Bringing a new My Little Pony convention to the Baltimore fan scene.
Short Summary
Once upon a time, Baltimore, MD had a My Little Pony convention. It was big, it was fun, it was a community. Then it all ended.
With the current G5 ponies and anticipated release of G6 in the future, we thought it was time to bring a new pony convention to Baltimore. Whether we’re small, or big, we just want to get together and spread friendship.
What We Need & What You Get
To get this event off the ground, we will need to raise at least $50,000. We will have several perks in this crowd funding campaign including lifetime tickets, event attendance, swag, and more.
This is an all or nothing run. While we would like to certainly get anything we can and have somewhere to start, we know that might worry some people. We want to make sure that you will get your event and what you contributed for. If we don’t get enough to get this off the ground, then you lose nothing.
The Impact
The Maryland Region pony community continues to meet on a regular basis, and we hope to bring everyone together from all the areas around us. Our backing organization Mid-Atlantic Anthropomorphic Association, Inc is a 501c3 Charity that contributes donations to Animal and LGBTQIA+ charities among others. Your funds will help to launch this event, and during the event we will have a charity drive for a sponsored Maryland Charity organization (other than MidAnthro).
Risks & Challenges
People value your transparency. Be open and stand out by providing insight into the risks and obstacles you may face on the way to achieving your goal.
- Share what qualifies you to overcome these hurdles.
- Describe your plan for solving these challenges.
Other Ways You Can Help
Get the word out, share this crowdfund.
Join our twitter timeline
Reach out to us to jump on the founding staff to help run the event.