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Fully equipped at-home Science Kits designed to introduce children to science and technology with fun, engaging, hands on experiments.


We are passionate about engaging children in Science and Technology.

Children spend so much time on their smart phones and video games that parents often worry about its impact on their development. Children need to develop their sense of curiosity and creativity and to grow their analytical capabilities. We believe that learning about science and scientific methods help them do that. 

Science education is often academic and unappealing to children. We need creative ways to draw them in to the fascinating world of science. Our easy-to-use kits  are designed to make learning about science fun again, so children can explore a whole  new world of possibilities.

The Scisizz At-home Science Kit contains everything required to do more than 50 hands on experiments at home, and has been designed over a number of years by two dedicated and accomplished scientists.

All of the hands on experiments in our kits are designed kindle the curiosity of children in the world around them. Every experiment will entice them to explore science and prepare for study and life in a technology driven world. 

Electricity from Lemons

Many interesting and educational hands on experiments can be done with materials adapted from found around the home. But you do need some key pieces of equipment. 

The Water Rocket Experiment

Every kit includes all the essential pieces of equipment or materials that may not be found in the home, so that every experiment is self-contained, as well as some of the basic equipment required for a home laboratory.  There are a number of entertaining self-build kits to demonstrate concepts like alternative energy sources, the effects of magnetism, hydraulic pressure, electricity and many more. 

Experiments are Both Fun and Educational

The package includes everything required to get children started right away. The experiments and the supporting package are designed for the 8-14 year age group.

Some guidance from adults is recommended, for safety, but no science background is required. There is comprehensive information, including a handbook and on-line resources including instructional videos and an interactive forum to exchange ideas and experiences.

Preparing Growing Media

The instructions and guides are prepared by qualified, well-experienced scientists, and encourage proper laboratory practice. Children learn to think and act with discipline, as part of the process.    

The Kit is comprehensive. Materials equipment and instructions for more than 50 hands-on experiments and demonstrations are included.

The Scisizz At Home Science Kit

The Scisizz Kit has been designed so that children who develop an interest will be able to set up their own home laboratory. There are many items of basic equipment that can be re-used many times and many of the demonstration kits are also designed to be used repeatedly. 

The accompanying e-book and on-line instructions provide step-by-step instructions and also explains why these experiments are important, how everything works, the key lessons to learn and how to take things further.

 The experiments do more than demonstrate principles of science. 

They help stimulate the minds of children and develop their analytical and creative thinking. The instructions emphasize correct laboratory procedures and a systematic approach throughout.  Children are naturally inquisitive about the world surrounding them. The Scisizz At-home Science Kit is designed to support that curiosity by helping them learn for themselves, by actually doing and seeing. 

Learn experimental methods

Prepare for a technology driven future. 

An understanding of science will be increasingly important in what is being called the fourth Industrial Revolution. Not that everyone will be a scientist or engineer, but scientific training contributes to our ability to learn independently & fosters greater creative and analytical thinking. 

Scisizz is committed to helping children to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to contribute to and harness  these life changing technologies in near the future.

It is not just a Kit. 

The Scisizz e-book In addition to the instructions and protocols methods for each experiment, also explains some of the science background, so that children can follow up and explore further.

Membership of the SciSizz Club provides access to a range of instructional videos and on-line updates that will ensure that children stay engaged. It will provides a whole range of additional resources, such as news of upcoming events, new products, and interactive forums. Our regularly monitored forums are the perfect place to exchange new ideas and interesting information with the help of qualified scientists as a mentor. 

We also plan to run competitions and events where children can work with peers and earn recognition working through several levels of Scisizz Scientist Awards.

Build your own mini Home Laboratory 

As children work your their way through the experiments they will build up a great collection of experimental devices, models and other equipment for a mini home laboratory. They can build on these foundations to work on these and other science experiments as many times as they like. Children will have the opportunity to modify and build on the experiments presented in the e-book and the on-line resources.

We want you to enjoy the benefits of the Kit for a long time.

Our Founders bring a combination of strong backgrounds in the technical science and technology teaching and research, as well broad ranging corporate experience. They are committed to science education and have worked hard on this project which attempts to bring fun into learning.

Sunil Ratnayake has devoted his entire career to scientific research in Australia, Japan, Sweden and New Zealand. He has a Masters degree in Food Science & Technology and a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He has extensive experience as a research scientist in several world class institutions including University of Melbourne, Australia, where he has worked on several projects with strong applications in industry. In addition to his research experience, he has trained on Curriculum Development and Teaching Methodology at Gotebourgs University in Sweden.

Ravi Corea has a background in Electronics and Computer Science, with a Masters in Computer Science and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the Universities of Cambridge and Newcastle, in the UK. He spent many years in University teaching and research in computer science before moving to a global consulting firm, working with a range of industries on practical, innovative applications of information technology. He has spent the past several years consulting to International Development agencies such as the World Bank, working on projects in a range of developing countries in Asia, the Pacific and Africa. 
