A fantasy/action/thriller from the creative mind of John Carl Buechler: Take on the powers of Hell to defeat evil here on Earth.

Two young children open the doorway to Hell. Demons are conjured as a hellish entity is released into our world.
Michael Levan, the Twilight Knight is summoned from his retreat in Tibet. Michael must close the threshold to hell or darkness will overtake the world.
Levan and his team encounter infernal creatures of darkness as they attempt to stop the hellish invasion.
A mysterious priest holds the key…
The fabled BOOK OF DOOM, the holy grail of ancient tomes… DORKLORE is missing. And only IT can close the Gateway to Hell and destroy the gathering evil!
In a world now beset with invading demons, Michael is charged with making things right. Only by donning the cursed RING OF THE FALLEN, can he arm himself with the powers of Hell. He SWAPS SOULS WITH A FALLEN ANGEL!
It is a grim battle against the forces of darkness. His immortal soul hangs in the balance. The final confrontation rages down into the bowels of Hell itself!
In the end, only the pure of spirit can win the day. Unfortunately, the ring has corrupted Michael’s soul, yet he must succeed, or we are all doomed!
From the Writer:

RING OF THE FALLEN is conceived as a roller-coaster event movie. Given the recent successes in Fantasy Action films, we anticipate that the film will be highly entertaining and successful.
Utilizing state-of-the-art digital technologies, amazing action, and the finest in special makeup and creature, and visual effects the final product should prove to be spectacular, and history making.
While the movie is an action-packed Fantasy / Action / Thriller, at its core is a character driven screenplay, through which the audience will live vicariously. I believe that RING OF THE FALLEN will become the next great franchise…
About the Writer:
When he ran the make-up effects department at New World Pictures, ‘Roger Corman’ called him “…the best in the business…” Premiere Magazine has quoted John Carl Buechler as saying,” if you can pull a performance out of a piece of latex, you can do it with actors…”
He was the first person in history to make his way into the director’s chair by way of make-up effects superstardom. With over 90 movies, he’s someone who truly goes the entire nine yards. John Carl Buechler has made his name known as an accomplished writer, producer, director and special effects artist. Since his early years, Buechler was filled with a passion for filmmaking and special effects and formed his own company Magical Media Industries, for production and the creation of special effects for a great number of motion pictures in the science fiction and horror/fantasy genre.
As a Writer/Director, in 1986, Buechler brought to the screen his highly successful, and now cult classic film TROLL, which introduced the world to HARRY POTTER JR, a young boy who saved the world from an evil troll wizard (more than a decade before JK Rowling wrote her first book).. His 1988 box office hit FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD, which he not only directed, he also created the eye-popping special effects as well as what many fans and critics agree is THE DIFINITIVE JASON VOORHEES. Buechler’s work in cinematic monster-making is legendary. His amazing design and visual effects artistry has graced the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET film franchise, the HALLOWEEN franchise and multiple other classic horror and visual fantasy films. Although he is known for his fascinating make-up work, as a writer/director, Buechler made his debut on an anthology fantasy film entitled The Dungeonmaster. From here we went on to direct a long list of successful and distinguished motion pictures, and television shows, including: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Cellar Dweller, Ghoulies Go to College, Land of the Lost, Tarzan the Epic Adventures, Watchers Reborn, Ice Crawlers, A Light in the Forest, Curse of the Fortyniner and many others. John’s outstanding visual effects work is featured in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the Ghoulies franchise, HALLOWEEN 4, 6 and H20, Nightmare on Elm Street 4 & 6 and more recently Hatchet franchise Currently Buechler is producing the 3-D animated remake of his cult classic film Troll ; TROLL: THE RISE OF HARRY POTTER JR. in association with UK based SC films International, starring the voice of Academy award winner, Patricia Arquette, with an animated TV series to follow.
About the Production Company:
Officially a Twilight Knights Entertainment, LLC production, Panoramic Productions LLC is working in tandem to raise the development funding needed, and bring everything together for a smooth project progression through completion.
Founded by producer/ venture capitalist/ entrepreneur Marshall Hamilton and writer/director John Carl Buechler, PANORAMIC PRODUCTIONS is a feature film, and television production company with interests in the development of toys, video games, and other licensed merchandising product. Our philosophy is simple; Deliver the best and most imaginative product possible.
Our high concept fantasy/action/ thriller/horror productions tell stories of significance. We seek to create unforgettable moments that remind others of our common humanity–to inspire, encourage, comfort, expose, challenge–and to bear witness in our works to the reality, the beauty, the magic, the excitement and the mystery of life.
We aspire to produce films and television that are a form of art–not merely to entertain, but to provoke emotion and reflection, incite action, and have long- lasting effects on those who experience them.
Call to Action:
The goal listed is the amount of development funding needed to cover legal fees, business travel, and other expenses to contractually lock everything in. Once we have this amount, we will be able to legally access the full film budget and begin working. We really need your help to bridge the gap so the project doesn’t die before ever getting a chance to truly begin. We believe in it, and we look forward to sharing this experience with you (the way John would’ve wanted to), every step of the way.
Thank you in advance for your support.
– Patrick