we are forward to export Pili nuts to UE, USA and rest of the World
Hello everyone
We would like to offer you something special. Product which is not so popular around the world, but we belive it should be. Its Pili nuts from Philippines.

Becouse of it’s healthy benefits.
Pili nuts (Canarium ovatum) are a tree nut native to South-East Asia, where we harvest them. Bicol, Philippines.
Despite not being well known around the world.
These nuts are also known as Pacific almonds or kenari nuts, and their nutrition profile is quite different from other types of nuts.
For one thing, pili nuts are primarily a source of saturated and monounsaturated fat, while most other nuts are high in polyunsaturated fat.
Notably, pili nuts offer higher amounts of dietary fat than any other nut, and they are an excellent source of magnesium.

OK, but how doest it taste?
Pili nuts are available in raw and roasted form. (currently we are offer only raw Pili nuts, more in the future)
In their roasted form, the nuts have a rich, flavorful and creamy taste, and they almost melt in the mouth after biting into them.
If you already ate macadamia nuts , you know its having a “buttery” taste, pili nuts offer even more in this regard.
In short; most people who enjoy macadamias should love these nuts.
This taste/texture is due to the significant fat content of the nuts.
GREAT, but what is the nutrition value?
Calories 719 kcal
Carbohydrate 3.98 g
Fat 79.55 g
Saturated Fat 31.18 g
Monounsaturated Fat 37.23 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 7.61 g
Protein 10.80 g
Calcium 145mg
Iron 3.53mg
Magnesium 302mg
Phosphorus 575mg
Potassium 507mg
Sodium 3mg
Zinc 2.97mg