More than just a puzzle, more than a board game.

Unidragon is a multinational team
We live and work in different parts of the world – USA, Japan, Ireland, Canada, Kazakhstan. North and South America, Europe and Asia. This helps us create better products, apply the best technologies, and deliver new experiences to our customers.
Company offices are located in the USA, Ireland, Japan and Kazakhstan. Our warehouses are located in USA, Canada, Australia, Slovakia, UK, Japan and China
Quezzle is a blend of Japanese design ideas, international experience and creative ideas of Unidragon.
Pavel Chamzinsky (head of Unidragon development department) and Hirofumi Kamigaki (founder of IC4D studio) will talk about the work on the Quezzle product.
That’s all for now
This is all that we wanted to tell you at the time of the start of the company. We will post information about the progress of the company and its results in Updates. If you have any questions, head to the comments, and we’ll be sure to help!