A film studio that puts into frame wholesome yet distinctive stories worthy of telling visually.
Hello. My name is Jared T. Davis and I am a devoted husband and father to three beautiful girls. My wife and I agree that our number one priority is to affirm our children of who they are in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ as we raise them. After moving to New York to pursue my passion for dance I discovered I had another passion which was film. I started a film production company in 2011 and I have spent the last decade perfecting my craft. I have co-produced various content with companies such as Comcast, PRG and TED Talks. The content included short films, documentaries, feature films, live broadcast, pilot episodes and more. With that being said, I have started an Indiegogo campaign to raise capital for my film studio RevvedUp Studios. Have you ever watched a movie and had to quickly cover your child’s eyes because of the graphic images on the screen? RevvedUp was birthed to produce wholesome content for the entire family to enjoy regardless of where the content falls on the spectrum of genre. This same content can be streamed on all media platforms which can included but isn’t limited to Amazon Prime and Apple TV. RevvedUp will be a facility leading the way for the next generation of pioneers to blaze their own trail using the fullness of their capabilities. By contributing to this campaign, you will not only help to produce wholesome content for believers and non-believers alike to enjoy but you will be instrumental in contributing to a facility that is giving back to the community. Help us RevvUp every dreamer by passing the baton to the next generation of entrepreneurs of the world.
I am currently seeking $155M (for round numbers) for the initial startup cost. I know that the number can be a bit alarming but constructing a one-of-a-kind production studio is no small feat to tackle. The funds will be going into the construction and development of the entire facility which will include sound stages, backlots, office suites, production vehicles, production equipment, a petroleum station, and more. One off the most important aspects of the facility outside of the studio aspect is RevvedUp University. This university is a unique program designed to develop, train and cultivate the next generation of entrepreneurs. RevvedUp Studios will be modeled after the giants in the industry such as Warner Bros, Paramount, Sony et al. RevvedUp is re-presenting the definition of story telling for all filmmakers alike, this giving way to building a matchless library of content that will Revv it’s viewers up to use their gifts from our Father in Heaven and follow their dreams! If I am able to reach this goal I believe that RevvedUp Studios will be the first of it’s kind and will inspire millions across the world.
As I mentioned earlier, RevvedUp is more than a film studio. RevvedUp is an organization that is centered around gifts, talents, writing, filmmakers and entrepreneurs that want to have global impact. RevvedUp Studios provides that outlet for an individual to express themselves regardless if they are an artist or an entrepreneur. With your contribution to RevvedUp Studios you are not only contributing to the world within your radius but through-out facility, you can also contribute to a world that may be beyond your reach.
Some of the risks and challenges that come with RevvedUp Studios is it being a new film studio. Being in this stage might take some time for our organization to break into the market and be solidified as a production studio. Establishing your name in such a fast-paced environment like the entertainment industry will be our biggest hurdle to overcome as we produce content. The truth is that with the advancement of technology along with the available resources such as Amazon, Hulu, Apple TV and other streaming services, now make it significantly easier for individuals to produce their own content and distribute it to various media platforms.