An animated film about painter Albert Pinkham Ryder and the 1913 US art revolution.
Hello, my name is Aaron Gwynn and I am the Director and screenwriter of an animated feature-film entitled Painting in Darkness about the painter Albert Pinkham Ryder, and the coming of the modern art revolution to the United States in 1913.
Painting in Darkness will tell these two parallel stories in dazzling animation. We have already assembled a diverse and multi-talented international team of animators and voice actors who work in a wide variety of styles: hand-drawn animation, stop-motion, claymation, as well as painted frames. With this blend, the film will look like nothing before it, and will tell a story that is becoming lost in our modern world: that of the power of art to make real change in the minds of people.
I believe this film will have the chance to not only be a unique and successful motion picture, but also to inspire artists from around the globe to pursue their goals in the name of self-expression and beauty.