Helping people find freedom from the chains of cultural bondage especially within the church
Dear Friends,
Prodigal Korea is a spiritual hug of encouragement to those who have been hurt or scarred by the high and sometimes unfair expectations that stem from our cultures. As a Korean American, I had to grow into the individualistic expectations as an American, but also try to fulfill the communal traditions and standards as a Korean. This clash of cultural identities has led to a generation of insecurities, emotional scars, and broken families. Sadly, the church isn’t free from these issues and this has led to many leaving the church or the faith entirely due to the often legalistic expectations of those who we hoped to find encouragement and love in.
A few years ago I published A Letter to the Korean American Church. It was a project of love, both to the church and to my native people. God had put on my heart to write something to point people of all nations to a Christ centered identity and faith. I have been blessed to meet many new people through my book as they have shared how they were both encouraged and blessed by the text. These include students, pastors, people who have left the church, and even many non-Koreans!
We ask for your prayers and support as this is the first project of this magnitude that I have personally worked on. But I strongly believe that God has already provided so much so far! We have an amazing staff of workers with great experience in film. Friends, family, and even strangers have offered places to film, connections, and advice and encouragement for all of us. But perhaps the most significant proof is in the frequent meetings with people who have been hurt emotionally and spiritually and have suffered silently. As I sit down with them and hear their stories, the patterns of pastors, former church goers, and especially once passionate Christians being hurt and leaving the church is very apparent. We want to give those people a voice and a hope.
Finally, this documentary is not just for Koreans, but rather it seeks to raise awareness of these ongoing issues in many ethnic communities that deal with honor and shame. It seeks to point people to see that there is hope, encouragement and truth in Christ Jesus, especially to those who are still under the bondage of cultural expectations, emotional scars, and the burdens of traditions. There is healing and a solution and we want to get the word out! Please partner with us today to help change our culture and bring that hope!
What We Need & What You Get
Your contributions will help toward the creation of this documentary. Creating any film project is a multi-person project which includes camera work, lighting, directors, and even makeup artists! Additionally, travel, tech, and payment for our hard workers are just some of the funds that we need to make this dream happen! To show our gratefulness to you, we want to offer some gifts and opportunities! Please check our giving perks below to see details
Thanks so much for your time!
Terry Kim, Executive Producer