Share the love, grace and wisdom of Christ worldwide by supporting the film, “Jesus God, Jesus Man”
Please donate and be a part of helping to spread the love, wisdom and grace of Jesus to millions of believers worldwide!
“Jesus God, Jesus Man” – a feature narrative film in development – portrays the depth of Jesus Christ as both the Son of God and a human being. It allows viewers to reach a deeper understanding and connection with Christ, so that we may more faithfully walk in His footsteps.
With all of the suffering in the world today, Jesus’ teachings and mercy are needed more than ever, which is why making this film now is so important!
We Need Your Support to Make this Film!
We need to raise $50,000 CAD to begin our preproduction. The film is expected to be filmed this year and released for Christmas, 2022. The shooting schedule is 30 days, with 60 days scheduled for editing. The website www.jesusgodjesusman.com will give daily updates and early access to clips as they are filmed.
Your donation will directly fund…
Hiring a Line Producer to break down script
Hiring a Casting Director
Location Scouting in Israel and Canada.
A deposit for Nazareth Village as a location.
Wardrobe for the Film
Creating an Investment and Distribution Package
Perks for our Donors
We are so grateful for all the support! Beyond the value of being a part of helping this film to become a reality, we have created some fantastic perks to thank you!
Donors can receive advance copies of the film before release, receive a producer credit, or even have a role in the film! View our perks section to learn more. Donation levels are in CAD.
$25+ – Digital Download of Film Prior to Release
$100+ – “Support From” Credit
$500+ – “Thank You” Credit
$1000+ – “Special Thanks” Credit
$5000+ – “Funding Provided By” Credit
$10,000+ – Major Funding Provided By Credit
$50,000+ – Associate Producer Credit – Extra Role in Film (Includes Airfare and 3 Day Hotel Stay)
$100,000+ – Co-Producer Credit – Featured Extra Role in Film (Includes Airfare and 5 Day Hotel Stay)
$250,000+ – Executive Producer Credit – Supporting Role in film – (Includes Airfare and 7 Day Hotel Stay) –
Meet the Filmmaker – Goldie Smitlener
My name is Goldie Smitlener. I am a 74 year old filmmaker and devout Christian. This film is my life’s work and I am dedicated to making it a reality. God is guiding me to make this film, no matter what challenge I must overcome. I believe that in a time of pandemic, war, and so much suffering on this planet, people need to hear this message of hope, salvation and love more than ever.
I cannot do this alone. I am asking my fellow Christian brothers and sisters to join with me to help bring this film to the world! Please share your faith and love of Jesus with the world by donating to the film.
About the Film
The film showcases never before seen storylines based on the most thorough understanding of the human side of Jesus’s 33 years with us. It shows us a Jesus that every one of us relates to. It removes the complexities that many have wrapped around the Word of God to show us the easily understandable essence of His teachings. And how those teachings are as true today, as they were 2000 years ago, when Jesus first spoke them.
The film will be shot in Israel and other biblically significant locations. There will be no artificial sets, we will see Jesus as he was, in the places he was. It will show a man who speaks wisdom. A man who draws people to Him because His actions and words touch something very deep in us. They touch the part of us that yearns to be close to God. The film will bear testament to the essential truths that can guide lost souls back to the light of God’s love.
Click Here to Watch a Teaser for the Film!
Acclaim for the Script of Jesus God, Jesus Man
While the film is still in development, the script for “Jesus God, Jesus Man” has already garnered worldwide acclaim and accolades. The script won Best Screenplay at the Creation International Film Festival in 2019.
The film’s script has won the following awards!
- Best Screenplay – Silver Award – INYFF 2020
- Bronze Winner – International Independent Film Awards – 2019
- Platinum Award – Screenplay Screen Awards – 2019
- Award of Merit – Pacific Screen Awards 2019
- Certificate of Excellence – 8th Annual Kolkata Short International Film Festival – 2019
- Official Selection – Illinois International Film Festival – 2019
- Official Selection – International Independent Film Awards – Fall Session – 2019
- Official Selection – Oaxaca FilmFest – 2019
- Official Selection – Pacific Screen Awards – 2019
- Official Selection – Depth of Field International Film Festival – 2020
- Official Selection – 2nd Indian World Film Festival – 2018
- Official Selection – Rome Independent Prisma Awards – 2020
How this Film will Make the World a Better Place
The world is tearing itself apart with violence. Violence that grows in the soil of hatred. The world needs the message of love and understanding more than ever before. This film gives them this message.
Lost in the fear of our current time is that love, forgiveness, mercy… These are meant for all of us. For there to be balance, we must learn how to forgive, and we must learn how to ask for forgiveness. This film shows how Jesus accepted all people, understanding their faults, and showing them the path to righteousness.
As we sit in our bubbles, wearing our Covid masks, wondering if Our job, Our company, Our family will disappear in an instant, it is easy to lose HOPE. As much as anything else, the message of Jesus was that we should never lose HOPE. This film is about Hope, in these difficult, difficult days.
Why is this Film being Made?
Jesus… The name is known throughout the world, yet is taken for granted. It is the name that everyone needs to call upon and give thanks for so many things.
What Inspired this Film?
Goldie, being a simple person, with a very simple faith that is easy to understand and put into practice in one’s life, was inspired to create Jesus God, Jesus Man to mainly solve these problems:
Risks and Challenges
Jesus did not walk an easy path. Nor will making this film be an easy path. As with all filmmaking, there are risks involved with locations and weather. There are risks when dealing with a large cast and crew. Organization is the key to managing these risks and completing the project on time and budget.
Thank you for placing your trust in us. We will not let you down.
Please Support this Film!
We invite you to be a crucial part of bringing Jesus’ message and Love to the world in our time of need by supporting this film with a donation.
Whether you donate or not, if you believe in Jesus and want to help, then please share this campaign with your friends and social media communities.