From beginners to professional producers and live performers. The new wave of sequencing.
We are very proud to launch OXI ONE to the world, an intuitive and rewarding way of driving both, your inspiration and gear with a remarkable selection of powerful functionalities, all at your disposal, all at a glance.
Expressiveness and robustness have remained at the forefront while many of the shortcomings and oversights found in other hardware sequencers have been avoided.
Finally, a sequencer that can provide all of the breakthroughs you’ve been searching for! Whether you’re striking new creative ideas via the randomizer, experimenting with exotic scales, building and tweaking arpeggios over your patterns, or harmonizing an entire song… creative new inspiration is never more than an arms length away with the OXI ONE. DAW users, hardware enthusiasts, and all those in between can rejoice the same, we’ve kept everybody in mind while creating this dense array of compositional tools. Bridging connectivity gaps in the studio and on the stage has never been easier
Between the numerous connectivity options, the large number of flexible tracks at your disposal, the robust and thoughtful user interface, and the modulation and randomization capabilities that OXI ONE provides, we are more than confident that it will perfectly match any kind of rig and become the centerpiece of your professional live performance.
Modular enthusiasts, OXI ONE has come to stay. Seamless integration between a performative sequencer and Control Voltage like never before.
Modulation routing, any degree of polyphony support, envelopes… open the cv layout and instantly select/configure what you need in every precise moment with fluid assignations of all the outputs. It has never been so easy yet so flexible and powerful.
We have been working on OXI ONE for over 2 years to make one of the most powerful sequencers and MIDI controllers on the market. With constant feedback from the community, we have integrated a lot of advanced, attractive and requested functionalities.
Because OXI ONE is designed by musicians for musicians. With your help, OXI ONE will be possible!
If there is one thing that sets OXI One apart, it is the wealth of advanced features, here are some of the main ones:
- 4 FULLY configurable sequencers.
- Up to 32 tracks.
- Up to 128 steps per sequencer.
- Full featured performing keyboard with dedicated layouts.
- Song/Arranger mode with dedicated interface and pattern launch option.
- Chord mode with +150 chord variations and intelligent HARMONIZER mode.
- 4 LFOs, routable to internal parameters, MIDI, and voltage control.
- 4 Loopers.
- 4 arpeggiators with multiple independent modes, octave, gate, and division.
- 8 cvs, 8 gates and 1 Cv input fully configurable and routable.
- 32 CC’s RECording.
- Solid and compact build. Battery powered.
- Intelligent pattern randomizer.
The less the merrier. OXI One has central and peripheral Bluetooth which allows it to easily connect to any device. MIDI Bluetooth is very versatile, allowing to wirelessly control and synchronize devices with very low latency and dead steady clock on far from ideal scenarios.
To make it even better, One incorporates a rechargeable battery which makes it a very portable and versatile tool that allows us to use it anywhere.
But what if I like cables? No problem, OXI One can be used either through the BLE or with a USB cable.
What does “central” exactly means?
Central means that OXI One becomes a hub for all your MIDI Bluetooth needs. You can throw in any MIDI Bluetooth keyboards, controllers and sensors to control and record directly on OXI One.
It also can act as peripheral Bluetooth device to connect to DAWs, mobile or desktop apps and the other way around. To release affordable Bluetooth enabled controllers and wearables is on our sight.
Let’s talk a bit more about the current modes available to choose from. You can choose 4 in any combination you want to better fit your setup and needs:
8 tracks with totally independent parameters: start-end steps, length, division, etc. Configurable MIDI outputs and scale note filtering. Did you miss having more tracks?, now you can unlock up to 32 tracks in the OXI ONE.
Innovative chord function generation for easy creation of chord progressions. Amazing palette of chords types and voicings which perfectly matches to each other. It comes with a handful dedicated chord menu.
Full control of a monophonic track with complete visualization of the melody. Never get lost again in a pattern!
Total freedom up to 7 voices, 4 CC’s and plenty parameters per step. Forget your DAW piano roll for a moment and enjoy this new creative editing experience.
More modes will come in future Firmware Updates: Cartesian, Melodic Steps, Curve…
Our innovative CHORD MODE allows you to easily create chord progressions with plenty chord types, voicings, spread and bass options and specific chord menus. The chords can be easily arpeggiated with the built in chord arpeggiator. With 150+ chord variations!
With HARMONIZER MODE you can sequence other instruments to harmonically play with your chord progressions.
We could make an entire product only around these features but you can enjoy them integrated with other awesome tools.
Algorithmic pattern randomizer with humanization, variation control, density control, scale and root randomization. With these few controls you will be surprised about the results, tweak the parameters and get a killer musical idea in seconds.
Give continuous variations to your patterns with the multiple randomization options: velocity, octave, triggering probability, gate, ratcheting and step skipping randomization .
The built in LFOs sthe CV input and the multiple routing options, route to internal parameters like gate, velocity, note, bend, time division, etc, to MIDI external parameters like CC’s and the control voltage outputs.
A modern sequencer should have modern edition tools, not only have we not skimped on them but we have added some quite novel ones. Duplicate, rotate, move, reorder, humanize, undo several times, extend, copy and paste steps, tracks and transform sequencers from one mode to another. Independent init and end steps and time division per sequencer and per track.
Different modes of recording (loop, one shoot, extend), with or without quantization.
Pattern management with 15 projects and 16 patterns per sequencer which makes a total of 960 patterns.
Project contains information about the CV&Gates configuration, arrangement and songs.
With 8 configurable and assignable CV outputs and 8 gates, including VCA ready dynamic envelopes, glide, vibrato, lfos and modulation outputs, you have plenty of possibilities for your Modular system. Polyphonic support at any level, configure as many voices or tracks as you need from each of the sequencers.
- With “trig envelopes” MIDI and cv goes hand by hand, a dynamic modulation source VCA/LPG ready: AD envelope with velocity as amplitude and gate as decay time by default. They can be routed to any of the other modulation lanes.
- MIDI (trs, usb, Bluetooth) to cv and vice versa, the behaviour is configurable from the dedicated CV Gate layout. The Cvs respond to the configured MIDI channels of every sequencer.
- LFO and MOD offset and inversion controls.
- With MOD on, you can record the movement of the encoders to create looping modulation.
- Sequencer: Select which sequencer affects the corresponding output and easily turn on/off the output.
- The grid adds another layer of performance: turn on/off and change cv sources on real time.
- Select the source of modulation or voice/track for any output.
We wanted to take the traditional song modes and pattern chaining available in existing sequencers to the next level.
- 4 lanes of pattern playback, one per sequencer
- Full pattern progress view on the screen with countdown for next pattern change
- Clip launch to manually change patterns
- Save up to 16 Songs per Project
- Program Change send to control external gear
- Color code the same patterns for visual recall
In addition to the workflow that it brings us as a sequencer, OXI ONE incorporates 4 piano layouts with advanced functionalities and shortcuts, specifically designed for each mode:
- Full 8 octave range
- Pitch bend, pressure, modulation and velocity direct knob controls
- Note filtering by color. Explore new scales.
- Arpeggiator for every track with 10 currently available modes, hold, octavation and selectable clock division.
- Roll function with 8 different divisions
- Choose and musically play chords from the palette. There’s no need for uncomfortable chord assignments, the right chords are instantly available for the selected scale with plenty of chord types, voicings and variations.
- These chords can be arpeggiated as well by turning the arpeggiator on
- Special functions like mute, solo, arm record depending on the configured sequencer mode.
ONE gives you everything you need to improvise new ideas and unleash your imagination, no matter what is your setup or musical genres.
We wanted OXI One to be compact and slender. Implementing MIDI TRS ports has had a big role reducing its weight and volume substantially.
OXI Split comes as an efficient and inexpensive solution for users that want to control more equipment through DIN connections, providing one MIDI DIN Input and two MIDI DIN Outputs, doubling the data transfer capacity and the number of MIDI channels up to 32. With OXI Split, users can chain more hardware instruments reliably.
Future versions of the OXI Split will come with more port options and configurations to address different studio needs.
- Up to 128 steps per Sequencer
- 4 deeply configurable and independent Sequencers active at the same time (up to 32 tracks)
- 4 modes to choose from per Sequencer: Monophonic, Polyphonic, Chord, Multitrack (up to 8 independent tracks) more to come
- Load Patterns and Projects instantly, no load time
- CVs and Gate outputs are user assignable with a dedicated grid layout that allows changes in real time
- CV outs support for ADs envelopes, Polyphony, Modulation and LFOs
- Arranger mode with 4 pattern playback lanes, count down visualization and Program Changes
- One LFO per Sequencer with assignable destination. CV In can act as an assignable modulator.
- Live MIDI looper with Rec activation by MIDI in and Rec Extend options
- USB MIDI, TRS MIDI, BLUETOOTH (BLE) MIDI routable to the CVs and gates outputs
- Clock out and clock/cv in (which serves as parameter modulation by pulse frequency)
- Intelligent and musical pattern Randomizer (with humanization and controllable randomization)
- Innovative chord function, with hotkeys for voicing, inversion and spread
- Playback and perform randomizer (velocity, octave, trigger, ratcheting and skipping independently)
- Keyboard mode per Sequencer with arpeggiators independent of the sequence (10 modes, octavation, gate, rate and hold functions) and chord triggering
- Internal clock or external sync (USB MIDI, TRS MIDI, BLUETOOTH MIDI and clock IN)
- Preview function
- Per step parameters: pitch, velocity, octave, gate, 4x modulation lanes, glide (for cvs outs in mono mode), ratches, micro time offset, probability; strum, voicing and chord type (Chord Mode)
- Plenty available scales and user selectable root note
- Open Source app (MacOS, Linux, Windows, iOS and Android) for further configuration and Project backup
- 1/32th to 1bar resolution per step
- Extend function
- Loop function
- Selectable Init and End steps (Independent for each track and Sequencer)
- Selectable MIDI output channels (Independent for each track and Sequencer)
- Swing per Sequencer
- Playback directions: forward, backward, alternate, random.
- Multiple pattern edition features like duplicate, moving patterns in all directions (rotate and transpose)
- Copy, paste, clear features for patterns, parts, sequences, steps and presets
- Several Undo steps
- Up to 15 Projects which include Project configuration and up to 64 Patterns per Project and 16 songs. Pattern exporting possible via the companion app
- Monome Grid support thanks to open sourcing by the Monome team. Currently available for DIY norns devices
- Compact format: 36 x 14 x 1.5 cm, < 1Kg
- Less than 2cm thick (without knobs)
- 128×64 bright OLED display
- 4 rotary encoders with push button
- 8×16 RGB buttons matrix
- 5.1 fully functional and compatible MIDI BLE
- Battery powered for up to 10 hours (may vary) of wireless sequencing via BLE MIDI
- Premium anodized aluminium case and knobs
- All case drawings by laser etching
- Tempered glass screen cover
- ARM Cortex M4 168Mhz for great timing performance
- 8 cvs and 8 gates. Support for V/Oct, 1.2V/Oct and Hz/V (may vary)
- CVs outputs from -3V to 5V (8 octave range)
- ~10V gate output
- 1 CV or Clock input
- TRS and CLOCK to DIN adaptors included
We are OXI Instruments, an independent company from Spain specialized in creating hardware devices focused on the creation, composition and performance of musical ideas. We are a small team of engineers and business management that work directly on the project.
What is our mision?
Our mission for you is to provide you the ability to create and perform your music in a new, easy, intuitive and fulfilling way. With OXI One we strive to make one of the most versatile and inspiring sequencers of the market.
What is our vision?
We are focused on innovation, giving our best for making new tools for creating, performing and editing music for a reasonable price.
How did this adventure start?
Like all great stories, there is always a trigger behind the creation of projects. In this case, Oxi Instruments was born from the idea of Manuel, a young spanish engineer with a passion for music and several years of background in music production.