The Swiss Army Knife of Computer Vision
3-Click Setup
You’re up and running in 3 clicks.
It just works. And it’s open source – so you can dig in and change anything you want.
Packs a Punch
Tons of Power. Tons of Examples. You’re up and running in 30 seconds.
3D Object Detection
3D object detection is what humans do. We know where objects are – and where they are in physical space. It’s why we can pick up a coffee cup, or catch a ball.
3D Object Pose
Get the pose of objects in yaw, pitch and role – in addition to where they are in physical space.
3D Semantic Segmentation
3D depth information that is semantically labeled per pixel. This allows your robot to stay on the sidewalk, or know when there’s some object in your path.
Human Pose Estimation
Track hands and/or full body pose in full 3D coordinates.
3D Human Pose Estimation
Motion Capture – without any additional hardware/sensors/etc. with direct Unity tie-in.
3D Hand Pose Estimation
The possibilities are endless. From keeping hands safe – to all sorts of interactive control.
3D Manipulation and Control
Pair with a holographic display from the Looking Glass Factory… and make the future now.
3D Gaze Estimation
Someone giving you elevator eyes? Now your robot can know this too. Or your smart dash cam. Or your assistive robot that will grab what you’re looking at.
3D Vehicle Detection
Know the full speed, trajectory, and vehicle type/color, license plate region/province, and plate number.
3D Pedestrian Detection
The spatial data of OAK-D-Lite doing privacy-first analytics of dwell time (in physical space), direction of travel, and people counting – including direction, travel speed, and interest estimation.
3D Edge Detection
Edge detection is useful in so many ways. Find the edge of the lane, use it to better get 3D locations of objects (semantic labeling to the edge), or just have a fantastic real-time techno dance party. It’s incredibly fun and fascinating to play with.
3D Feature Tracking
This allows your robot to orient itself, and know how it’s moving, visually. Just like Lionel Messi does when sprinting a field, now your thing can too.
Onboard 4K Video Encoding
This alone is a reason to have an OAK-D-Lite (or 10) in your toolbox (or schoolbox) – you can now record 4k video on a Pi Zero! 373MB/s -> 3.125MB/s – all on-camera. h.264, h.265, MJPEG, JPEG, and lossless JPEG at up to 13MP.
Disparity Depth (Global Shutter For Fast Motion)
Depth+ AI Driven Focus for Perfect Shots
One-Shot Learning
Lossless Zoom
The built-in 13MP color camera can be lossless zoomed 6x and panned – all guided by AI and with 1080p HD or 4k encoded output.
Anonymize On-Device for Privacy-First Recordings
The onboard AI can be used to automatically blur faces (or any other details) prior to video encoding – to allow having video of what you need (e.g. is the product damaged?) without sacrificing the privacy of people.
Inexpensive So You Can Use It
With the previous OAK—D KickStarter, we enabled thousands to harness the power of Spatial AI. But too many end up in the situation where they wished they could use it to solve their problem – because it is a cheat mode for so many problems – but it was simply too expensive to use it.
If you passed sixth grade – you got this! OAK-D-Lite is for you. Students, Artists, Raspberry Pi Hackers, K12 Educators, RC Car Racers, Roboticists, Python Developers, AR/VR Enthusiasts, Unity Hackers, Computer Vision and AI Experts alike.
This is for you.
Within 30 Seconds of unboxing you’ll be up and running the examples above. Thanks to Cortic Technologies’ Drag-and-Drop interface anyone can use Spatial AI right away!
ROS1 and ROS2 Plug&Play
Your imagination is the only limit. OAK—D. LITE gives you human like perception as a building block.
From minute 0.
Learn By Doing – The Perfect Gift for Kids
The Open Source Cortic AI Toolkit allows you to drag and drop to make powerful custom applications. And better yet, also runs on Raspberry Pi – a perfect pairing for OAK-D Lite.
Control Anything With Gestures – From Anywhere
The DepthAI pipeline builder allows you to do things like below. Where a person is found, then the limbs are found, and then from there the hand is found, and from there a hand-pose (and/or sign-language) model is run on the hand. The 13 MegaPixel helps a TON here – to have enough pixels left after the whole pipeline has effectively 40x zoomed.
Make Your Drone Super Smart
Augmented Startups even has a course on building what you see below yourself with OAK-D-Lite.
Make Mini Pupper As Smart as a Border Collie
Seriously. The Mini Pupper is already a blast. But with OAK-D-Lite vision, it’s now your Border-Collie-level smart robotic dog. Border Collies are amazing because they can learn very specific hand signals (and they’re neurotic about them). Now Mini Pupper can be just as amazing (and neurotic)!
Make Multiplayer VR, AR, XR
Knowing what things are, and where – in real-time on a low-cost device – has the promise of allowing all sorts of multi-player experiences. Imagine if Laser Tag was no longer tech from the 1980s? We think OAK-D-Lite will help here.
Make Your Robot Fun and Interactive
The built-in AI unlocks all sorts of fun applications. Your imagination is the only limit.
Make an Autonomous Lawn Mower
Finally… a Roomba for your back yard. And you can make one!
Perform Sports Analytics
The global shutter cameras – which give depth at over 200FPS – allow the device to see at speeds that a human can. So just like a person can track a ping pong ball in physical space – OAK-D-Lite can too. But since it’s tech-based, it can record the position of the ball at 200+FPS. Full trajectory and speed of your shots!
Enable Your Robot to Navigate Autonomously
Feature tracking, depth, object detection in 3D space. OAK-D-Lite is like a cheat mode for robotic navigation.
Communicate Holographically with The Looking Glass Factory
The Looking Glass Factory has solved the Holographic part. But the capture part of holograms is still painful. We think that over time – and with community support – OAK-D-Lite will be a piece of allowing real-time Holographic communication for the first time.
Here’s our 3D Engineer Sachin on the Looking Glass Portrait.
Give Unity Spatial AI Super Powers
Figure Out Where You Are Without GPS
Using the feature tracking above – and an external IMU – its now possible to estimate your (robot’s) position without GPS.
Make Wheelchairs Smart and Safe
Depth and AI allows making powered wheelchairs automatically prevent commands that would cause harm (like an errant comment that would bring the wheel chair down a flight of stairs).
Translate Sign Language and Track it in 3D Space
Not kidding. It can do this. And Cortic Technology makes an Open Source education platform that makes building this easier than building the lego that holds OAK-D-Lite.
Monitor Life-Signs Passively and Safely
Keep pre-term babies safe using human-like perception to know if everything is OK. This allows not having potentially-dangerous, invasive monitoring. And also acts as a force-multiplier for doctors, nurses and parents.
Monitor Pulse Visually
We actually didn’t believe this one at first. It’s crazy such a thing can be detected passively.
Monitor Breathing Health Passively
The combination of depth and artificial intelligence alls you to monitor things that previously would feel like science fiction. Identify the sections of the chest with AI, and use depth to know the breathing profile over time.
Improve the Well-Being of Animals
Just like helping people. This can be used to know when animals are stressed, injured, or otherwise have a health problem – by monitoring behavior and activity in physical space.
Make a Dash Cam That Helps Keep Everyone Safe
Build of of OAK, bluebox Co-pilot keeps your vehicle safe, you safe, and can automatically log (other) aggressive drivers and dangerous situations.
Give Legos Super Powers
This is what we all dreamed of as kids. It’s now possible. So jealous.
Translate Semaphore Alphabet
Yep, in 3D Space too. We didn’t even know this was a thing. But OAK-D-Lite can do it. Thanks to geax. Gotta love open source.
Film Wildlife Automatically
The GIF doesn’t do it justice. This is beautiful 4K video.
Automatically record 4k videos and/or beautiful 13MP JPEGs when certain species are detected.
Pick Strawberries
Pick only the ripe ones. Sort by ripeness. Avoid people with Strawberry Allergies.
Detect Pests in Your Garden or Farm
Lasers instead of harmful chemicals. Feels like science fiction. It’s the future.
Estimate Biomass for Smart Agriculture
This one’s above our heads. But super cool and agriculture geeks have to love this, right?
Efficiently Sort & Pack Parcel
We get this one. Algorithms are great at packing. Given them the information they need, real-time. Let robotics pack for us!
Improve Your Workouts
I can’t touch my toes. With OAK-D-Lite… maybe I’ll be able to.
Explore the Ocean
Only some tiny portion of the Ocean is explored. No, really. IPOZ is changing that with OAK technology.
Control Your Robots with Your Hands
When we saw this we were blown away! We couldn’t control ourselves. Thanks, Boris!
Did We Mention ROBOTS? ?
Detect Falls While Respecting Privacy
Depth vies give an idea of what is happening – while respecting privacy. And you can just send metadata instead of images at all.
Improve Your Manufacturing Process
AI for detecting defects is great. But often without depth, the error rate is just to high. Depth is the missing piece – a piece that humans have – which allows the accuracy to be sufficiently high to finally be useful.
Save Hands and Limbs
The capability to mimic human-like understanding of what things are and where enables tons of human-machine safety applications.
Count Crowds – And Return Meta Data
Since the counting is done on-device – there’s actually no need to return anything more than the metadata itself (the crowd count). Enabling communication over extremely-low-bandwidth links like LoRa.
Keep People Safe from Distracted Drivers
This is what started it all. And it remains our North Star. Distracted driving causes fender benders when between cars. When between a car and a person, it kills.
Spatial AI can be used to change the course of history as it’s happening. To prevent accidents as they were going to occur.
Katherine Scott – Open Robotics
Building all the open source tools that make robotics possible.
Joseph Nelson – Roboflow
OpenCV, Luxonis, and Roboflow have also partnered to launch the easiest way to deploy custom models to your OAK.
Roboflow builds free developer tools for model training and image annotation, tutorials (like how to train YOLOv5 and the Ultimate Guide to Object Detection), and how to implement active learning. Better models depend on better datasets.
Developers also use datasets and models on Roboflow Universe to jump start their process.
Jagadish Mahendran – XIMIRA
Helping the visually impaired navigate and regain the freedom enabled by vision.
Nicholas Fragale – Rover Robotics
Making robotic platforms that just work. So you don’t have to spend your time building the platform – you can start with a working platform on day 0.
Kunal Tyagi – Rapyuta Robotics
Scaling Robotics and Warehouse Automation.
Shawn Frayne – Looking Glass
Bringing holography from SciFi to your desk.
Bart Trzynadlowski – VR Laser Tag
Showing that Laser Tag does not need to be from the 1980s.
Ye Lu – Cortic Technology
Making AI and CV accessible to anyone – busy professional to curious 1st-grader.
OAK—D. LITE is built on the open source DepthAI ecosystem, with out-of-the box supported by the following frameworks, but since the API (and hardware) are open-source, it’s easy to extend support to nearly any language & framework.
Out-of-the-box Python, C++, Java, ROS & ROS2, Roboflow, CEP Support
Any Operating System
Works with any OS. You name it. Pre-built binaries are regularly released for Mac, Windows, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, and the Jetson series.
And since it’s heavily open source (including being able to download the design files), every day we wake up to some new integration with a new language, or suite of tools, etc.
There’s a famous adage that any useful technology will eventual send email and be available in Javascript… both of which are true here.
Custom Cameras
We worked hand-in-hand with ArduCam to design cameras from the ground up for OAK-D Lite.
We worked hand-in-hand with ArduCam to design cameras from the ground up for OAK-D Lite.
Mechanical Design
The mechanical design of OAK-D Lite was highly iterative – taking in feedback from Alpha testing and initial field deployments of the first prototypes built to refine to the final design.
That said, we are extremely thankful to Sparkfun (US) and Switch Science (Japan), MYBOT SHOP (Germany) and ArduCam (China).
Thank you to ArduCam!
Without ArduCam, OAK-D-Lite would not be possible. (More on that in a coming update on the custom camera modules ArduCam made to enable OAK-D-Lite to exist.)
Speaking of ArduCam… we learned last time that we (OpenCV/Luxonis) do not have the capability to properly support backers in China. So this campaign – instead of leaving backers in China hanging with poor shipping/customs experience – ArduCam, Luxonis, and OpenCV have teamed up to bring OAK technology to China, directly from China.
If you live in Mainland China, HK, Macao or Taiwan, please back us in the official webpage:
Accessible Campaign Page
To access this accessible campaign page – provided by Google Docs – here.
Environmental commitments
Visit our Environmental Resources Center to learn how Kickstarter encourages sustainable practices.
Long-lasting design
Made out of aluminum and glass. The CE/FCC/safety test engineer literally said “This thing is badass – it’ll last forever” and then commented about how the recessed USB port in aluminum makes ESD-death of the device so much less likely.
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