Online creators decreasing world suck!
NOTE: Every single perk is a preorder! We will send them out as they come to us, and we cannot guarantee a specific timeline for any of them.
Also note that ALL unlimited, non-personalized digital perks are included in the digital download bundle! (We will try to note this in every perk description, but we’re sorry if we forget! They are ALL in the bundle!)
The digital download bundle is also available here.
The Project for Awesome started back in 2007 when John & Hank Green and a bunch of online video creators decided it would be cool, once a year, to take over the online video community in the interest of good.
During Project for Awesome, hundreds of people post videos about and advocating for charities that decrease the overall level of world suck. As a community, we promote these videos and raise money for the charities through this Indiegogo campaign.
Project for Awesome has three parts.
First, YOU. Amazing community members from around the world make videos about a charity that is particularly meaningful for them. These are submitted to the Project for Awesome website, but also should be shared, viewed, discussed, and commented on around the internet. You can make your own video or vote for your favorites at projectforawesome.com, which helps determine the charities that receive funding.
Videos can be submitted from 12:00am EST on Tuesday, December 3rd through 11:59am EST on Sunday, December 8th.
Second, fundraising. We will have an amazing selection of perks to choose from if you want to donate through our Indiegogo campaign. From digital downloads to signed art, donated items from your favorite YouTube creators, and sweet P4A merch, you’re bound to find something fun.
All funds raised during the first half of P4A (12:00am EST on December 3rd through 11:59am EST on December 7th) will benefit Partners in Health and Save the Children.
All funds raised during the second half of P4A (12:00pm EST on December 7th through 11:59pm EST on December 11th) will be divided between the top organizations as chosen by the community during the livestream.
The Indiegogo page will be active from 12:00am EST on Wednesday, December 5th through 11:59pm EST on Tuesday, December 11th.
We’ll be adding new perks throughout the campaign, so check back often!!!
Third, the livestream! This is where things get wacky. John & Hank, along with a number of special guests, host a 48-hour continuous livestream to feature videos, announce new perks, put peanut butter on their faces, inhale helium, sing Christmas songs… It’s an adventure. You never know what will happen, so tune in and join the party at projectforawesome.com/live!
The livestream will run from 12:00pm EST on December 6th through 11:59am EST on December 8th.
Questions? We have answers!
Start by checking out the awesome FAQ on our main website, which is more extensive than the one on the next tab on this page.
If you have additional questions, please email info@projectforawesome.com.