$1 raised out of $118,300
Start date
Aug 24, 2020
Close date
Oct 08, 2020

We are creating a in depth documentary on Covid-19 aimed at highlighting the neglect for safety measures in the community.


All over the world, people in every social class are being affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. There are people that think the Coronavirus is not even a real thing, just a scare tactic conjured by the government. There are people who protest against wearing masks and if we ever wish to return to a normal way of life without this deadly disease we need to highlight the facts. We need to showcase how this disease impacts the families of those who have died or have been sick. People think they are immune, that this is a joke. 

We aim to distribute this documentary to Netflix but we need your help!

The World NEEDS to know what is happening outside the comfort of their homes. Our Leader has shown that he is incapable of handling a crisis of this level so it is up to the people to put aside their differences and literally save the human race from suffering.
