Become a Champion of Change! Help RCM launch its first mission-based investment fund!
Fun Fact or Not So Fun Fact?
Did you know…
Women only exclusively run just 2% of the US funds industry’s assets. (Quantic 2022)
Of the 69.1 trillion assets managed globally, less than 1.3% are managed by women and people of color. (Quantic 2022)
About Me
My name is Raziela, but everyone calls me Raz for short! I am a lover of stocks, advocate of change, passionate about the power of giving, believer in business ownership, and beneficiary of the love of God and grace of Jesus. I’m also an aspiring portfolio manager who’s determined to manage money as a mission. Convinced of the prospect of wealth creation through the financial markets and the ability to use the abundance of funds to help humanity, I’ve embarked on a very interesting and unconventional journey that has led me here, to this community of creators!
The RCM Story
After having my life transformed by the love of God, I wanted to somehow utilize my passion for the financial markets to bring about positive transformation in the lives of others, but it did not seem plausible. I had the opportunity to briefly work in the financial services but felt void of purpose and later worked in ministry but felt void of passion.
So, inspired by my professional conundrum of having to choose between investment management or ministry, desire to be amongst the 2%, and dream of living a legacy of change through investment management, I created Raziela Capital Management. RCM is the culmination of two distinctly different paradigms, Wall Street and ministry. I know, talk about a paradox! We will invest in the financial markets and govern our financial/operational matters through a servanthood mindset. Instead of measuring our success by the level of profit we will obtain, we are choosing to gauge our success by how much we will give and how many lives are impacted by what we do. The goal is for RCM to one day evolve into a minority owned, mission-based trading firm or hedge fund that impacts lives globally. Sound great, right?!
Investing with that kind of impact and making a visible footprint in the investment management world requires significant capital. Relying on only my capital thus far has quite frankly only gotten me one step across the starting line. Literally.
I am aware that crowdfunding is not the traditional path for financial firms but the capital requirements to pursue this vision and mission far exceed my bank account. So, I am embarking on an unconventional path and looking to the generosity of people like yourself to help this company begin to overcome one of the major hurdles that my demographic faces when creating a company in this industry, lack of capital.
How Donations Will Be Used
1) Creation of an Incubated Fund – This incubated fund will enable the company to invest, profit, and give perpetually. Additionally, it will allow us to establish an investment track record for future marketing to clients/seed investors for evolution into a full hedge fund or trading firm.
2) Launching our First Initiative – Our first initiative would be providing optional free eBooks to our online visitors. A budget will be allocated to purchase these eBooks as they are requested.
3) Operational Costs – This includes, but is not limited to, investment subscriptions, financial services, and legal costs for company restructuring and creation of the incubated fund.
If the goal is surpassed, additional funds will be allocated to the incubated fund and our giving initiative, with more surplus allocated to the incubated fund.
More Money, More Impact, … Not Problems! – Money makes all the difference for an investment company. The more donations we raise, the more we have to invest, the more we can make, the more we can give, and the bigger impact we will have. To illustrate this point, below are hypothetical portfolios with the same return of 10%.
$10,000 x10% = $1,000
$100,000 x 10% =$10,000
$1,000,000 x 10% = $100,000
This implies that the same effort used to invest thousands can be applied to a larger amount of capital to produce astoundingly different results. Behold the power of additional zeros! Now let’s imagine RCM with the 1M incubated fund :).
Other Ways You Can Help
Monetary donations would be greatly appreciated but if that is not an option for you at this moment, no worries, you can still help! I am not a social media kind of gal, so sharing this campaign with your social network or with any individuals you think may find this of interest will also be very, very, very much appreciated!
Speaking of social media, we just launched our Instagram page! So, let’s connect @razcapmgmt
Thank you so much. We look forward to making your donations do the most good!
P.S I am currently enrolled in an Intro to FinTech class for my Master of Science degree in Finance for Investment Management (talk about a mouth full!), where I was exposed to crowdfunding. So, I’m literally living the lecture from my professor (shh, she doesn’t know!) It would be utterly amazing, after a successful campaign, to inform her that her lecture (and your donations), changed my life. Talk about real world education ;).