$147,600 raised out of $550,000
Start date
Jan 19, 2025
Close date
Feb 03, 2025

Covers fees so everyone can freely read our crucial findings. スタートアップのセクハラ問題について論文を無料で読める状態にする



“Have you experienced any sexual harassment in the past year?”

(Other includes a non-binary/genderqueer and those who prefer not to answer their gender. Due to the small sample size and privacy concerns, this group is treated as a single category.) 

Short Summary

Hello, my name is Takanori Kashino, a researcher at Eirene Management School. My work focuses on entrepreneurship and startup ecosystems—specifically how issues like gender gaps and harassment can inhibit innovation and economic development.

My research paper, “Sexual Harassment by Multiple Stakeholders in Entrepreneurship: The Case of Japan,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing Insights—an A-rated journal on the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) list with a CiteScore of 11.7. Through both quantitative and qualitative data, this paper reveals the serious reality of sexual harassment in Japanese startups and raises global awareness of the issue.

However, to make the paper accessible to everyone—researchers, practitioners, and policymakers—without paywalls, we must cover the Open Access publication fee. This is why I’m turning to you for support.

If we can fund this project, you’ll help:

  • Share vital insights with the global community at no cost to readers.
  • Speed up conversations and concrete measures to reduce sexual harassment in startup ecosystems worldwide.

We aim to create a “zero-harassment environment” for entrepreneurs everywhere. Join us in making this research freely available to all!

What We Need & What You Get

Funding Goal: Our target is ¥555,000 (about USD 3,254.36), which will be used to:

  • Pay the Open Access publication fee (about ¥462,400: $2,890.00).
  • Proofreading costs (about ¥58,298: $364.36)
  • Cover crowdfunding platform fees

Why It Matters:

  • By making this research Open Access, anyone—investors, startup support organizations, policymakers, or future entrepreneurs—can read it for free.
  • This removes barriers to knowledge, ensuring that best practices and critical findings about sexual harassment in startups can be widely disseminated and lead to real change.


  • All supporters will receive a personal thank-you email.
  • If you’d like, we can list your name (or your organization’s name) as a supporter on our website.

Even if we do not meet the full goal, all contributions will still go directly toward publication and related fees. Any remaining costs will be covered by our own funds.

The Impact

Through surveys of 197 Japanese respondents, our research shows that 52.4% of female entrepreneurs experienced sexual harassment by multiple stakeholders in the past year—most frequently by investors, but also by customers, mentors, and members of entrepreneurial support organizations, among others.


Who committed this act against you? (Select all that apply: n=81)


What types of harassment have you experienced? (Select all that apply: n=81)


    What are your thoughts about sexual harassment? (Select all that apply: n=197)


    What were your reasons for not reporting? (Select all that apply: n=67)


    The case of Japan highlights four interlocking factors that perpetuate sexual harassment:

    1. Embedded Discrimination
    2. Systemic Exploitation
    3. Safeguard Voids
    4. Adaptive Burden Choices

    By openly publishing these findings:

    • Entrepreneurship Support & Investors: Organizations can strengthen anti-harassment policies and bystander intervention training, ensuring safer environments for founders and employees.
    • Policy & Legal Reforms: Policymakers gain evidence to shape laws and regulations that protect entrepreneurs—especially those who may not be covered by traditional labor laws.
    • Further Research & Education: Publicly accessible data can spark comparative studies in other countries, encourage long-term tracking of these issues, and be integrated into university or business school curricula.

    Ultimately, exposing these realities helps prevent future harassment and protect entrepreneurs—strengthening the entire startup ecosystem and promoting fair economic growth.

    Risks & Challenges

    • Publication Costs: We must pay the Open Access fee in full to ensure worldwide free access. If we cannot raise sufficient funds, we’ll supplement with our own resources, but that restricts our ability to fund additional research.
    • Societal & Cultural Resistance: Discussing sexual harassment can face resistance. However, our goal is to promote transparent dialogue, and we are prepared to collaborate with stakeholders to ensure responsible, impactful dissemination of findings.

    Thank you for taking the time to learn about our project. Let’s work together to ensure that no entrepreneur has to abandon their dreams because of harassment. Your support helps make this research freely available and sparks global action for a fair, inclusive startup environment.

    Together, we can build a future where innovation thrives without fear.



    はじめまして、柏野尊徳といいます。現在、社団法人/株式会社Eirene Univerisityが運営するアイリーニ・マネジメント・スクールでマネジメントに関する研究を行っています。専門は起業家支援やスタートアップ・エコシステムであり、現在はジェンダー格差やハラスメントといった問題が、いかにイノベーションや経済発展の阻害要因となるかを明らかにすることをテーマにしています。

    今回、私の執筆した論文(タイトル:Sexual Harassment by Multiple Stakeholders in Entrepreneurship: The Case of Japan)が、ABDCランキングでA評価、CiteScoreは11.7である国際学術ジャーナル「Journal of Business Venturing Insights」に掲載されることになりました。










    論文内では、被害者の声を含む質的分析によって、「埋め込まれた差別(Embedded Discrimination)」「制度的な搾取(Systemic Exploitation)」「保護策の欠如(Safeguard Voids)」「避けられない負担を伴う選択(Adaptive Burden Choices)」という4つの要素が悪循環することで、根深いセクハラ問題が続いている構造を提示しました。


    • 支援金の使いみち:雑誌出版社へのオープンアクセス費用+クラウドファンディング手数料+校正費用
    • 支援のメリット:研究結果が国際的に無料公開されることで、起業支援者・投資家・政策立案者など多くのステークホルダーへ知見を広め、具体的なセクハラ防止策の議論を加速させることができます。 




    1.  実務・支援現場での対策強化
      1. 投資会社や起業支援組織での行動規範策定、セクハラ防止トレーニングの導入。
      2. 独立した第三者機関の設立による、被害報告、加害者罰則、救済メカニズムの整備。
    2. 政策立案・制度改革への示唆
      1. 起業家が労働法の保護対象外となりがちな現状を踏まえ、法的整備や条例改正を促す。
      2. 女性に限らず、弱い立場におかれている人が公平な形で起業できるよう、スタートアップ環境の再設計を提案。
    3. さらなる研究・教育への拡張
      1. 今回の調査で得られた知見をもとに、他国との比較研究や長期的な追跡調査を実施。
      2. 大学やビジネススクールでのカリキュラム開発にも展開し、将来の起業家を育成する初期段階からハラスメント対策を進める。

    私たちが行う今日の取り組みが、明日の「公正な起業環境(Fair Entrepreneurship)」を築く土台になると信じています。ぜひ、この研究を世界へ届けるための力を貸してください。






    以下の費用に充当されます。 • 論文が採択されたジャーナルのオープンアクセス出版費 • 校正費用 • クラウドファンディング・プラットフォーム(Indiegogo)の手数料 万が一、目標額に届かない場合は、私たち自身で不足分を補填し、研究の公開と普及を最優先に進めます。

    オープンアクセスとは何ですか? なぜ重要なのでしょうか?

    研究成果(論文)をオンラインで無料公開するのがオープンアクセスです。次のメリットが期待できます。 • 広く周知:誰でも自由に閲覧・引用・共有可能 • 早まる政策対応:政策立案者や関係者が、研究に基づく知見を活用 • 国際的な連携強化:研究者同士が成果を基にさらなる研究を進めやすくなる







