Citax Media plans to create the first ever children’s character for golf.

Welcome to Sandy Trapp…the world’s first ‘Global Golf Character for kids!’ This document provides investors with a unique opportunity to be involved in the first ‘global children’s golf character’ Sandy Trapp. It is evident that golf is a global game and continues to grow. Throughout our research we have established that there is no ‘one’ character that encourages children to play golf or once playing teaches children the complete game of golf, from training, to rules, to etiquette. We feel there is an enormous opportunity to develop and promote a character that is ‘attractive’ to children and promotes the game of golf to the junior market.
Mission : To establish the world’s first global golf character for the junior golf market
Vision : To develop an online golf character that will promote golf to the junior market and encourage those non playing children to take up the game as well as provide training and general golf education to those children already playing via a fun and interacting medium.
Funding : The funding will be in 2 stages, the development stage ($75,000) which will allow us to produce a full pilot/trailer and a complete online presence. Once this has been completed, we will then take the pilot/trailer to market to sell to sporting networks around the world.
The Concept
Sandy Trapp is the name of our hero and the name of a new fully interactive golfing experience for kids. Sandy, the character, wants to become the world’s best golf player. As he learns so do our viewers. The Adventures of Sandy Trapp is a series of stories designed to excite and entice future golf players into the world of golf.
This is done with animation, online games, tablet games, smart phone games and episodes playing on free to air television, you tube and on the Sandy Trapp website.
Sandy and his entourage pass on the joys and frustration of golf in every fun packed episode. The entourage includes his sister Birdie, the dog Wedge, the amazing flying android DIVOT who knows everything there is to know about golf and how to play it. (Divot supplies the entire educational component of the series.) Viewers will also meet Caddie, Duff, Chip, Coach, Billy Bunker and Groundsman to name a few. Future golf playing viewers and kids around the globe will get hooked as Sandy and his friends set off on a journey to become the world’s number 1.

The Background Story
Things have never been the same since Sandy and his sister Birdie found great grandpa’s battered old golf bag in their attic. Hidden between the old trunk and the globe of the world the dusty bag lay there with its mystery load of clubs, balls, weird tees and strange scorecards. Somehow they dragged the bag downstairs to quiz dad about it.
Seems a tall golf player presented great grandpa Trapp with the bag in Africa. He added that it was special and must be looked after. Dad however was more interested in the golf on television than the bag and hinted that he needed to watch the end of the show in peace. While cleaning the bag in the shed Sandy and Birdie investigated the different zippers and pouches. First they found some balls, the tees and the scorecards then they removed the clubs for a clean and polish.
No sooner had they removed the clubs than a strange humming and beeping sound started at the bottom of the bag. The more they cleaned and polished the leather of the bag the louder the hum became.
Then it happened. A bright light beamed into the sky and a very weird UFO type of oversized golf ball floated out of the top of the bag and hovered next to Sandy. The dog (Wedge) went nuts, trying to catch it and eat it, but the UFO ball outmanoeuvred each lunge. After calling the dog off, Sandy discovers the ‘ball’ is called DIVOT and has a mind of its own. It can hover, fly, talk, teach and knows all the rules of golf. It understands all the etiquette of golf and even knows the winners of every tournament ever played. To finish the day they discover the battered old bag is far from what it appears. It works with Divot as its guide and is able to rocket the kids to anywhere. Sandy and Birdie can’t believe their luck but have no idea what golf adventures lie ahead of them and what mysteries they will encounter on their journey
It is planned that with the assistance of Australia’s leading animator and illustrator, we will develop and produce a cartoon character called Sandy Trapp. The idea is to make Sandy the world leader in children’s golf education. The strategy will include a number of platforms such as TV, internet, print media, publications and mobile applications. Mobile applications and the internet will make up a large portion of our roll out program.
We will be inviting golf organisations around the world to adopt Sandy as part of their own internal marketing plan to grow the game of golf via their junior program. This will provide Sandy with enormous exposure and in turn direct traffic to the Sandy Trapp website which will be the ‘portal’ for everything ‘Sandy Trapp’
The website will be the main vehicle used to interact with the junior market. It will be the ‘home’ of Sandy and his friends. It will have tips, rules, golf instruction, webisodes, games and a Sandy Trapp members area where junior players can upload their statistics. There will be even a store, making available Sandy Trapp Junior golf sets, shirts, caps, DVD’s amongst other general merchandise. Via a distributor, Sandy will be sold internationally as a stand alone animated TV series via experienced TV distributor