$126,107 raised out of $100,000

Battle your friends in this fast-paced, easy to learn, yet deeply strategic high fantasy game featuring superbly crafted miniatures.


The Broken Anvil Miniatures Team is proud to present RIVENSTONE, a brand new tabletop miniature skirmish wargame featuring highly detailed miniatures and thrilling tempo-based gameplay!

Our team of veteran artists, designers, and developers have poured their combined decades of experience and heaps of enthusiasm into the creation of Rivenstone over the course of nearly two years, resulting in the game we’ve always wanted to play. Now, we’re bringing it to you—the community we love—to enjoy and experience for yourself.

Rivenstone is an alternating activation, skirmish-style tabletop wargame designed to appeal to players of all experience levels. The rules are easy to understand and play, with loads of strategic depth to explore and experience on the tabletop. Reinforcement mechanics prevent a player from losing to attrition, creating a game focused on tempo based decisions and tactical planning instead.

Shattered Empire Faction Starter Box Hero Model – Grand Adjudicator Belcroft


Want to dive deeper into Rivenstone’s gameplay mechanics? Follow the links below to read our Lead Game Designer Will Hungerford’s extensive write-ups on everything from building your perfect warband to using event decks to shake up your game.

Top: Iron Guard Faction Starter Box Hero Model – Hobart Cragden, Left to Right: Tunnel Fighter, Tunnel Sweeper, and Heavy Operator Muster Units

While demo players have raved about the fast-paced and relentless fun of Rivenstone, it isn’t just a game. It’s an introduction to a fantastic new domain; the world of Venn. Our team at BAM HQ continues to expand Venn every day as we develop future releases, weaving together rich lore and creating compelling characters to connect players to Rivenstone beyond the tabletop.

A selection of concept art from the development of the Jagged Downs, home of the Orrix Faction
A selection of concept art depicting Risen healing altars and rituals

Ready to find your favorite Faction? Click the links below to read more about each one and how they battle their way across the strange lands of Venn.

Wild Faction Legendary Hero Model – Terrestrial Fiend

We want to connect with you! Consider following The BAM Team on any of our socials below and stopping by to say hi. We‘ll be posting info about all the exciting local events, live streams, and more that we have planned during the campaign to celebrate Rivenstone Launch Day and beyond!

Risen Faction Starter Box Hero Model – Lichbane Corum Maelgrave

Hey backers–nominate your local retail store to be part of the Broken Anvil Shipping Hub network, and get them in on the Rivenstone action!

Stores that choose to participate will be listed as a shipping option for our backers in the BackerKit pledge manager. For each backer that opts to ship to a participating B.A.S.H. store, the retailer will receive a wholesale credit towards purchasing Rivenstone products. Backers will receive an ✨EXCLUSIVE B.A.S.H. MYSTERY GIFT✨ in their pledge as a special thank you for their support.   

Help us build a strong foundation to grow the relationship between BAM, retailers, and the community long after the Kickstarter campaign is over! 

Orrix Faction Starter Box Hero Model – Tor the Hunt Master

Our current listed delivery estimate for Rivenstone is JUNE 2023. However, our team is working to deliver long before then! The game has been thoroughly tested and its components are ready to enter production as soon as the campaign closes.

Estimated shipping prices listed below reflect the current cost of 1 ✕ Faction Starter Box pledge as of April 2022 and are subject to change. 

  •  UNITED STATES: $15 – $25
  •  EUROPEAN UNION: $25 – $30
  •  UNITED KINGDOM: $28 – $30
  •  CANADA: $20 – $40
  •  AUSTRALIA/NZ: $30 – $40
  •  REST OF WORLD: $50 – $150

PLEASE NOTE: Any Stretch Goals + Add-ons included in pledge will increase shipping cost. 

Please ensure to review the following information regarding shipping and VAT before committing to pledge for RIVENSTONE :

  • Kickstarter Pledge Tiers DO NOT include any shipping costs or applicable taxes; all such fees will be collected through the BackerKit pledge manager.
  • In compliance with UK and EU law, backers located in these regions are subject to VAT that varies from 17-27%, dependent on country. The VAT rate will be clearly listed and applied in the BackerKit pledge manager before backers are charged. 
  • With the exception of “friendly” shipping regions (Canada, Australia, UK and EU), backers located in all other international destinations are responsible for any local import duties or taxes at time of delivery. 
  • To keep fulfillment fees as low as possible for backers, rewards are currently slated to ship from warehouses located in the US, UK, EU, and Australia. 
  • Any change to international law that incurs additional charges when fulfilling the campaign will be the backer’s responsibility at time of delivery.
  • Rewards returned as “Undeliverable” will be held and our team will attempt to make contact with the backer via email to make new arrangements to ship. Additional shipping fees may be required if the information provided in the pledge manager is incorrect. If contact cannot be made with the backer within 30 days of the item’s return, it will be considered forfeit and disentitle the backer to any refund.
  • Due to current events, Broken Anvil Miniatures does not condone sales of its products in Russia or Belarus. Any rewards purchased from these countries will be cancelled and refunded.

By pledging for RIVENSTONE,  backers acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

Broken Anvil Miniatures reserves the right to 

  • make changes to the function and/or appearance of the items presented during the Kickstarter campaign for the purpose of product improvement.
  • cancel and refund pledges from individuals who engage with Broken Anvil staff in an inappropriate and/or abusive manner on any platform at our discretion. 


  • Backers are solely responsible for providing accurate information required for fulfillment through the BackerKit pledge manager portal. 
  • Backers must  log into the BackerKit pledge manager via email invitation, complete their survey, and pay all required fees during the open period.
  • Any pledges left unconfirmed via survey or with outstanding fees at time of the pledge manager’s closure will be considered forfeit and disentitle backers to any refund.
  • The Broken Anvil Team may, at our discretion, reverse forfeiture on a case by case basis if contacted by affected backers to confirm pledge details and settle fees via email. Contact our team for help at admin@brokenanvilminis.com 


  • All pledges are fully refundable up to 14 days after closure of the Kickstarter campaign. (Ends 12PM PDT, 06/09/2022)
  • After 14 days and before the 45 day mark, only 85% of a pledge’s value may be refunded due to card processing and platform fees. (Runs 12PM PDT, 06/09/2022 – 12PM PDT, 07/10/2022)
  • Refunds requested 45 days after campaign close cannot be granted as manufacturing will be underway. 
  • Should Broken Anvil Miniatures be unable to deliver a reward item for any reason, backers will receive a full refund for the item’s value.


Broken Anvil Miniatures designed the retailer tier to help spread costs out for stores while allowing coverage of production costs. Here’s how it works:

  •  During the Campaign – Retailers commit to a small holding fee of $60. 
  •  Six to eight weeks after closing – Purchase Orders and a deposit equalling 25% of the order total (minus the $60 holding fee) are due at this time. Retailers are entitled to 50% off MSRP, free domestic shipping, and access to the entire Rivenstone line including Kickstarter exclusive content with a minimum order value of $600USD. NOTE: For reference, the MOQ value covers approximately 1 of each available SKU, dependent upon the number of Stretch Goals unlocked by campaign close.  
  •  When product is ready to ship – Balance of the PO is due in full.
  •  Brick and Mortar Retailer Verification Policy: Please note that if verification of a retailer’s “brick and mortar” status cannot be provided after campaign close, the $60 deposit will be considered forfeit. 

Broken Anvil Miniatures is based in the US, therefore all prices listed in this campaign are in USD. Due to constant fluctuation in currency exchange rates, backers not utilizing USD should expect the comparative value of their pledge to fluctuate as well. 

The final exchange rate will lock when Kickstarter charges backers’ cards at the campaign’s close.

RIVENSTONE is trademark of Broken Anvil Miniatures. All related logos and imagery and text are copyright © Broken Anvil Miniatures. All rights reserved.
