Xenite Retreat is a weekend dedicated to embracing your place in the Xenaverse & we need your help.
STRETCH GOAL: $50,000 !!
note: you can find apparrel size guides under “updates”
Xenite Retreat is Looking Death In The Eye
Like all small businesses, the pandemic really took the wind out of our sails (and we had no squid to chew on!). We’re drifting like the Lost Mariner, and we need your help!
Xenite Retreat has been operating on a bare bones budget since inception. Every year we make just enough money to run the retreat, essentially operating on a “paycheck to paycheck” style budget. For four years, we ran a successful business this way, taking no more than we needed in order to deliver a wonderful Xena: Warrior Princess themed event for our incredible retreaters. Then the pandemic hit and we had to postpone the fifth annual Xenite Retreat. Suddenly, funds that were allocated for a single retreat were required for business operating costs for the next three years.
Small businesses around the world are In Sickness and In Hell, as we deal with the financial stress pushed upon us by the 2020 pandemic shut downs… and 2021 was like Deja Vu All Over Again.
We’re heading into 2022 and the fifth annual Xenite Retreat is FINALLY right around the corner, but we need your help to make it happen.
Instead of asking for donations, we’re offering some amazing, never-to-be-seen-again merch in return for your support. It would mean so much to the Xenite Retreat community if you would consider supporting us through this Tsunami.
Your support of this campaign is our Lifeblood. Help us raise A Fistful Of Dinars so Xenite Retreat can live on! Alright, alright, we’re done with the Punch Lines. Please help us – we’re A Friend In Need, and it’s for The Greater Good.
(Did we go too far? We went too far, didn’t we? It was the AFIN reference that did it, wasn’t it?)
What We Need
There are annual costs that make up a portion of the retreat budget for one year. Costs such as insurance, business administration, bank fees, web applications & marketing, logistics & storage, etc. The 2020 budget has had to stretch to cover these costs for three years.
This has been possible to achieve because some of the funds that were reserved for costs associated with the running of the retreat weekend (eg: facility, meals & accommodation, activities/events) were re-allocated to cover the above expenses. As the 2022 retreat approaches, these expenses will now need to be covered, and that is why we are crowdfunding.
What You Get
As fans, we know what awesome merch is. We’ve created some incredible, never-before-seen designs that every hardcore nutball will appreciate. Not just designs though; there’s a treasure trove of items that have never existed… until now! We also have the support of some of the cast and crew from Xena who are offering some unique experiences!
If we don’t reach our entire goal, the funds raised will still go towards the cost of running Xenite Retreat.
Why This Is So Important
Xena: Warrior Princess has been off air for over twenty years. Xenite Retreat is the only annual event dedicated to celebrating this incredible show. We have created a space for the Xenite Community to gather together and embrace the very essence of fandom, continuing the Legacy of the Warrior Princess and the Battling Bard for future generations.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help:
- Help us spread the word by sharing our campaign on social media!
- Drop hints to your favorite loved ones to buy you some of our perks as presents!
- Post to your blog, vlog, podcast, or write it in a scroll and shout it to the world!
- Tag us if you share us so we can give you a shout out! @XeniteRetreat
See Some Of The Perks Close Up
We’re in LOVE with this hoodie and so delighted to offer it as a perk in this campaign. We will never sell this again – once it sells out, it’s gone forever. So if you love it as much as we do, please back a perk that includes this hoodie ASAP before you miss out! BONUS CHALLENGE INCLUDED WITH EVERY HOODIE!!
Important note: the above image is a digital mockup, and the final product may vary.
This item is included in the following perk levels: Takes One To Know One, The Dirty Half Dozen, The Key To The Kingdom.
This is the shirt of a true Xena fan, right? The iconic silhouette of Xena, Gabrielle and Argo to represent the journey our heroes went on, and the “Eat, Sleep, Xena, Repeat” text represents the journey we as fans went on. A must for the wardrobe of a hardcore nutball!
Important note: the above image is a digital mockup, and the final product may vary.
This item is included in the following perk levels: Been There, Done That, The Dirty Half Dozen, The Key To The Kingdom.
BEYOND OBSESSED with this intricate water bottle! The more you look at it, the more you see! This image only shows a portion the detailed doodles that cover this aluminum water bottle and take us on a journey through the entire XWP series. What can you spot? Gabrielle’s solstice lamb, the ADITL Frying pan, Saba’s mask, the Helmet of Hermes, Celesta’s candle, classic weapons, nutbread, and more. You’ll be impressed with how many props we managed to fit onto this bottle. Kaltaka is King!
Important note: the above image is a digital mockup, and the final product may vary.
This item is included in the following perk levels: Back In The Bottle, The Key To The Kingdom.
Flipping without a staff, and skateboarding. These are two things that require safety gear, patience, and lots of practice! The skateboard above is the only one in existence, and if you pick the Chariots Of War perk, you’ll have a unique deck of your own. Designed with your choice of character and color, you also get to choose if you want the deck to hang on your wall as a piece of art, or to be delivered with the full set-up (grip-tape, trucks, and wheels). One of the coolest and unique pieces of XWP merch to ever exist, you’ll be one of only ten Xenites to say you own one!
This item is included in the following perk levels: Chariots Of War.
Xenite artist Sam Silva spent over 70 hours illustrating this rich and gritty poster with some of our favorite heroes and villains from Xena: Warrior Princess. We are showing an unfinished image of the poster to curb the potential for art theft of the finished product.
This item is included in the following perk levels: Forget Me Not, The Dirty Half Dozen, The Key To The Kingdom.