 4, and

Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA) vs Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA)  1: 1.





ISSFAL International Scientific Society of Fatty Acids and Lipids selected our patented invention as a presentation abstract at the 2021 Congress Meeting. ISSFAL established in 1991, of more than 500 members from more than 40 countries. ISSFAL members are scientists, medical professionals, educators, administrators, communicators and others with an interest in the health effects of dietary fats, oils and lipids; members include researchers carrying out studies on the health effects of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids as well as other lipids. ISSFAL is the foremost International Scientific Society dealing exclusively with the health impact of dietary lipids.



Invention Background:

Fatty Acids are too important to human health but unfortunately, most people do not pay enough attention to this health aspect, too much consume Omega 6 is Worldwide matters resulting in low-cost industrial food oils heavy usage, and human needs Omega 3, but fish oil Omega 3 is a high risk of heavy metal and toxic contamination and full of additives both are bad to human health.


UK Patent


Omega 369 Supplements (Made in the U.K.) 

*** Not for this project, for reference only ***

UK Certificate of Free Sale


U.S. FDA and HKQAA Registered

Awards Highlights:

Gold Quality Award, 56th World Selection of Diet & Health Products, Monde Selection 2020

Finalist, World Food Innovation Awards 2020 and 2023

Silver Medal, Hong Kong Inventions Awards 2020

Silver Prize, China National Inventions Awards 2019

Nominee Award, German Innovation Awards 2023 – Medical and Health

Nomination in the process:

2023 BBC Food Innovation Awards

2023 Nutringredients Awards Asia – Best Omega 3


The Omega 369 Oil (Adults, Elderly, Healing, Keto and Athletes)

Remarks:- All the below benefits details are from Open AI chat GPT and  Merlyn Health does not claim to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent an illness or condition from our products.


Omega-369 Oil, Adults

Omega-369 may reduce inflammation and risk of heart disease; improves brain function and benefit joint, bone, eye, and skin health; as well as help hormone production. It’s important to note that, while all three types of fatty acids are beneficial, maintaining a proper balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 is crucial.

Omega-369 å¯èƒ½æœƒæ¸›å°‘炎症和患心臟病的風險; 改善大腦功能åŠæœ‰ç›Šæ–¼é—œç¯€ã€éª¨éª¼ã€çœ¼ç›å’Œçš®è†šå¥åº·; 並有助於è·çˆ¾è’™çš„產生。惟è¦ç‰¹åˆ¥æ³¨æ„,雖然所有三種類型的脂肪酸都是有益的,但在 Omega-3 å’Œ Omega-6 之間ä¿æŒé©ç•¶çš„平衡至關é‡è¦ã€‚


Omega-369 Oil, Elderly

Omega-369 supports heart health by lowering the risk of heart disease, may be reducing triglyceride levels, improving blood pressure regulation; the risk of cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease; helping reduce joint pain and stiffness, maintaining healthy vision, optimise immune function, and reduce chronic inflammation, the signs of ageing, such as wrinkles and dryness as well as helping depression and anxiety, supporting overall mental health.

Omega-369 å¯èƒ½æœƒé€šéŽé™ä½Žç½¹æ‚£å¿ƒè‡Ÿç—…的風險以促進心臟å¥åº·ã€é™ä½Žä¸‰é…¸ç”˜æ²¹é…¯æ°´å¹³ã€æ”¹å–„血壓調節; é™ä½ŽèªçŸ¥èƒ½åŠ›ä¸‹é™ã€ç™¡å‘†å’Œé˜¿çˆ¾èŒ¨æµ·é»˜æ°ç—…的風險; 有助減輕關節疼痛和僵硬ã€ç¶­æŒå¥åº·çš„視力ã€å¢žå¼·å…疫力和減少慢性炎症,有助於皺紋和乾燥等衰è€è·¡è±¡; 有助抑鬱和焦慮的症狀,支æŒæ•´é«”心ç†å¥åº·ã€‚


Omega-369 Oil, Healing

Omega-369 benefits patients in recovery, reduction of inflammation, wound healing, and improving cardiovascular, brain, and mental health, as well as the immune system.

Omega-369 有助患者康復,例如減少炎症ã€å‚·å£ç™’åˆã€æ”¹å–„心血管ã€å¤§è…¦å’Œå¿ƒç†å¥åº·ä»¥åŠæ”¹å–„å…疫系統。


Omega-369 Oil, Keto

Omega-369 helps reduce inflammation, benefits cardiovascular, heart, and joint health as well as brain function; better insulin sensitivity, and helps weight management and ketosis, where the body primarily uses fat as its main energy source instead of carbohydrates.

Omega-369 有助於減少炎症,有益於心血管ã€å¿ƒè‡Ÿå’Œé—œç¯€å¥åº·ã€å¤§è…¦åŠŸèƒ½å’ŒåŠ å¼·å°èƒ°å³¶ç´ çš„æ•æ„Ÿæ€§ï¼Œä¸¦æœ‰åŠ©æ–¼é«”é‡ç®¡ç†å’Œé…®ç—‡ï¼Œè®“身體主è¦ä½¿ç”¨è„‚肪而ä¸æ˜¯ç¢³æ°´åŒ–åˆç‰©ä½œç‚ºä¸»è¦èƒ½é‡ä¾†æºã€‚


Omega-369 Oil, Athletes

Omega-369 helps energy production, reduces inflammation and muscle soreness, promotes recovery, as well as enhances joint, cardiovascular, heart, and skin health. It’s important to note that the ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is typically around 1:1 to 1:4, as excessive omega-6 intake would induce inflammation.

Omega-369,有助產生能é‡ï¼Œæ¸›å°‘炎症和肌肉酸痛,促進康復,以åŠé—œç¯€ã€å¿ƒè¡€ç®¡ã€å¿ƒè‡Ÿå’Œçš®è†šå¥åº·ã€‚請務必注æ„,omega-3 與 omega-6 脂肪酸的ç†æƒ³æ¯”例通常約為 1:1 至 1:4,因æ”å…¥éŽå¤šçš„ omega-6 會引發炎症。


Our ingredients also complied with Traditional Chinese Medicine homology health perspective, the health benefits of Nuts and Seeds ingredients are hereby introduced:-

Peanuts are useful in lowering the cholesterol in blood plasma, preventing arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease, enforcing memory, ameliorating dermatosis, prolonging life, and protecting cardiovascular and cerebral blood vessels.

Perilla seeds are useful in clearing cholesterol, preventing thrombus, promoting the growth of synapses between cerebral neurons, enhancing memory, delaying ageing, restraining breast cancer, and colon cancer, promoting the growth of cerebral neurons, controlling high blood pressure and high blood lipids, and preventing atherosclerosis.

Hempseeds are useful in lowering blood lipids and cholesterol, preventing and curing cerebral and cardiovascular disease, antagonizing ageing, clearing free radicals, and relaxing bowels to relieve constipation.

Black sesame is useful in prolonging life, nourishing hairs, preventing hair loss, tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi, relaxing bowels to relieve constipation, preventing or relieving hypertension, and benefiting postpartum breastfeeding and maintaining skin elasticity.

Flaxseeds are useful in optimizing the fat content of the skin, ameliorating skin problems, relieving feminine synthetic symptoms, stabilizing mood, keeping calmness, reducing depression and insomnia, reducing allergic reactions, curing and preventing arthritis, preventing the inflammation of organic tissues, lowering hypertension, and lowering the fat content in the blood.

Walnuts are useful in maintaining the elasticity and moisture of the skin, suppressing facial wrinkles, preventing ageing, protecting hairs,

Pumpkin seeds are useful in preventing pertussis, postpartum hypokalaemia, internal haemorrhoids, anaemia, and swollen hands and feet after delivery.




Join us in our mission to unlock the potential of Omega 369 and revolutionize the way we approach optimal health. Together, we can empower lives, promote wellness, and make a lasting impact on the well-being of individuals worldwide. Back our Indiegogo campaign today and embark on a transformative journey to optimal health with Omega 369 Oil.


Fuel æ²¹ Better,
Fuel You Better!


www.merlynhealth.uk (UK Supplement local purchase)


