The Whitehorse Star plans to close May 17. We can change that – with enough community support.
The Problem, The Answer
The Star must change its business model to survive and thrive as an independent, locally-owned newspaper. The key to success is community support – thousands of online subscriptions at a modest price. This creates a solid foundation. Then add donations in support of local journalism, print edition sales revenue, advertising sales revenue for both print and online, and other revenue; together these will make the Star profitable.
If enough funds can be raised in this campaign, Plan A is to again offer to purchase the Whitehorse Star from its owners. If they decline, Plan B is to start a new paper – the Yukon Star – to build on the 125 year history of the newspaper’s legendary role in the Yukon, reporting on events and people. Local journalism is important; Yukoners cherish the Star and want to keep it going.
Both plans are contingent on keeping existing staff, then hiring more. The paper can’t operate without them. If this fundraiser succeeds, jobs can be offered to the laid-off staff, at competitive pay and benefits. If the fundraiser does not succeed and neither Plan A or B work out, your funds will be returned.
What Is Needed & What You Get
The goal is $400,000. Equivalent to 4,444 people subscribing for under $90 a year. More would be better, and make it possible to hire more writers for even more local content.
The deal is this: the Star will have enough writers to deliver excellent local news and information of quality in quantity. It will deliver the content people looking for — on their phones, online and in print — IF there’s enough community support. It’s that simple. And crucial. For those who prefer, there will be a “pay what you can” option to donate and/or subscribe.
A Reinvented Star
See a bold, new concept for a refurbished Star, designed by Yukon-born designer Ben Barrett-Forrest, a former art director for the Globe and Mail.
Design concept for The Yukon Star:
Design concept for the Yukon Star daily email newsletter:
What’s At Stake
Democracy depends on citizens having access to independent, local news from professional journalists and news organizations. One less media outlet in the Yukon will harm our democracy. Help keep local journalism by supporting the Save The Star campaign.
Risks & Challenges
It could get worse: the Yukon might lose both its newspapers. Now that the courts have approved the sale of Black Press to new owners, it’s only a matter of time before they shut down many local newspapers in Canada, putting the Yukon News at risk. There is a serious risk of our community losing both papers. We can avoid that by Saving the Star. Our community has no influence on the decisions of Black Press.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people are not able contribute, but they can help in other ways.
- The most important thing is to discuss this with your friends, family, neighbours, co-workers, colleagues. Share the story and share the link.