ReCalf is lower leg exercise equipment targeting the calf and ankle area. I can be used anywhere you can comfortably sit!
Back in 2013, I ruptured my Achilles’ Tendon. I was in my 40’s and was playing tennis competitively (since I was 25). Over time, the game took its toll on me – resulting in my injury. I had it surgically repaired. The surgery was fine and I am fully recovered – except for my calf muscle. I did not have large calf muscles to begin with, but the one on the same leg as my injury was greatly reduced in size due to non-use. I did not do a very good job with physical therapy and years later, there is still a noticeable difference between my two calves.
When I went back to my surgeon and asked about this, he explain that “this is something that just happens and that it will probably be smaller for the rest of my life. I did not take this information well – I was determined to see if I could get my calf back to normal size. I tried changing my gym routine to to focus more on the smaller calf, but I still did not see the results I was hoping for.
After a couple of years of this, I came up with an idea of being able to workout from home while sitting on my sofa (watching TV, working, reading, etc.). It was from this idea that ReCalf was born. The idea is simple – have a device that securely straps to the lower leg (left or right); connect some elastic bands for tension, and push against the tension with a “calf raising” motion. This way, you can start with a very light weight and work your way up to heavier weights over time. By simply sitting in a comfortable position, you can work your calf (or ankle) out at home for as long as you like.
When I used my first prototype, I gained 0.5 inches in circumference after just THREE WEEKS of use. I would sit with a light tension and work out for an hour – you really lose track of time when using ReCalf. The fun part was getting up to get a drink – that is when my calf said “Hey! I’m tired! Walk slowly!”
I think this device could used by all types. Those who wish to recover from a calf injury; those who wish to increase their calf size; those who wish to keep their calves warm after a strenuous workout. I hope to have this sold on Amazon, but I need a kick start to reach this dream. Please help get ReCalf get off the ground and help those that need to improve their leg strength!
Thank you for your time reading this!