SAINT is an independent, raw, earthy film about Spanish Renaissance Saint Teresa of Ávila.
Short Summary
Greetings, Lovers of Independent Movies!
We are ROSARIUM FILMS, and we are in the business of spirited, raw, and triumphant filmmaking!
Our film – SAINT – A TRUE STORY – is an intimate, earthy film about the Spanish Mystic, Saint Teresa of Ávila, a barefoot rebel nun, who is pitted against the formidable one-eyed Princess of Eboli and her friends, the omnipotent Spanish Inquisition.
SAINT is a low-budget independent film that brings together the most collaborative and innovative minds in the industry. It is a 16th century Renaissance history piece lifted out of its stifling context with a stripped, simplistic style. The film will be shot in a timeless place covered in grit and dust, in the spirit of the spaghetti western.
The soundtrack will be contemporary gypsy blended with the ethereal. Music will be composed by Lili Haydn, the Jimi Hendrix of the violin! See Lili Haydn perform on Ted Talks, on our website, www.rosariumfilms.com, and on her own website, www.lilihaydn.com.
What We Need & What You Get
We are looking to raise development funds – $50,000 – to bring on board two exciting independent film producers. These ladies have produced films with actresses like Annette Bening, Saoirse Ronan and Judi Dench, and we are very proud that they see enough worth in SAINT, to develop it into a film. They will run with the money you give us, and produce the best team possible from their network!
Know that, even though our film is an intimate film with no overproduced sets or hundreds of extras, it will be of the highest integrity and quality.
Our friends are all rallying around us to bring their various talents to the perk table. Feast your eyes, and take a pick, or two or three.
But most importantly, it will be SAINT TERESA you will be a part of. Step into her sphere of influence. It is mighty!
The Impact
Why a film about Saint Teresa of Ávila?
As the collective voice of women is starting to rise in the world, we want to contribute to that voice. No-one better than a free-spirited barefoot nun with Godlike passion – to lead an army of nuns to empower themselves, at a time when men dominated and kept women silent.
We need more films about women who are heroes, who are strong, who live fiercely!
Our Backstory
This film has come a long way. It started as a play, called God’s Gypsy, and premiered in Los Angeles to great acclaim and controversy. People loved it or hated it! Why? Because we portrayed this saint as a woman, a human with all her faults, and in all her glory, just as she had documented so prolifically in all her books and in over 17 000 letters!
We visited Georgetown University and lectured and performed our hearts out, making men in our audiences cry with compassion, and women laugh and nod their heads in understanding.
Everyone who saw the play wanted it to become a film.
So, we started the arduous journey into the film world.
It takes a lot of people, talent, skills and money to make a good film. It is extremely difficult, but we persevered. After years of trying to find just the right screenwriter, we at Rosarium Films ended up knowing we had to write the film ourselves. No-one knew as much as we knew about our beloved Saint Teresa!
So, we took a year to write the story – through financial difficulty and with many obstacles in our way. But we persevered. Just as we were about to go into pre-production on our film, the world stopped due to the Corona virus. It gave us time to research the film industry, to polish the script and to plot our plan.
Now, the time is finally here! The film industry has started up again, we have circulated our screenplay, and the response is overwhelmingly positive! Apparently we have gold. But because we are not movie stars, we have to prove that we have an audience backing us on this film.
So, it looks like our film will be made by the people for the people. This film is a women’s film, featuring two female leads, written and produced by a woman, music composed by a woman, and who knows, might also be directed by a woman. And the producers who will run with the funds and gather the rest of the team? Women!
Risks & Challenges
We are lucky to live in Los Angeles where we have befriended many wonderful people in the film industry over the years. We have an excellent creative team assembled. SPIRITED, RAW & TRIUMPHANT is our motto.
We have become experts in risk taking and in facing challenges! Know that we will not rest until SAINT is made, and it will be in 2022. However … we cannot make this film without you!!! Please become a part of our crusade. SHARE our film with everyone you know, por favor!
Our goal is for you to be able to watch SAINT at our Premiere, in a film theater near you, or streamed, wherever you are before the year 2022 is out!
Our Team Members:
Coco Blignaut – Producer, Writer, Actress: I am an accidental producer who would rather act, write or sit under a tree, but I must have SAINT made, so I have thrown myself in – balls to the wall, is what they hear me say everyday. www.rosariumfilms.com
Edison Park – Producer, Writer, Actor: I am ecstatic to be a part of this beautiful and dynamic team. It is either a zen garden or an awesome tempest over here at Rosarium Films, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! www.rosariumfilms.com
Marlé Blignaut – Production Assistant: Hi! I’m Marlé Blignaut. I’m a practical and reliable person. People can depend on me. I’m asked by this team to do all sorts of things, like ironing nun’s habits, being a script reader. Imagine me lying on the ground prompting the lines to the actors. You want it done, I’m your girl! I’m also a qualified barber with a loyal clientele. https://www.instagram.com/barbergirlmillie/
Yvette Blignaut – In-House DJ: Hi, I am abnormally normal but insanely obsessed with music. The 80’s decade rocks, right? I love puns, but I prefer my puns to be intended. I am a professional over thinker which causes me many wasted hours. I am also a money-girl. Never be late, because time is money so don’t mess with mine. Pugs, heck yes!
Yohan de Silva – Graphic Designer: Yohan hails from Kandy, Sri Lanka. He is a workaholic and creates superb images and branding! We are so lucky to have discovered Yohan! Very intuitive, willing, supremely talented, and a must-have at Rosarium Films.
Jolene Thompson – Website Designer: Lover of dogs, beer, beaches, mountains, coffee, being barefoot & not necessarily in that order! Creating truly beautiful websites that are easy to use and accessible to all. I am constantly inspired by my clients, many of whom become friends after the job is done. https://stayrad.co.za
Brandon – Video Editor: Brandon is lightning fast with his work. He amazes us. Pleasant, super flexible, willing, works hard. Like the rest of us here. https://www.fiverr.com/inbox/brandonpromotes