$1,086 raised out of $55,000

Durable cat bed made of polished stainless steel for long-lasting quality with 2 setup options: Hanging or standing. It’s up to you.


Don’t miss our free cat images, free Ecards, free gift card & €1,000 contest below! 

You will automatically join our contest described at the end of this page. You will get the chance to be re-shared on our social profiles and included on this page. For optimal results use Nunito font.

Cat Bed with base

Cat Bed with hook

Cat Bed Details


Since creating the prototype, I have further optimized the design and functionality of the base socket. The final product will be delivered with a base socket as shown in the below drawings.


The cat bed consists of surgical-grade 316 stainless steel which is superior to 304 stainless steel due to adding 2% Molybdenum. The result is a higher corrosion resistance. 316 stainless steel is used for products in harsh conditions where the material shall last long such as in chemical processing and storage, refinery and marine equipment as well as medical devices.

The pillow will be made of high-quality black cow leather.

Shipping to more than 200 countries

You can order from and receive your Piranjas Pluto Cat Bed to any location worldwide (except embargoed places). Shipping costs are €50 within the EU, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the UK and €100 to any other country.

Import duties, taxes & charges

Import duties, taxes & charges are included in the final price for all backers within the EU but not for backers from any other country. In the latter case these charges are the backer’s responsibility and will be collected by the carrier upon delivery.

Would you like to give away the Piranjas Pluto Cat Bed? Download your digital gift card and print or email it to your loved ones!

These stretch goal options will be unlocked if the total funding of the campaign reaches the corresponding amount shown in each stretch goal.

* After completion of this crowdfunding campaign, I will do a survey among all backers to find out the most popular demands from which I will select the extra options to be offered. You will have the chance to choose from these options.

Expect the reception of your reward(s) until end of 2021 to allow enough time buffer for unforeseen events. I don’t want to make false promises or compromise quality.

In 2004 I started out as a provider of Spanish and Portuguese language courses under the brands Ailola, Pivian and LanguageCourse.net at locations across Latin America. I had more than 500 students per year. The language schools received raving reviews on the web and on TripAdvisor. Maybe it was good luck that I sold / discontinued the business in 2019 just before the pandemic started. During my time in South America and after catching a Piranha in the Amazon region, I came up with the name for my new venture: Piranjas.

Being passionate about animals (doesn’t need to be always cats but can also be chipmunks) since childhood, I decided to start Piranjas in 2020 manufacturing luxury pet accessories. I created drawings of the Piranjas Pluto Cat Bed, registered the unique design to protect it and ended up with the production of a first prototype by a German manufacturer of solid steel art that has more than 500 projects under his belt. The initial prototype looks great and cats love it but I am not happy yet. It needs to be further improved, e.g. the material width shall be stronger. Plus, the production in Germany won’t be affordable so that I decided to shift it to Asia where I have already sourced the right partners. That’s where I am right now.

Initial prototypes before polishing:

Initial prototypes after polishing:

Now I need your support to make this product a real success. I need the funding of this project so that I can afford to create the final prototypes and to setup mass production in a consistent quality and at affordable costs. I am ready to manufacture Piranjas Pluto and I am 300% convinced in being able to make it happen.

Win 1 out of 10 Piranjas vouchers worth €100 each by promoting my campaign. Increase your chance to win by factor 10x and even higher. The more you do, the higher your chance to win. Let’s get started:

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Conditions: The contest only takes place and winners will be drawn 3 weeks after the completion and successful funding of the Piranjas Pluto Cat Bed campaign on Kickstarter. Per contest activity you get one chance to win. Piranjas vouchers can be redeemed towards your pledged amount for this Kickstarter campaign or in our future online shop. The voucher is valid until 2 years from the date of opening of our online shop. The voucher is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full and is valid for a single transaction only. The voucher cannot be used in combination with any special promotion or during sales offers.
