A mobile App, to bring people together with others having similar issues with cars and parts to prove it may not be a coincidence.
To: Potential investors
Application name : Power In Numbers (PIN)
Following is a brief description of the aspired project I wish to bring to life.
PIN will be downloadable on all Apple and Android mobile devices, giving vehicle owners the opportunity to register their personal vehicle via year, make, and model. With this application all registered user’s will be placed into groups, along with other users with the same vehicles. When a recall has been released by the vehicle manufacturer for the users individual vehicle, they will receive a push notification on the matter, along with local dealership information and scheduling options. Let’s face it. We are in the 21st Century and people are still receiving this notification via mailed letter. It’s time to utilize the technology so many brilliant minds have discovered and innovated on, to make every day life just a touch more modern.
The next function of this mobile application will tend to the wallets of the every day person. Many vehicle owners have issues with their daily drivers, but never think to realize it could be a manufacturers error. Meanwhile thousands of others are having the same problems. PIN will give vehicle owners the opportunity to document they’re vehicle discrepancies, and all matches will be put in a separate group. When it appears there is number of similar discrepancies, all users in the group will receive a push notification from PIN, stating a case has been opened against the car manufacturer and a class action law suit has been opened. All users will get progress updates from PIN and the class action law firm PIN will have provided.
This concept especially hits home for me. Recently, I was the owner of a 2014 Ford Taurus. While driving down the highway my engine light came on, along with my vehicle overheating icon. When I went to the mechanic, he was reluctant to tell me that repairs would be in the thousands, however the cost of the part was just a few hundred. The broken part was a coolant pump, but when ford built the model, they installed the pump under the motor. This turned a quick fix into a 40hr plus job. My mechanic informed me many people have this problem, but not enough have come forward to gain the attention of Ford, therefore a recall was never released. It hurt me to think that so many people around the world can be taken advantage of so easily by such large companies who dont want to right their wrongs.
With Power In Numbers, the hardworking citizen can effortlessly join the same team. Just by simply downloading a mobile app, people will have the opportunity to save countless dollars they should not be responsible for spending on vehicle repairs.
Along with the satisfaction of knowing you contributed to the creation and development of a mobile application that will change the course of vehicle repairs, manufacturer responsibility, and consumer convenience, investors will also be compensated with a ROI.
A common question in discussions involving the development of this application is of course, how will it profit ? Thats easy. PIN will provide relevant advertisements from all aspects of the vehicular industry, providing all users with local deals, discounts, and memberships. The possibility of partnerships in advertising are overwhelming, and we cannot wait until we can begin to reach out to different advertisement providers to discuss what our future users can benefit from the most.
Its time to take a minute, and think about the average citizen. With your investment, we together can change the course of vehicle repairs, and provide our future users with great perks while we’re at it. I ask that you please simply consider investing in the development of this mobile application.
Matthew Joyce