Medieval Combat Survival
From the team at RDBK Studios, we’d like to say a huge thank you to all our backers for helping us reach our funding initial goal. Your support on both Indiegogo and Discord has been amazing.
However, there is still a long way to go. Your support means we’re in the best position we’ve ever been in order to provide you with a fun and functional Alpha.
You can see our plans for any funds over the initial goal later on this page under Roadmaps. This covers our plans to move from Closed Alpha into Open Beta.
More News, Updates and the like will be coming in the near future. Don’t forget to check out our discord for all the latest discussions and updates.
Likewise, we remind and invite all our backers to join our discord community, so they can receive their discord titles.
Renown is a multiplayer survival experience set in a vast and ever-changing medieval world. Players begin with nothing, gather resources, build a kingdom and fight to survive in the hopes of becoming renowned across the land. At its core, Renown is a first-person medieval fighting game, with a strong emphasis on competitive skill-based combat.
Renown takes the most enjoyable and popular aspects from contemporary open-world survival games which include Building, Progression and Social Politics. These are then combined with close quarters, skill-based combat to create an immersive and engaging multiplayer experience.
- Fast-paced medieval survival with a strong emphasis on melee combat.
- From building humble farms to huge fortresses, the choice is with the player.
- A focus on horses, carts, and cavalry warfare.
- Group systems for making Claims, taking titles, giving ranks and more.
- Server Progression and Wipe systems, for an engaging and vastly replayable experience.
- Tools for Community Hosts to help tailor their servers. Future plans for extensive moddability.
- Functioning Combat Alpha waiting for players.
The three main gameplay features which act as the pillars of Renown are:
Whether you are new or experienced to the genre, we have designed the combat system with the player in mind. This allows new players to easily learn the basics, while keeping much of the nuances from the games which inspired Renown.
Develop your skills as the game evolves and prove you’ve got what it takes to be a knight of Renown.
We’re aiming for that close shave feeling in-game, including dragging, matrixing and all your favourite fighting features.
We want players to look good and feel good. Armour in-game doesn’t just help when getting hit in melee but also deflects arrows and other throwables.
We plan on expanding and evolving horse movement, riding, and combat. A steady mount will help with many things from exploration, to logistics.
The building system uses an easy-to-understand and deploy method. This allows for greater depth when creating both small and large castle or village-type structures. From a small house with only a door, players expand into fully customized castles, creating structures truly unique to the person’s ability and experience.
The building system uses a hybrid system of segmented and prefabricated placeable buildings. This allows players both build unique structures, while saving time on repeatable builds. From Farm to Fortress the choice is yours.
We’re seeking to redefine how players build in a survival game. Not only will you need a safe place to horde all that loot you’ll be getting, but a strong and high wall is a weapon in its own right.
Players will have access to industry buildings which aim to help increase the quality of life, by reducing the need for excessive UI clicking and Dragging actions.
The raiding system represents the pivotal activity that all types of players can undertake in-game. What’s the point in building a great castle if you can’t level someone else’s to the ground?
In a way the players are always in an “Arms Race” to see who can build the strongest, smartest, and most awe-inspiring structures. We want to provide you with just as awe-inspiring weapons, siege engines and all the utilities required for an ongoing medieval war.
We want to provide a range of options for “forcefully dismantling” the enemies defenses. From mighty engines of war, inspired by history’s great sieges, to simpler tools for the more subtle raider. We hope to provide the ultimate player vs player medieval siege experience.
When combining the key features detailed above, with a wild world of social chaos, innovation and adaptation is key. Players will be required to create and employ increasing levels of tactics, collaboration, and skill, to stay ahead. We hope the create a truly unique experience with our raiding system. We are seeking to combine a new world of survival raiding, with the far older one told to us in the stories of history.
There are several major elements of renown that are supported by the main game pillars. These systems help to shape the world into a desirable and fun experience. The following systems are not as visible to the player but are vital for core gameplay.
We plan to have an extensive group/clan system to allow mighty empires to form. At the same time, we want smaller groups to survive and thrive. In the world of renown, resources are limited. It’s not always the biggest and strongest who come out ahead.
Another important element in Renown is the progression system. This system enables players to progress through four tiers of technology. These are aimed at being fun, not historically accurate, that said we take care to ensure as many elements of the game feel just right.
Renown takes place in a fully immersive world. When a player logs off, they leave behind a sleeping character. The same is true for resources and gear. The game also uses a traditional system of regular server wipes to ensure fresh gameplay. What use are the spoils of war, if there’s no one left to fight? The cycle system ensures near-unlimited re-playability.
Our primary goal here is to provide as much support to community server hosts. A survival game is made or broken by its community, and the tireless hosts who make it happen. We wish to provide the tools and options to make community servers feel unique and distinguished from each other. Our team are also huge fans of the modding community and we hope to give as much support as possible to aid modders with their creations.
As avid fans of this genre, we asked ourselves, how can we fund the game while delivering something that players will enjoy? During our testing of the combat alpha, we discovered something. Our game is actually really fun, even without the bells and whistles of survival. So we decided on a modular approach. We’ve split our roadmap into 3 distinct sections.
It should be noted, no matter how much funding success we can achieve, we’re dedicated to the completion of this project.
The first road map covers our $40,000 goal;
From here we hope to open our Closed Combat Alpha. Donators who purchase Loyal Supporter will receive entry at this stage, due to helping fund the campaign right now.
Any funds raised over our $40,000 goal will be utilized in the following roadmap. Our estimates suggest we’ll need to raise roughly $180,000 to complete the next stage;
From here we enter the final stage of development. This roadmap covers the major sections which govern the survival factors of the game. As such we’ve separated and dedicated this section to ensure we get it right.
At this stage, our Steadfast Backers will be given access. It’s possible we’ll also be required to open the beta for later purchase, to help fund the next roadmap. Steadfast Backers can be assured that the price for donating now will be lower than at the later date.
Our estimates suggest from the previous roadmap, we’ll require roughly $360,000 to complete our final roadmap;
Donators should understand that no matter our funding success, we’ll be continuing progress on this game. That said any success over our goal line will greatly speed up and increase the quality of our work. Likewise, it’ll allow our current team to better dedicate themselves as full-time developers.
Disclaimer: These figures are our best estimates. It’s possible that we may require further funding.
The idea behind Modular development is double-sided. On the one hand, we’re able to separate the major elements of the game and develop each with care and skill.
Much more importantly for the testers, we hope to make it fun. Each module comes with its own game modes and maps to ensure the testing process is as enjoyable as possible. This will allow us to not only provide a fun game to play, but also a very clinical and sterile environment to run tests, and perfect each module before moving on.
With your help we hope to use this approach to balance on the line, to provide not only a fun testing environment but also a quality game with key feedback and dedication.
The combat in-game feels very fun at the moment. However, there’s still a long way to go. Likewise, it’s missing all the polish such as gore and dismemberment, quality sound effects, and more importantly, it’s using placeholder animations. The dueling module currently starts as a simple FFA server, which we’ve already created. Players will then be able to interface with another dualist to start a 1v1 fight locked from other players. It is absolutely crucial that Renown has a balanced and stable combat system. We hope to provide some fun duels and free for all fights for our players while they provide us with the highly important testing we need.
Given that renown is to be a survival game, we’ll want to perfect how it feels to fight in groups. This module will feature a deathmatch mode, as 2 teams fight to the death. With the inclusion of our amour systems, and new weapons being added we think this should be pretty fun alone. That said it’s also helping us replicate open-world fights between two groups both indoors and outdoors. This will allow us to “stress test” player counts, and work on balance when larger groups of players are involved.
The raiding module is much like it sounds. Initially, we plan on building several “Base” replication maps. With these, we’ll run an epic simulation of what it could be like to raid in renown. This game mode will be round based, 2 teams will start in two opposing identical prebuilt castles, Inside each base, will be a limited amount of weapons, armour and siege equipment. The objective of this mode is to capture the enemy’s banner deep inside their castle. This mode has a wide range of functions to test, and will likely be the longest overall phase of development.
When you think about a survival game, there is a very clear progression. You start with nothing; you then farm items to create gear and a base. Then you fight others and you either survive or lose. We reckon this could be an extremely fun experience. More importantly its testing the most important area of the game, the main survival experience. Once we have settled on the intricacies of how our raiding system will work, we will begin introducing the rest of the survival features. The beauty of this raiding module is that we can effectively test the entire game play loop of the full game of renown in a short game mode.
As previously mentioned, the raiding modules allow us to test the vast majority of renown’s gameplay loop in a contained and re-creatable environment. Once the building system is added, this opens a whole new area of testing. The system is also highly important for overall gameplay, so we want to get it right. This game mode will allow players to create whatever their heart desires without the need of farming resources or fighting. Depending on how well both the raiding and building modules function, the option for allowing players to build their own castles in the leeway period of the raiding mode could be introduced.
There are many tales told of the island. The one we know best is that of The Founding Few. Who were these great people? We know not anymore. All we have is their names, likeness and the story lore has left to us. Of which I shall now tell you.
The Founder
It is said, The Founder came first. No one knows, be it by day or night, or in what age they arrived. All we know, is they lit a beacon that brought a new age of prosperity. The Founder is titled double as such. Not only did they create a mighty empire here, but they literally founded the long passage to the island. Lost then and now again.
Exclusive Founder Crowned Helm & Royal Gown plus all cosmetics from the lower tiers.
Largest Customized Statue in the in game monument is dedicated to you, Personal Engraving
The Founding Council
That said The Founder was not alone in their journey. With their being, came mighty companions. Those who would be remembered as the original Founding Council. We know not what roles they fulfilled, but we do know that their governance and advice lead to a time of great happiness for our people. However, as is it now, it was then. Times are not always happy and grand, our founders had it no different.
Exclusive Councilor Crown & Royal Gown plus all cosmetics from the lower tiers.
Medium Customized Statue in the In Game Monument, Personal Engraving
Champions of the Guard
The Founding Guard were said to be, not only warriors of martial prowess but also diplomats, and skilled leaders in their own right. From this mighty number arose, The Champions of the Guard. We know these few, by their distinctive helm and crest, artefacts of which survive to this day. It’s said the Champions of the Guard were sent as the personal representatives of the council and founder:- Be it to stand strong and inspire those around them in battle, or to calm civil unrest with their pure gravitas alone. The champions’ renown is still felt to this day.
Exclusive GrandHelm Skin, Exclusive Warhammer Skin, Customized Statue plus all cosmetics the lower tiers.
The Founding Guard
In the face of this darkness stood the fearsome Founding Guard. Again, beyond bold names and graven likeness, we know little of these brave warriors’ exploits or martial prowess. We do know however that their grandeur and bravery endured the worst the island could throw at them, and they returned to tell us the tale. For they in turn had a mighty charge, to be a shield to the many heroes and fallen ancestors from this greater age.
Exclusive Guard Bastard Sword plus all cosmetics the lower tiers.
Small Customized Statue in the In Game Monument, Personal Engraving
Heroes of the Wall
Let us speak of that number, some Heroes remembered on the wall. All were brave travelers with a grave to mark their toil. For these hardy folks, much was endured. And from such hardship came an empire which to this day lies in ruins. We do not forget their names, even if their stories and beings are but dust in the rain.
Exclusive Heros Short Sword plus all cosmetics from the lower tiers. ,
Customized Plaque on In game monument
Fallen Founder
The many graves around our shrine, are the last we know of those who once lived here. Their stories forgotten in our time, but still, we ensure those graves shine. Even though we don’t know the tales of those brave travellers, their graves alone are testament to a shining soul.
Fallen Founder Tier – Exclusive Cloak plus all cosmetics from the lower tiers.
Exclusive Sword Skin – To be created,
Customized Gravestone at In game Monument
The Landsknechts
It is said that the name of these folk travelled with them across the sea. One of the stories mentions the Servants of the Land, mighty warriors who fought with great 2 handed blades. It is said they were the original keepers of the law, this being a traditional role. We also have stories of their prowess, and a closeness with the Merchant Guilds of Old. It is thought they acted as their own independent Mercenary guilds, fighting any battle given enough glory and gold. Be it as civil law keepers or blades for hire, one shudders to think of facing such warriors.
The Landsknecht Pack – Exclusive Zweihander Skin plus all cosmetics from the lower tiers.
We know even less about the people we now call the “Highlanders”. A name which has stuck in our people’s minds when so much else is forgotten. We know they split from the colony just after the Great Foundation. Given the brutality of the island, one might consider their fate grim. However stories suggest these brave few not only survived, but thrived. We know their nobles often traveled for discussion and trade with The Founder, Council and Colony. We also know that times were not always good, and more than one war was fought. Between these factors, and their ability to survive, the highlanders have forged their name in our memory.
The Highlander Pack – Exclusive Claymore Skin, plus all cosmetics from the lower tiers.
Followers of Woden
An elusive group of people not known by many, often seen bearing amphibious creatures on their shields and helms. It is said that on the dies mercurii their shrieks can be heard throughout the woods.
Follwers of Woden Pack – Exclusive Frogmouth Helm Skin plus Frog Crest.
The Merchant
We know it’s due to the colony’s Merchant class, that we, the people, owe our current industrial abilities. They formed the first Trade Guilds on the island. They were the first to send expeditions into the untamed wilderness of the island, purely for discovery and profit. They pushed the limits of what this land had to offer. Based on the fact that their best known icon is the Rondel Dagger, we can assume they were also not averse to aggressive negotiations. Those mighty Guilds are now, but distant memories, but their legacy lives on through The Merchants of today.
The Merchant Pack – Exclusive Rondel Dagger Skin plus all cosmetics from the lower tiers.
Loyal Supporter
Loyal Supporter Tier – Runed Axe Skin plus cosmetic from the lower tier.
Steadfast Backer
Steadfast Backer Tier – Eyepatch Skin
Proud Donator
Proud Donator Tier – Exclusive Renown Emblem
See here the Shrine of the Founders. A living icon for all the world’s memory.
The above is a representation of a monument we hope to create for our founding patrons. Above you can see the locations for future statues which we hope to place in reverence. Likewise, statues for the Founder, Council, and Guard will be placed within. The Heros monument can be seen in the middle, in which names will be recorded. The same for the graves, which will be placed around the monument.
Thank you so very much to all those who have decided to support and join us on this amazing journey. Everything you have seen from the four of us at RDBK Studios, is off the backs of our love, passion and drive to create the dream of renown. Any funding we are able to secure will allow us to continue full steam ahead. And with a little bit of luck and help from our fast-growing community we hope to not only continue development but bring in more like-minded passionate members to smash out everything we need to do to make renown in all of its glory.
Thank you again for checking out our project.